Dr. Marten Winter

Leiter von sDiv & Ansprechpartner Chancengleichheit (EOC-Komitee)

Research interests



Check my Twitter profile for a snap shot of the things which I'd like to talk/inform about in my daily life: https://twitter.com/sMarten_Winter

As head of sDiv I'm overseeing the research program in the synthesis centre here at iDiv. I'm closely working with the sDiv board developing new funding ideas and collaboration strategies.
As scientist, I'm together with the great Postdoc Lirong Cai we form the Macroecology of Plant Invasion group (of two ;O) and are interested in different aspects (theory, diversity patterns and what drives them, functional & phylogenetic diversity etc) of plant invasions across different spatial scales. We (Matthias!) developing workflows to do macroecological work more efficient, data gaps and how to fill them. We also work on general topics how different research communities should work closer together to tackle the grand challenges.

Generally I'm a wildlife ecologist in macroecologists clothing with a species invasion cap and a macroevolutionary hanky who worked the last years also with plants.

But  I'm also a science manager who sees huge potential to improve the links between research(ers) & administration & regulations supporting both (e.g. one of my pet topics is the German law how to pay ppl who were on stipends before -> not fair compared to  colleagues not on stipend but doing teh same job). Due to my Synthesis Centre job I got also very much interested how to measure research impact and how science itself evolves. This includes the publication processes and how young researchers can be more visible and play a role in the science-policy arena etc.

Projects I'm involved in:

  • sMon (one of four PI's; strategic project of iDiv) - unique project on biodiversity trends in Germany, bringing together representatives of all! 16 German federal states, relevant agencies, NGO's and taxonomic experts. Huge Fun!!
  • GloNAF (Global Naturalized Alien Flora) glonaf.org - one of the most vibrant & coolest research project I'm involved in (one of 8 PIs and founding member)
  • sTWIST Global Alien Species Indicators (sDiv synthesis group; one of two PIs, together with the wonderful Melodie McGeoch and a great team!)

Some recent past projects:

  • iADIDAS (improving Alien species Distribution knowledge by Integrating Data Across Scales) - Cadu Arle was the wonderful PhD student in this project, which I was co-supervising together with the main iDiv supervisor Carsten Meyer
  • Naturalization Conundrum rEvisited (DANCE) – Darwin meets omics (PI: Sylvia Haider, MLU; Postdoc Andrea Galman, I'm a Co-PI)


My particular research interests in the last years were:

  • Macroecology, macroevolution, biogeography, invasion biology, niche dynamics, biodiversity pattern
  • Effects of global change on taxonomical, evolutionary and functional compositions of communities and its implications for ecosystem functioning
  • Integration of evolutionary information diversity into nature conservation
  • Observed effects of climate change
  • Metrics of measuring bidoiversity, in particular phylogenetic diversity
  • Biodiversity monitoring
  • Ecology and distribution of the North American Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
  • Soil ecology in particular alien microbes

I like to inform the public about the important questions and answers, we work on and love to tell stories how relevant (and often worrysome) our daily life for biodiversity on our planet is. For example: ALIENS ARE EVERYWHERE - check my TEDx talk about it: tiny.cc/aliens


Curriculum vitae


Scientific career

  • 1998 - 01/2005 Biology at Martin-Luther-University Halle/Wittenberg
  • 2000 - 3 month research stay in South Africa
  • 2002 - 3 month zoological research expedition through Mongolia
  • 02/2005-12/2008 Ph.D thesis "Aspects of biotic homogenization - from regional to global scales" with Ingolf Kühn (UFZ) & Ecology of Prof. Wolfgang Nentwig (University of Bern)
  • 02/2009-05/2009 PostDoc within the project Federal Agency of Nature Protection "Effects of climate change on German fauna"
  • PostDoc within the project Pratique "ENHANCEMENTS OF PEST RISK ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES" in the team of Sven Bacher (University of Fribourg; CH)
  • 02/2010-02/2013 PostDoc at community ecology department (UFZ) in various projects (1) Monitoring of climate change effects on biodiversity in the federal state of Saxony; (2) Effects of habitat fragmentation on Wild Cats; (3) Chapter Scientist of IPCC CLA Josef Settele (WG II, CH 04: “Terrestrial and freshwater systems")
  • since 12/2012 scientific coordinator of the iDiv Synthesis Centre sDiv

My google scholar profile

All Publications


Submitted/in Review

  • Tucker, C., Cadotte, M., Carvalho, S., Davies, J., Ferrier, S., Fritz, S., Grenyer, R., Helmus, M., Jin, L., Mooers, A., Pavoine, S., Purschke, O., Redding, D., Rosauer, D., Winter, M., Mazel, F.: Unifying phylogenetic metrics for conservation, community ecology and macroecology, Biological Reviews (under review)
  • Schulte-Uebbing, L., Hansen, G., Hernández, A., Winter, M.: Chapter Scientists in the IPCC AR5 - Experience and Lessons Learned, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (under review)
  • Yguel, B., Jactel, H., Pearse, I., Moen, D., Winter, M., Hortal, J., Helmus, M., Kühn, I., Pavoine, S., Purschke, O., Weiher, E., Violle, C., Ozinga, W., Braendle M., Bartish I., Prinzing, A.: Beyond phylogenetic diversity: Evolutionary history characterizes species communities and helps predict their productivity,  Ecology Letters (under review)
  • Baron J. et al [among them Winter, M.]: Synthesis Centers as Essential Infrastructure for the Earth and Life Sciences. BioScience (under review)
  • Seppelt, R. et al: Harmonizing biodiversity preservation and productivity to meet increasing demands on landscapes, Bioscience (under review)
  • Dellinger, A. et al [among them Winter, M.]: Niche dynamics of alien species do not differ among sexual and apomictic flowering plants, Global Ecology and Biogeography (under review)
  • van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Weber, E., Winter, M. et al.: Alien plants in the Anthropocene: exchange and accumulation of species around the world, Nature (Submitted ;O)


Accepted/published publications


  • Seebens, H., Essl, F., Dawson, W., Fuentes, N., Moser, D., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Weber, E., Winter, M., Blasius, B.: Global trade will accelerate plant invasions in emerging economies under climate change, Global Change Biology, accepted
  • Lososová, Z., Šmarda, P., Chytry, M., Purschke, O., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Tichý, L., Winter, M.: Phylogenetic structure of plant communities reflects habitat age on the geological time scale, Journal of Vegetation Science, here
  • Hulme et al (among them Winter, M): Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain. comment in PNAS to Thomas et al., see here
  • Lososová, Z., de Bello, F., Chytrý, M., Kühn, I., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Winter, M., Zelený, D.: Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered communities and cause their even stronger clustering, Global Ecology and Biogeography, here
  • Kumschick, S., Gaertner, M., Vilà, M., Essl, F., Jeschke, J.M., Pyšek, P. et al., Winter, M.: (2014). Ecological Impacts of Alien Species: Quantification, Scope, Caveats, and Recommendations. Bioscience. here
  • Gerhold, P., Cahill, J.C. Jr, Winter, M., Bartish, I.V., Prinzing, A.: Phylogeny is not a proxy for community assembly (it is far better), Functional Ecology, here


  • Blackburn, T.M.; Essl, F.; Evans, T.; Hulme, P.E.; Jeschke, J.M.; Kühn, I.; Kumschick, S.; Marková, Z.; Mrugała, A.; Nentwig, W.; Pergl, J.; Pyšek, P.; Rabitsch, W.; Ricciardi, A.; Richardson, D.M.; Sendek, A.; Vilà, M.; Wilson, J.R.U.; Winter, M.; Genovesi, P.; Bacher, S.: A Unified Classification of Alien Species Based on the Magnitude of their Environmental Impacts. PLoS Biology (in press).
  • Jeschke, J.M.; Bacher, S.; Blackburn, T.M.; Dick, J.T.A.; Essl, F.; Evans, T.; Gaertner, M.; Hulme, P.E.; Kühn, I.; Mrugała, A.; Pergl, J.; Pyšek, P.; Rabitsch, W.; Ricciardi, A.; Richardson, D.M.; Sendek, A.; Vilà, M.; Winter, M.; Kumschick, S.: Defining the impact of non-native species: resolving disparity through greater clarity. Conservation Biology (in press).
  • La Sorte, F., M. Aronson, N. Williams, B. Clackson, L. Celesti Grapow, S. Cilliers, R. Dolan, A. Hipp, S. Klotz, I. Kühn, P. Pyšek, S. Siebert, M. Winter. 2014: Beta diversity of urban floras among European and non-European cities. Global Ecology and Biogeography. (in press)
  • Aronson, M.F.J., La Sorte, F.A., Nilon, C.H., Katti, M., Goddard, M.A., Lepczyk, C.A., Warren, P.S., Williams, N.S.G., Cilliers, S., Clarkson, B., Dobbs, C., Dolan, R., Hedblom, M., Klotz, S., Kooijmans, J.L., Kühn, I., MacGregor-Fors, I., McDonnell, M., Mörtberg, U., Pyšek, P., Siebert, S., Sushinsky, J., Werner, P. & Winter, M. (2014) A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281.Community Choice in Nature; (Altmetric) (see some media responses BBC; National Geographic Education Blog; Scientific American Podcast; ScienceDaily)
  • C. Beckstein and S. Böcker and M. Bogdan and H. Bruelheide, H. M. Bücker and J. Denzler and P. Dittrich and I. Grosse and A. Hinneburg and B. König-Ries and F. Löffler and M. Marz and M. Müller-Hannemann and M. Winter and W. Zimmermann.  Explorative analysis of heterogeneous, unstructured, and uncertain data: A computer science perspective on biodiversity research. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2014, Vienna, Austria, August 29--31, 2014, pages 251-257.


  • Winter, M., Devictor, V., and Schweiger, O., 2013: Phylogenetic diversity and nature conservation: where are we? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 28(4), 199-204.
  • O. Purschke, B. Schmid, M. T. Sykes, P. Poschlod, S. Michalski, W.Durka, I. Kühn, M. Winter, H. C. Prentice, 2013: Contrasting changes in taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity during secondary grassland succession. Journal of Ecology. in press
  • Dawson, W., Keser, L., Winter, M., Pyšek, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Fuentes, N., Chytrý, M., Celesti-Grapow, L., and van Kleunen, M., 2013: Correlations between global and regional measures of invasiveness vary with region size. NeoBiota, 16(0), 59-80.
  • Essl, F., Moser, D., Dirnböck, T., Dullinger, S., Milasowszky, N., Winter, M. et al., 2013: Native, alien, endemic, threatened, and extinct species diversity in European countries. Biological Conservation, 164, 90-97.


  • Essl, F, Winter, M., Pyšek, P. (2012): Biodiversity: Trade threat could be even more dire. Nature 487: 39. (correspondence)
  • Hulme, P.E., Pyšek, P., Winter, M. (2012): Biosecurity on Thin Ice in Antarctica. Science 336: 1101-1102. (letter)
  • Beck, J, Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Buchmann, C., Dengler, J., Fritz, S. A., Gruber, B., Hof, C., Jansen, F., Knapp, S., Kreft, H., Schneider, A.-K., Winter, M., Dormann, C. F. (2012): What’s on the horizon of macroecology?Ecography 35 (8): 673-683


  • Rolland, J., Cadotte, M. W., Davies, J., Devictor, V., Lavergne, S., Mouquet, N., Pavoine, S., Rodrigues, A., Thuiller, W., Turcati, L., Winter, M., Zupan, L., Jabot, F. & Morlon, H. (2011): Using phylogenies in conservation: new perspectives. Biology Letters.
  • Stohlgren, T., Pyšek, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Pauchard, A., Winter, M., Pino, J., Richardson, D., Wilson, J., Murray, B., Phillips, M., Ming-yang, L., Celesti-Grapow, L. & Font, X. (2011): Widespread plant species: natives versus aliens in our changing world. Biological Invasions 13 (9): 1931-1944.
  • Hulme, M., Mahony, M., Beck, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Hauck, J., Nesshöver, C., Paulsch, A., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Böschen, S., Bridgewater, P., Diaw, M. C., Fabre, P., Figueroa, A., Heong, K. L., Korn, H., Leemans, R., Lövbrand, E., Hamid, M. N., Monfreda, C., Pielke, R., Settele, J., Winter, M., Vadrot, A. B. M., van den Hove, S. & van der Sluijs, J. P. (2011): Science-Policy Interface: Beyond Assessments. Science 333: 697-698. (letter)
  • Winter, M., Schweiger, O. (2011): Ecosystem rates of transformation matter. Science 333: 936-937. (letter)

2010 and earlier

  • Winter, M., Kühn, I., LaSorte, F., Schweiger, O., Nentwig, W., Klotz, S. (2010): The role of non-native plants and vertebrates in defining patterns of compositional dissimilarity within and across continents. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19 (3): 332-342.
  • Winter, M. , Schweiger, O., Nentwig, W., Andriopoulos, P., Arianoutsou, M., Basnou, C., Delipetrou, P., Didziulis, V., Hejda, M., Hulme, P.E., Lambdon, P., Pergl, P., Pysek, P., Roy, D., Kühn, I.: Plant extinctions and introductions lead to phylogenetic and taxonomic homogenization of the European flora. PNAS 106 (51): 21721-21725. Recommended by Faculty1000, Editors Choice Am.J.Bot.
  • Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V., Hulme, P.E., Kühn, I., Wild, J., Arianoutsou, M., Bacher, S., Chiron, F., Didžiulis, V., Essl, F., Genovesi, P., Gherardi, F., Hejda, M., Kark, S., Lambdon, P.W., Desprez-Loustau, A.-M., Nentwig, W., Pergl, J., Poboljšaj, K., Rabitsch, W., Roques, A., Roy D.B., Solarz, W., Vilà, M. & Winter M. (2010): Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions. PNAS 107 (27): 12157-12162.
  • Schweiger, O.; Biesmeijer, J.; Bommarco, R.; Hickler, T.; Hulme, P.; Klotz, S.; Kühn, I.; Moora, M.; Nielsen, A.; Ohlemüller, R.; Petanidou, T.; Potts, S.; Pysek, P.; Stout, J.; Sykes, M.; Tscheulin, T.; Vila, M.; Wather, G.-R.; Westphal, C.; Winter, M.; Zobel, M.; Settele, J. (2010): Multiple stressors on biotic interactions: climate change and alien species affect pollination in concert. Biological Reviews 85 (24): 777-795.
  • Vilà, M., Basnou, C., Pyšek, P., Josefsson, M., Genovesi, P., Gollasch, S., Nentwig, W., Olenin, S., Roques, A., Roy, D., Hulme, P.E., DAISIE partners [among them Winter, M] (2010): How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European cross-taxa assessment. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (3): 135-144.
  • Dormann, C.F., Gruber, B, Winter, M., Herrmann, D. (2009): Evolution of climate niches in European mammals? Biology Letters 6 (2): 229-232.
  • Lambdon, P.W., Pyšek, P., Basnou, C., Hejda, M., Arianoutsou, M., Essl, F., Jarošík, V., Pergl, J., Winter, M., Anastasiu, P., Andriopoulos, P., Bazos, I., Brundu, G., Celesti-Grapow, L., Chassot, P., Delipetrou, P., Josefsson, M., Kark, S., Klotz, S.,Kokkoris, Y., Kühn, I., Marchante, H., Perglová, I., Pino, J., Vilà, M., Zikos, A., Roy, D. & Hulme, P. E. (2008): Alien flora of Europe: species diversity, temporal trends, geographical patterns and research needs. Preslia 80: 101–149.
  • Winter, M., Kühn, I., Nentwig, W., Klotz, S (2008): Spatial aspects of trait homogenization within the German Flora. Journal of Biogeography 35 (12): 2289-2297.


Books/Book chapters/Reports

  • Settele, J., Scholes, R., Betts, R., Bunn, S.E., Leadley, P., Nepstad, D. et al. (& contributing authors, among them Winter, M.) (2014): Terrestrial and inland water systems. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (eds. Field, CB, Barros, VR, Dokken, DJ, Mach, KJ, Mastrandrea, MD, Bilir, TE et al.). Cambridge University Press Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. XXX-YYY.
  • Wiemers, M., Musche, M., Striese, M., Kühn, I., Winter, M. & Denner, M. (2013). Monitoring Klimawandel und Biodiversität - Konzeption. In: Schriftenreihe Freiberg (Sachsen) p. 165. [Concept of a Climate Change Biodiversity Monitoring for Saxony]
  • Winter, M., Musche, M., Striese, M. & Kühn, I. (2013). Monitoring Klimawandel und Biodiversität - Grundlagen. In: Schriftenreihe. Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie Freiberg (Sachsen), p. 159. [Foundation for a Climate Change Bioidversity Monitoring]
  • Stohlgren, T., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Pauchard, A., Winter, M., Pino, J. et al., 2013: Globalization effects on common plant species. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Academic Press Elsevier.
  • Schweiger, O., Essl, F., Kruess, A., Rabitsch, W., Winter, M. (2013): 3.4 Erste Änderungen in ökologischen Beziehungen - Klimawandeleffekte heute. in: Biodiversität und Klimawandel (Essl, F, Rabitsch, W. Hrsg.). Springer Verlag, pp. 75-85
  • Rabitsch, W., Winter, M., Kühn, E., Kühn, I., Essl, F. & Gruttke, H. (2010): Auswirkungen des rezenten Klimawandels auf die Fauna in Deutschland. [Effects of Climate Change on the fauna in Germany] BfN-Skript 98,268 p.
  • Pyšek, P., Lambdon, P.W., Arianoutsou, M., Kühn, I., Pino J., Winter, M. (2009): Alien Vascular Plants of Europe. In: Handbook of Alien species in Europe. pp. 43-62, Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Kauhala, K & Winter, M (2009): Nyctereutes procyonoides. In: Handbook of Alien species in Europe. p. 365, Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Winter, M (2009): Procyon lotor. In: Handbook of Alien species in Europe. p. 368, Springer.



Liu, Daijun, Essl, Franz, Lenzner, Bernd, Moser, Dietmar, Semenchuk, Philipp, Blackburn, Tim M., Cassey, Phillip, Biancolini, Dino, Capinha, César, Dawson, Wayne, Dyer, Ellie E., Guénard, Benoit, Economo, Evan P., Kreft, Holger, Pergl, Jan, Pyšek, Petr, van Kleunen, Mark, Rondinini, Carlo, Seebens, Hanno, Weigelt, Patrick, Winter, Marten, Purvis, Andy, Dullinger, Stefan

(2024): Regional invasion history and land use shape the prevalence of non-native species in local assemblages. Global Change Biology

Schertler, Anna, Lenzner, Bernd, Dullinger, Stefan, Moser, Dietmar, Bufford, Jennifer L., Ghelardini, Luisa, Santini, Alberto, Capinha, César, Monteiro, Miguel, Reino, Luís, Wingfield, Michael J., Seebens, Hanno, Thines, Marco, Dawson, Wayne, van Kleunen, Mark, Kreft, Holger, Pergl, Jan, Pyšek, Petr, Weigelt, Patrick, Winter, Marten, Essl, Franz

(2023): Biogeography and global flows of 100 major alien fungal and fungus-like oomycete pathogens. Journal of Biogeography

Cai, Lirong, Kreft, Holger, Taylor, Amanda, Schrader, Julian, Dawson, Wayne, Essl, Franz, van Kleunen, Mark, Pergl, Jan, Pyšek, Petr, Winter, Marten, Weigelt, Patrick

(2023): Climatic stability and geological history shape global centers of neo- and paleoendemism in seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

McGeoch, Melodie A., Buba, Yehezkel, Arlé, Eduardo, Belmaker, Jonathan, Clarke, David A., Jetz, Walter, Li, Richard, Seebens, Hanno, Essl, Franz, Groom, Quentin, García-Berthou, Emili, Lenzner, Bernd, Meyer, Carsten, Vicente, Joana R., Wilson, John R. U., Winter, Marten

(2023): Invasion trends: An interpretable measure of change is needed to support policy targets. Conservation Letters

Halpern, B. S., Boettiger, C., Dietze, M. C., Gephart, J. A., Gonzalez, P., Grimm, N. B., Groffman, P. M., Gurevitch, J., Hobbie, S. E., Komatsu, K. J., Kroeker, K. J., Lahr, H. J., Lodge, D. M., Lortie, C. J., Lowndes, J. S. S., Micheli, F., Possingham, H. P., Ruckelshaus, M. H., Scarborough, C., Wood, C. L., Wu, G. C., Aoyama, L., Arroyo, E. E., Bahlai, C. A., Beller, E. E., Blake, R. E., Bork, K. S., Branch, T. A., Brown, N. E. M., Brun, J., Bruna, E. M., Buckley, L. B., Burnett, J. L., Castorani, M. C. N., Cheng, S. H., Cohen, S. C., Couture, J. L., Crowder, L. B., Dee, L. E., Dias, A. S., Diaz-Maroto, I. J., Downs, M. R., Dudney, J. C., Ellis, E. C., Emery, K. A., Eurich, J. G., Ferriss, B. E., Fredston, A., Furukawa, H., Gagné, S. A., Garlick, S. R., Garroway, C. J., Gaynor, K. M., González, A. L., Grames, E. M., Guy-Haim, T., Hackett, E., Hallett, L. M., Harms, T. K., Haulsee, D. E., Haynes, K. J., Hazen, E. L., Jarvis, R. M., Jones, K., Kandlikar, G. S., Kincaid, D. W., Knope, M. L., Koirala, A., Kolasa, J., Kominoski, J. S., Koricheva, J., Lancaster, L. T., Lawlor, J. A., Lowman, H. E., Muller-Karger, F. E., Norman, K. E. A., Nourn, N., O'Hara, C. C., Ou, S. X., Padilla-Gamino, J. L., Pappalardo, P., Peek, R. A., Pelletier, D., Plont, S., Ponisio, L. C., Portales-Reyes, C., Provete, D. B., Raes, E. J., Ramirez-Reyes, C., Ramos, I., Record, S., Richardson, A. J., Salguero-Gómez, R., Satterthwaite, E. V., Schmidt, C., Schwartz, A. J., See, C. R., Shea, B. D., Smith, R. S., Sokol, E. R., Solomon, C. T., Spanbauer, T., Stefanoudis, P. V., Sterner, B. W., Sudbrack, V., Tonkin, J. D., Townes, A. R., Valle, M., Walter, J. A., Wheeler, K. I., Wieder, W. R., Williams, D. R., Winter, M., Winterova, B., Woodall, L. C., Wymore, A. S., Youngflesh, C.

(2023): Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere

Pyšek, Petr, Lučanová, Magdalena, Dawson, Wayne, Essl, Franz, Kreft, Holger, Leitch, Ilia J., Lenzner, Bernd, Meyerson, Laura A., Pergl, Jan, van Kleunen, Mark, Weigelt, Patrick, Winter, Marten, Guo, Wen-Yong

(2023): Small genome size and variation in ploidy levels support the naturalization of vascular plants but constrain their invasive spread. New Phytologist

Schellenberger Costa, David, Boehnisch, Gerhard, Freiberg, Martin, Govaerts, Rafaël, Grenié, Matthias, Hassler, Michael, Kattge, Jens, Muellner-Riehl, Alexandra N., Rojas Andrés, Blanca M., Winter, Marten, Watson, Mark, Zizka, Alexander, Wirth, Christian

(2023): The big four of plant taxonomy – a comparison of global checklists of vascular plant names. New Phytologist

Liu, Daijun, Semenchuk, Philipp, Essl, Franz, Lenzner, Bernd, Moser, Dietmar, Blackburn, Tim M., Cassey, Phillip, Biancolini, Dino, Capinha, César, Dawson, Wayne, Dyer, Ellie E., Guénard, Benoit, Economo, Evan P., Kreft, Holger, Pergl, Jan, Pyšek, Petr, van Kleunen, Mark, Nentwig, Wolfgang, Rondinini, Carlo, Seebens, Hanno, Weigelt, Patrick, Winter, Marten, Purvis, Andy, Dullinger, Stefan

(2023): The impact of land use on non-native species incidence and number in local assemblages worldwide. Nature Communications

Zhang, Zhijie, Yang, Qiang, Fristoe, Trevor S., Dawson, Wayne, Essl, Franz, Kreft, Holger, Lenzner, Bernd, Pergl, Jan, Pyšek, Petr, Weigelt, Patrick, Winter, Marten, Fuentes, Nicol, Kartesz, John T., Nishino, Misako, van Kleunen, Mark

(2023): The poleward naturalization of intracontinental alien plants. Science Advances

Gatiso, T. T., Kulik, L., Bachmann, M., Bonn, A., Bösch, L., Eirdosh, D., Freytag, A., Hanisch, S., Heurich, M., Sop, T., Wesche, K., Winter, M., Kühl, H. S.

(2022): Effectiveness of protected areas influenced by socio-economic context. Nature Sustainability

Vicente, J. R., Vaz, A. S., Roige, M., Winter, M., Lenzner, B., Clarke, D. A., McGeoch, M. A.

(2022): Existing indicators do not adequately monitor progress toward meeting invasive alien species targets. Conservation Letters

Cai, L., Kreft, H., Taylor, A., Denelle, P., Schrader, J., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Stein, A., Winter, M., Barcelona, J. F., Fuentes, N., Inderjit, Karger, D. N., Kartesz, J., Kuprijanov, A., Nishino, M., Nickrent, D., Nowak, A., Patzelt, A., Pelser, P. B., Singh, P., Wieringa, J. J., Weigelt, P.

(2022): Global models and predictions of plant diversity based on advanced machine learning techniques. New Phytologist

Grenié, M., Berti, E., Carvajal-Quintero, J., Dädlow, G. M. L., Sagouis, A. and Winter, M.

(2022): Harmonizing taxon names in biodiversity data: A review of tools, databases and best practices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Lenzner, B., Latombe, G., Schertler, A., Seebens, H., Yang, Q., Winter, M., Weigelt, P., van Kleunen, M., Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Kreft, H., Dawson, W., Dullinger, S., Essl, F

(2022): Naturalized alien floras still carry the legacy of European colonialism. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Bach, W., Kreft, H., Craven, D., König, C., Schrader, J., Taylor, A., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Lenzner, B., Marx, H. E., Meyer, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Winter, M., Weigelt, P.

(2022): Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness. Ecography

Ng, L. W. K., Chisholm, C., Carrasco, L. R., Darling, E. S., Guilhaumon, F., Mooers, A. Ø., Tucker, C. M., Winter, M. and Huang, D.

(2022): Prioritizing phylogenetic diversity to protect functional diversity of reef corals. Diversity and Distributions

Gatiso, T. T., Kulik, L., Bachmann, M., Bonn, A., Bösch, L., Freytag, A., Heurich, M., Wesche, K., Winter, M., Ordaz-Németh, I., Sop, T. and Kühl, H. S.

(2022): Sustainable protected areas: Synergies between biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development. People and Nature

Bowler, D. E., Callaghan, C. T., Bhandari, N., Henle, K., Benjamin Barth, M., Koppitz, C., Klenke, R., Winter, M., Jansen, F., Bruelheide, H. and Bonn, A.

(2022): Temporal trends in the spatial bias of species occurrence records. Ecography

Wohlwend, M. R., Craven, D., Weigelt, P., Seebens, H., Winter, M., Kreft, H., Dawson, W., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Space, J., Thomas, P. and Knight, T.

(2021): Data Descriptor: Pacific Introduced Flora (PaciFLora). Biodiversity Data Journal

Prinzing, A., Pavoine, S., Jactel, H., Hortal, J., Hennekens, S. M., Ozinga, W. A., Bartish, I. V., Helmus, M. R., Kühn, I., Moen, D. S., Weiher, E., Brändle, M., Winter, M., Violle, C., Venail, P., Purschke, O. and Yguel, B.

(2021): Disturbed habitats locally reduce the signal of deep evolutionary history in functional traits of plants. New Phytologist

Pouteau, R., Brunel, C., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Lenzner, B., Meyer, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Seebens, H., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., van Kleunen, M.

(2021): Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species. Diversity and Distributions

Delavaux, C. S., Weigelt, P., Dawson, W., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., König, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Stein, A., Winter, M., Taylor, A., Schultz, P. A., Whittaker, R. J., Kreft, H., Bever, J. D.

(2021): Mycorrhizal types influence island biogeography of plants. Communications Biology

Kalusová, V., Padullés Cubino, J., Fristoe, T. S., Chytrý, M., van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Mucina, L., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Lososová, Z.

(2021): Phylogenetic structure of alien plant species pools from European donor habitats. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Yang, Q., Weigelt, P., Fristoe, T. S., Zhang, Z., Kreft, H., Stein, A., Seebens, H., Dawson, W., Essl, F., König, C., Lenzner, B., Pergl, J., Pouteau, R., Pyšek, P., Winter, M., Ebel, A. L., Fuentes, N., Giehl, E. L. H., Kartesz, J., Krestov, P., Kukk, T., Nishino, M., Kupriyanov, A., Villaseñor, J. L., Wieringa, J. J., Zeddam, A., Zykova, E., van Kleunen, M.

(2021): The global loss of floristic uniqueness. Nature Communications

D. S. Srivastava, M. Winter, L. J. Gross, J. P. Metzger, J. S. Baron, N. Mouquet, T. R. Meagher, B. S. Halpern, V. D. Pillar

(2021): Maintaining momentum for collaborative working groups in a post-pandemic world. Nature Ecology & Evolution

E. Arlé, A. Zizka, P. Keil, M. Winter, F. Essl, T. Knight, P. Weigelt, M. Jiménez-Muñoz, C. Meyer

(2021): bRacatus: A method to estimate the accuracy and biogeographical status of georeferenced biological data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution

M. Freiberg, M. Winter, A. Gentile, A. Zizka, A. N. Muellner-Riehl, A. Weigelt, C. Wirth

(2021): A New and Improved Online Catalogue of all Extant Vascular Plant Names Available. TAXON

M. Gioria, A. Carta, C. C. Baskin, W. Dawson, F. Essl, H. Kreft, J. Pergl, M. van Kleunen, P. Weigelt, M. Winter, P. Pyšek

(2021): Persistent soil seed banks promote naturalisation and invasiveness in flowering plants. Ecology Letters

M. R. Wohlwend, D. Craven, P. Weigelt, H. Seebens, M. Winter, H. Kreft, D. Zurell, J. Sarmento Cabral, F. Essl, M. van Kleunen, J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, T. M. Knight

(2021): Anthropogenic and environmental drivers shape diversity of naturalized plants across the Pacific. Diversity and Distributions

Eichenberg, D., D. E. Bowler, A. Bonn, H. Bruelheide, V. Grescho, D. Harter, U. Jandt, R. May, M. Winter, F. Jansen

(2020): Widespread decline in Central European plant diversity across six decades. Global Change Biology

Freiberg, M., M. Winter, A. Gentile, A. Zizka, A. N. Muellner-Riehl, A. Weigelt, C. Wirth

(2020): LCVP, The Leipzig catalogue of vascular plants, a new taxonomic reference list for all known vascular plants. Scientific Data

Guerra, C. A., Heintz-Buschart, A., Sikorski, J., Chatzinotas, A., Guerrero-Ramirez, N.,Cesarz, S., Beaumelle, L., ..., Buscot, F., ..., Patoine, G., Phillips, H. R. P., Winter, M., Wubet, T., Küsel, K., ..., Eisenhauer, N.

(2020): Blind spots in global soil biodiversity and ecosystem function research. Nature Communications

Guo, Q., B. S. Cade, W. Dawson, F. Essl, H. Kreft, J. Pergl, M. van Kleunen, P. Weigelt, M. Winter, P. Pyšek

(2020): Latitudinal patterns of alien plant invasions. Journal of Biogeography

König, C., P. Weigelt, A. Taylor, A. Stein, W. Dawson, F. Essl, J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, M. van Kleunen, M. Winter, C. Chatelain, J. J. Wieringa, P. Krestov, H. Kreft

(2020): Source pools and disharmony of the world's island floras. Ecography

Lenzner, B., S. Magallón, W. Dawson, H. Kreft, C. König, J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, P. Weigelt, M. van Kleunen, M. Winter, S. Dullinger, F. Essl

(2020): Role of diversification rates and evolutionary history as a driver of plant naturalization success. New Phytologist

Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Wilson, J. R., Winter, M., Richardson, D. M.

(2020): South Africa as a Donor of Naturalised and Invasive Plants to Other Parts of the World. In: van Wilgen, Brian W. Measey, John Richardson, David M. Wilson, John R. Zengeya, Tsungai A. (Eds.) Biological Invasions in South Africa Springer International Publishing

Seebens, H., Clarke, D. A., Groom, Q., Wilson, J. R. U., Garcia-Berthou, E., Kühn, I., Roige, M., Pagad, S., Essl, F., Vicente, J., Winter, M., McGeoch, M.

(2020): A workflow for standardising and integrating alien species distribution data. Neobiota

Seebens, H., S. Bacher, T. M. Blackburn, C. Capinha, W. Dawson, S. Dullinger, P. Genovesi, P. E. Hulme, M. van Kleunen, I. Kühn, J. M. Jeschke, B. Lenzner, A. M. Liebhold, Z. Pattison, J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, M. Winter, F. Essl

(2020): Projecting the continental accumulation of alien species through to 2050. Global Change Biology

Beckmann, M., Gerstner, K., Akin-Fajiye, M., Ceaușu, S., Kambach, S., Kinlock, N. L., Phillips, H. R. P., Verhagen, W., Gurevitch, J., Klotz, S., Newbold, T., Verburg, P. H., Winter, M., Seppelt, R.

(2019): Conventional land-use intensification reduces species richness and increases production: A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology

Blowes, S. A., Supp, S. R., Antão, L. H., Bates, A., Bruelheide, H., Chase, J. M., ..., Winter, M., Bjorkman, A. D., Bowler, D. E., ..., Hines, J., Isbell, F., Jones, H. P., Navarro, L. M. et al.

(2019): The geography of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial assemblages. Science

Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Purschke, O., Hennekens, S. M., Chytrý, M., Pillar, V. D., Jansen, F., Kattge, J., Sandel, B., Aubin, I., Biurrun, I., Field, R., Haider, S., Jandt, U., Lenoir, J., Peet, R. K., Peyre, G., Sabatini, F. M., Schmidt, M., Schrodt, F., Winter, M., ..., Kühl, H., Kühn, I., ..., Sop, T., ..., Virtanen, R., von Wehrden, H., Wagner, V., Walker, D. A., Wana, D., Weiher, E., Wesche, K., et al.

(2019): sPlot – a new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science

Cameron, E. K., Martins, I. S., Lavelle, P., Mathieu, J., Tedersoo, L., Bahram, M., Gottschall, F., Guerra, C. A., Hines, J., Patoine, G., Siebert, J., Winter, M., Cesarz, S., Ferlian, O., Kreft, H., Lovejoy, T. E., Montanarella, L., Orgiazzi, A., Pereira, H. M., Phillips, H. R. P., Settele, J., Wall, D. H., Eisenhauer, N.

(2019): Global mismatches in aboveground and belowground biodiversity. Conservation Biology

Chase, J. M., McGill, B. J., Thompson, P. L., Antão, L. H., Bates, A. E., Blowes, S. A., Dornelas, M., Gonzalez, A., Magurran, A. E., Supp, S. R., Winter, M., Bjorkman, A. D., Bruelheide, H., Byrnes, J. E. K., Cabral, J. S., Elahi, R., Gomez, C., Guzman, H. M., Isbell, F., Myers-Smith, I. H., Jones, H. P., Hines, J., Vellend, M., Waldock, C., O'Connor, M.

(2019): Species richness change across spatial scales. Oikos

Craven, D., M. Winter,K. Hotzel, J. Gaikwad, N. Eisenhauer, M. Hohmuth, B. König-Ries, C. Wirth

(2019): Evolution of interdisciplinarity in biodiversity science. Ecology and Evolution

Delavaux, C. S., Weigelt, P., Dawson, W., Duchicela, J., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., König, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Stein, A., Winter, M., et al.

(2019): Mycorrhizal fungi influence global plant biogeography. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Dornelas, M., ..., Winter, M., Bates, A. E.

(2019): Towards a macroscope: Leveraging technology to transform the breadth, scale and resolution of macroecological data. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Essl, F., Dawson, W., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Van Kleunen, M., Weigelt, P., Mang, T., ..., Winter, M

(2019): Drivers of the relative richness of naturalized and invasive plant species on Earth. AoB PLANTS

Fenesi, A., Sandor, D., Pysek, P., Dawson, W., Ruprecht, E., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Van Kleunen, M.

(2019): The role of fruit heteromorphism in the naturalization of Asteraceae. Annals of Botany

Knapp, S., Winter, M., Zehnsdorf, A., Kühn, I.

(2019): How Good Are Bad Species?. In: M. Schröter, A. Bonn, S. Klotz, R. Seppelt and C. Baessler (Eds.) Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses Springer International Publishing

Pyšek, P., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Seebens, H., van Kleunen, M., Weigelt, P., Winter, M.

(2019): Contrasting patterns of naturalized plant richness in the Americas: Numbers are higher in the North but expected to rise sharply in the South. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Pyšek, P., Guo, W.-Y., Štajerová, K., Moora, M., Bueno, C. G., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Gerz, M., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., van Kleunen, M., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Zobel, M.

(2019): Facultative mycorrhizal associations promote plant naturalization worldwide. Ecosphere

Razanajatovo, M., van Kleunen, M., Kreft, H., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Winter, M., Weigelt, P.

(2019): Autofertility and self-compatibility moderately benefit island colonization of plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Seppelt, R., Beckmann, M., Ceauşu, S., Cord, A. F., Gerstner, K., Gurevitch, J., Kambach, S., Klotz, S., Mendenhall, C., Phillips, H. R. P., Powell, K., Verburg, P. H., Verhagen, W., Winter, M., Newbold, T.

(2019): Trade-Offs and Synergies Between Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in the Context of Increasing Demands on Landscapes. In: M. Schröter, A. Bonn, S. Klotz, R. Seppelt and C. Baessler (Eds.) Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses Springer International Publishing

Tucker, C. M., ..., Winter, M., Mooers, A. O.

(2019): Assessing the utility of conserving evolutionary history. Biological Reviews

van der Sande, M. T., Bruelheide, H., ..., Haider, S., ..., Purschke, O., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., ..., Jandt, U., ..., Kattge, J., Kearsley, E., Klotz, S., ..., Knight, T. M.

(2019): Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien ranges. Global Ecology and Biogeography

van Kleunen, M., Pyšek, P., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Weigelt, P., Stein, A., Dullinger, S., König, C., ..., Winter, M.

(2019): The Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database. Ecology

Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Purschke, O., Lenoir, J., Jimenez-Alfaro, B., Hennekens, S. M., Botta-Dukat, Z., Chytry, M., Field, R., Jansen, F., Kattge, J., Pillar, V. D., Schrodt, F., Mahecha, M. D., Peet, R. K., Sandel, B., van Bodegom, P., Altman, J., Alvarez-Davila, E., Khan, M., Attorre, F., Aubin, I., Baraloto, C., Barroso, J. G., Bauters, M., Bergmeier, E., Biurrun, I., Bjorkman, A. D., Blonder, B., Carni, A., Cayuela, L., Cerny, T., Cornelissen, J. H. C., Craven, D., Dainese, M., Derroire, G., De Sanctis, M., Diaz, S., Dolezal, J., Farfan-Rios, W., Feldpausch, T. R., Fenton, N. J., Garnier, E., Guerin, G. R., Gutierrez, A. G., Haider, S., Hattab, T., Henry, G., Herault, B., Higuchi, P., Holzel, N., Homeier, J., Jentsch, A., Jurgens, N., Kacki, Z., Karger, D. N., Kessler, M., Kleyer, M., Knollova, I., Korolyuk, A. Y., Kühn, I., Laughlin, D. C., Lens, F., Loos, J., Louault, F., Lyubenova, M. I., Malhi, Y., Marceno, C., Mencuccini, M., Muller, J. V., Munzinger, J., Myers-Smith, I. H., Neill, D. A., Niinemets, U., Orwin, K. H., Ozinga, W. A., Penuelas, J., Perez-Haase, A., Petrik, P., Phillips, O. L., Partel, M., Reich, P. B., Römermann, C., Rodrigues, A. V., Sabatini, F. M., Sardans, J., Schmidt, M., Seidler, G., Espejo, J. E. S., Silveira, M., Smyth, A., Sporbert, M., Svenning, J. C., Tang, Z. Y., Thomas, R., Tsiripidis, I., Vassilev, K., Violle, C., Virtanen, R., Weiher, E., Welk, E., Wesche, K., Winter, M., Wirth, C., Jandt, U.

(2018): Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Cameron, E. K., Martins, I. S., Lavelle, P., Mathieu, J., Tedersoo, L., Gottschall, F., Guerra, C. A., Hines, J., Patoine, G., Siebert, J., Winter, M., Cesarz, S., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Ferlian, O., Fierer, N., Kreft, H., Lovejoy, T. E., Montanarella, L., Orgiazzi, A., Pereira, H. M., Phillips, H. R. P., Settele, J., Wall, D. H., Eisenhauer, N.

(2018): Global gaps in soil biodiversity data. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Canavan, S., Meyerson, L. A., Packer, J. G., Pyšek, P., Maurel, N., Lozano, V., Richardson, D. M., Brundu, G., Canavan, K., Cicatelli, A., Čuda, J., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Guarino, F., Guo, W.-Y., van Kleunen, M., Kreft, H., Lambertini, C., Pergl, J., Skálová, H., Soreng, R. J., Visser, V., Vorontsova, M. S., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Wilson, J. R. U.

(2018): Tall-statured grasses: a useful functional group for invasion science. Biological Invasions

Haeuser, E., Dawson, W., Thuiller, W., Dullinger, S., Block, S., Bossdorf, O., Carboni, M., Conti, L., Dullinger, I., Essl, F., Klonner, G., Moser, D., Münkemüller, T., Parepa, M., Talluto, M. V., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., et al.

(2018): European ornamental garden flora as an invasion debt under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology

Keil, P., Pereira, H. M., Cabral, J. S., Chase, J. M., May, F., Martins, I. S., Winter, M.

(2018): Spatial scaling of extinction rates: Theory and data reveal nonlinearity and a major upscaling and downscaling challenge. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Moser, D., Lenzner, B., Weigelt, P., Dawson, W., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pysek, P., van Kleunen, M., Winter, M., Capinha, C., Cassey, P., Dullinger, S., Economo, E. P., Garcia-Diaz, P., Guenard, B., Hofhansl, F., Mang, T., Seebens, H., Essl, F.

(2018): Remoteness promotes biological invasions on islands worldwide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Pauchard, A., Meyerson, L. A., Bacher, S., Blackburn, T. M., Brundu, G., Cadotte, M. W., Courchamp, F., Essl, F., Genovesi, P., Haider, S., ..., Winter, M., Zenni, R. D.

(2018): Biodiversity assessments: Origin matters. PLOS Biology

Pietrzak, B., Sharma, V., Wasalathanthri, D., Ellwanger, J. H., Sanganyado, E., Buschke, F., Beardsley, F. R., Agarwal, D., Jensen, M. M., Easun, T. L., Lin, H., Zhou, K., Jordan, E. J., Oda, F. S., MacKay, H., Coffey, E., Yoho, R., Winter, M.

(2018): Nurturing connections to the environment. Science

Seebens, H., Blackburn, T. M., Dyer, E. E., Genovesi, P., Hulme, P. E., Jeschke, J. M., Pagad, S., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Winter, M., Ansong, M., Arianoutsou, M., Bacher, S., Blasius, B., Brockerhoff, E. G., Brundu, G., Capinha, C., Causton, C. E., Celesti-Grapow, L., Dawson, W., Dullinger, S., Economo, E. P., Fuentes, N., Guénard, B., Jäger, H., Kartesz, J., Kenis, M., Kühn, I., et al.

(2018): Global rise in emerging alien species results from increased accessibility of new source pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

van Kleunen, M., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Brundu, G., Carboni, M., Dullinger, S., Early, R., González‐Moreno, P., Groom, Q. J., Hulme, P. E., Kueffer, C., Kühn, I., Máguas, C., Maurel, N., Novoa, A., Parepa, M., Pyšek, P., Seebens, H., Tanner, R., Touza, J., Verbrugge, L., Weber, E., Dawson, W., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., et al.

(2018): The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions. Biological Reviews

Baron, J. S., Specht, A., Garnier, E., Bishop, P., Campbell, C. A., Davis, F. W., Fady, B., Field, D., Gross, L. J., Guru, S. M., Halpern, B. S., Hampton, S. E., Leavitt, P. R., Meagher, T. R., Ometto, J., Parker, J. N., Price, R., Rawson, C. H., Rodrigo, A., Sheble, L. A., Winter, M.

(2017): Synthesis Centers as Critical Research Infrastructure. BioScience

Capinha, C., Seebens, H., Cassey, P., García-Díaz, P., Lenzner, B., Mang, T., Moser, D., Pyšek, P., Rödder, D., Scalera, R., Winter, M., Dullinger, S., Essl, F.

(2017): Diversity, biogeography and the global flows of alien amphibians and reptiles. Diversity and Distributions

Dawson, W., Moser, D., van Kleunen, M., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Lenzner, B., Blackburn, T. M., Dyer, E. E., Cassey, P., Scrivens, S. L., Economo, E. P., Guénard, B., Capinha, C., Seebens, H., García-Díaz, P., Nentwig, W., García-Berthou, E., Casal, C., Mandrak, N. E., Fuller, P., Meyer, C., Essl, F.

(2017): Global hotspots and correlates of alien species richness across taxonomic groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Gratton, P., Marta, S., Bocksberger, G., Winter, M., Keil, P., Trucchi, E., Kühl, H.

(2017): Which Latitudinal Gradients for Genetic Diversity?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Gratton, P., Marta, S., Bocksberger, G., Winter, M., Trucchi, E., Kühl, H.

(2017): A world of sequences: can we use georeferenced nucleotide databases for a robust automated phylogeography?. Journal of Biogeography

Hampton, S. E., Halpern, B. S., Winter, M., Balch, J. K., Parker, J. N., Baron, J. S., Palmer, M., Schildhauer, M. P., Bishop, P., Meagher, T. R., Specht, A.

(2017): Best Practices for Virtual Participation in Meetings: Experiences from Synthesis Centers. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

Hof, C., Winter, M., Hotes, S., Opgenoorth, L.

(2017): It’s not (all) about the money — supporting IPBES through challenging times. Frontiers of Biogeography

Kalusová, V., Chytrý, M., van Kleunen, M., Mucina, L., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Pyšek, P.

(2017): Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Klonner, G., Dullinger, I., Wessely, J., Bossdorf, O., Carboni, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Gattringer, A., Haeuser, E., van Kleunen, M., Kreft, H., Moser, D., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Thuiller, W., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Dullinger, S.

(2017): Will climate change increase hybridization risk between potential plant invaders and their congeners in Europe?. Diversity and Distributions

Knapp, S., Winter, M., Klotz, S.

(2017): Increasing species richness but decreasing phylogenetic richness and divergence over a 320-year period of urbanization. Journal of Applied Ecology

Latombe, G., Pyšek, P., Jeschke, J. M., Blackburn, T. M., Bacher, S., Capinha, C., Costello, M. J., Fernández, M., Gregory, R. D., Hobern, D., Hui, C., Jetz, W., Kumschick, S., McGrannachan, C., Pergl, J., Roy, H. E., Scalera, R., Squires, Z. E., Wilson, J. R. U., Winter, M., et al.

(2017): A vision for global monitoring of biological invasions. Biological Conservation

Mayer, K., Haeuser, E., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Lenzner, B., van Kleunen, M.

(2017): Naturalization of ornamental plant species in public green spaces and private gardens. Biological Invasions

Nilon, C. H., Aronson, M. F. J., Cilliers, S. S., Dobbs, C., Frazee, L. J., Goddard, M. A., O’Neill, K. M., Roberts, D., Stander, E. K., Werner, P., Winter, M., Yocom, K. P.

(2017): Planning for the Future of Urban Biodiversity: A Global Review of City-Scale Initiatives. BioScience

Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Bacher, S., Essl, F., Genovesi, P., Harrower, C. A., Hulme, P. E., Jeschke, J. M., Kenis, M., Kühn, I., Perglová, I., Rabitsch, W., Roques, A., Roy, D. B., Roy, H. E., Vilà, M., Winter, M., Nentwig, W.

(2017): Troubling travellers: are ecologically harmful alien species associated with particular introduction pathways?. NeoBiota

Phillips, H. R. P., Cameron, E. K., Ferlian, O., Türke, M., Winter, M., Eisenhauer, N.

(2017): Red list of a black box. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Essl, F., Lenzner, B., Dawson, W., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., et al.

(2017): Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion. Preslia

Seebens, H., Blackburn, T. M., Dyer, E. E., Genovesi, P., Hulme, P. E., Jeschke, J. M., Pagad, S., Pyšek, P., Winter, M., Arianoutsou, M., Bacher, S., Blasius, B., Brundu, G., Capinha, C., Celesti-Grapow, L., Dawson, W., Dullinger, S., Fuentes, N., Jäger, H., Kartesz, J., Kenis, M., Kreft, H., Kühn, I., et al.

(2017): No saturation in the accumulation of alien species worldwide. Nature Communications

Tucker, C. M., Cadotte, M. W., Carvalho, S. B., Davies, T. J., Ferrier, S., Fritz, S. A., Grenyer, R., Helmus, M. R., Jin, L. S., Mooers, A. O., Pavoine, S., Purschke, O., Redding, D. W., Rosauer, D. F., Winter, M., Mazel, F.

(2017): A guide to phylogenetic metrics for conservation, community ecology and macroecology. Biological Reviews

Dellinger, A. S., Essl, F., Hojsgaard, D., Kirchheimer, B., Klatt, S., Dawson, W., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Weber, E., Winter, M., et al.

(2016): Niche dynamics of alien species do not differ among sexual and apomictic flowering plants. New Phytologist

Dullinger, I., Wessely, J., Bossdorf, O., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Gattringer, A., Klonner, G., Kreft, H., Kuttner, M., Moser, D., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Thuiller, W., van Kleunen, M., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Dullinger, S.

(2016): Climate change will increase the naturalization risk from garden plants in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Razanajatovo, M., Maurel, N., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., van Kleunen, M.

(2016): Plants capable of selfing are more likely to become naturalized. Nature Communications

Seppelt, R., Beckmann, M., Ceauşu, S., Cord, A. F., Gerstner, K., Gurevitch, J., Kambach, S., Klotz, S., Mendenhall, C., Phillips, H. R. P., Powell, K., Verburg, P. H., Verhagen, W., Winter, M., Newbold, T.

(2016): Harmonizing Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in the Context of Increasing Demands on Landscapes. BioScience

Yguel, B., Jactel, H., Pearse, I. S., Moen, D., Winter, M., Hortal, J., Helmus, M. R., Kühn, I., Pavoine, S., Purschke, O., et al.

(2016): The Evolutionary Legacy of Diversification Predicts Ecosystem Function. The American Naturalist

Gerhold, P., Cahill, J. F., Winter, M., Bartish, I. V., Prinzing, A.

(2015): Phylogenetic patterns are not proxies of community assembly mechanisms (they are far better). Functional Ecology

Hulme P. E., Pauchard A., Pyšek P., Vilà M., Alba C., Blackburn T. M., Bullock J. M., Chytrý M., Dawson W., Dunn A. M., Essl F., Genovesi P., Maskell L. C., Meyerson L. A., Nuñez M. A., Pergl J., Pescott O. L., Pocock M. J. O., Richardson D. M., Roy H. E., Smart S. M., Štajerová K., Stohlgren T., van Kleunen M., Winter M.

(2015): Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Lososová, Z., de Bello, F., Chytrý, M., Kühn, I., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Winter, M., Zelený, D.

(2015): Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered community types and cause even stronger clustering. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Lososová, Z., Šmarda, P., Chytrý, M., Purschke, O., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Tichý, L., Winter, M.

(2015): Phylogenetic structure of plant species pools reflects habitat age on the geological time scale. Journal of Vegetation Science

Schulte-Uebbing, L., Hansen, G., Hernández, A. M., Winter, M.

(2015): Chapter scientists in the IPCC AR5 — experience and lessons learned. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Seebens, H., Essl, F., Dawson, W., Fuentes, N., Moser, D., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Weber, E., Winter, M., Blasius, B.

(2015): Global trade will accelerate plant invasions in emerging economies under climate change. Global Change Biology

van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Winter, M., Weber, E., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., et al.

(2015): Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature

Aronson, M. F. J., La Sorte, F. A., Nilon, C. H., Katti, M., Goddard, M. A., Lepczyk, C. A., Warren, P. S., Williams, N. S. G., Cilliers, S., Clarkson, B., Dobbs, C., Dolan, R., Hedblom, M., Klotz, S., Kooijmans, J. L., Kühn, I., MacGregor-Fors, I., McDonnell, M., Mörtberg, U., Pyšek, P., Siebert, S., Sushinsky, J., Werner, P., Winter, M.

(2014): A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Beckstein, C., Böcke, r. S., Bogdan, M., Bruehlheide, H., Bücker, M. H., Denzler, J., Dittrich, P., Grosse, I., Hinneburg, A., König-Ries, B., Löffler, F., Marz, M., Müller-Hannemann, M., Winter, M., Zimmermann, W.

(2014): Explorative Analysis of Heterogeneous, Unstructured, and Uncertain Data - A Computer Science Perspective on Biodiversity Research. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications

Blackburn, T. M., Essl, F., Evans, T., Hulme, P. E., Jeschke, J. M., Kühn, I., Kumschick, S., Marková, Z., Mrugała, A., Nentwig, W., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Rabitsch, W., Ricciardi, A., Richardson, D. M., Sendek, A., Vilà, M., Wilson, J. R. U., Winter, M., et al.

(2014): A Unified Classification of Alien Species Based on the Magnitude of their Environmental Impacts. PLOS Biology

Dengler, J., Bruelheide, H., Purschke, O., Chytrý, M., Jansen, F., Hennekens, S. M., Jandt, U., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Kattge, J., Pillar, V. D., Sandel, B., Winter, M., sPlot Consortium

(2014): sPlot – the new global vegetation-plot database for addressing trait-environment relationships across the world’s biomes. In: Mucina, L., Price, J.N., Kalwij, J.M. (Eds.) Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation Kwongan Foundation

Jeschke, J. M., Bacher, S., Blackburn, T. M., Dick, J. T. A., Essl, F., Evans, T., Gaertner, M., Hulme, P. E., Kühn, I., MrugaŁA, A., Pergl, J. A. N., PyŠEk, P., Rabitsch, W., Ricciardi, A., Richardson, D. M., Sendek, A., VilÀ, M., Winter, M., Kumschick, S.

(2014): Defining the Impact of Non-Native Species. Conservation Biology

Kumschick, S., Gaertner, M., Vilà, M., Essl, F., Jeschke, J. M., Pyšek, P., Ricciardi, A., Bacher, S., Blackburn, T. M., Dick, J. T. A., Evans, T., Hulme, P. E., Kühn, I., Mrugała, A., Pergl, J., Rabitsch, W., Richardson, D. M., Sendek, A., Winter, M.

(2014): Ecological Impacts of Alien Species: Quantification, Scope, Caveats, and Recommendations. BioScience

La Sorte, F. A., Aronson, M. F. J., Williams, N. S. G., Celesti-Grapow, L., Cilliers, S., Clarkson, B. D., Dolan, R. W., Hipp, A., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Pyšek, P., Siebert, S., Winter, M.

(2014): Beta diversity of urban floras among European and non-European cities. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Dawson, W., Keser, L., Winter, M., Pyšek, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Fuentes, N., Chytrý, M., Celesti-Grapow, L., van Kleunen, M.

(2013): Correlations between global and regional measures of invasiveness vary with region size. NeoBiota

Essl, F., Moser, D., Dirnböck, T., Dullinger, S., Milasowszky, N., Winter, M., Rabitsch, W.

(2013): Native, alien, endemic, threatened, and extinct species diversity in European countries. Biological Conservation

Purschke, O., Schmid, B. C., Sykes, M. T., Poschlod, P., Michalski, S. G., Durka, W., Kühn, I., Winter, M., Prentice, H. C.

(2013): Contrasting changes in taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity during a long-term succession: insights into assembly processes. Journal of Ecology

Winter, M., Devictor, V., Schweiger, O.

(2013): Conquering current obstacles for avoiding the misuse of evolutionary diversity in nature conservation: a reply to Rosauer and Mooers. Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Winter, M., Devictor, V., Schweiger, O.

(2013): Phylogenetic diversity and nature conservation: where are we?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution

N. Roura-Pascual, B. Leung, W. Rabitsch, L. Rutting, J. Vervoort, S. Bacher, S. Dullinger, K.-H. Erb, J. M. Jeschke, S. Katsanevakis, I. Kühn, B. Lenzner, A. M. Liebhold, M. Obersteiner, A. Pauchard, G. D. Peterson, H. E. Roy, H. Seebens, M. Winter, M. A. Burgman, P. Genovesi, P. E. Hulme, R. P. Keller, G. Latombe, M. A. McGeoch, G. M. Ruiz, R. Scalera, M. R. Springborn, B. von Holle, F. Essl

(): Alternative futures for global biological invasions. Sustainability Science
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