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15.01.2024 – 19.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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15.01.2024 – 19.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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15.01.2024 – 19.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by iDiv Sabbatical Caroline Farrior
17.01.2024 – 17.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Red Queen
Host: Nadja Rüger (BioEcon & iDiv member)
Caroline E Farrior, Associate Professor at the Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Title: "Forest dynamics and species coexistence: The importance of small-scale disturbances and competition for light in forest structure and diversity."
Seminar talk by iDiv Sabbatical Caroline Farrior
17.01.2024 – 17.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Red Queen
Host: Nadja Rüger (BioEcon & iDiv member)
Caroline E Farrior, Associate Professor at the Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Title: "Forest dynamics and species coexistence: The importance of small-scale disturbances and competition for light in forest structure and diversity."
18 |
15.01.2024 – 19.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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15.01.2024 – 19.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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sConsume 1
22.01.2024 – 26.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
23 |
sConsume 1
22.01.2024 – 26.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
24 |
sConsume 1
22.01.2024 – 26.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
Cross-Community Workshop NFDI4Biodiversity & sMon
22.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig - core centre
Seminar talk by Michael Kessler, University of Zurich
24.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive (Ground floor)
Host: Marcus Lehnert (MLU & iDiv member)
Michael Kessler, Research group leader at the Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Titel: "Fern diversity across space and time: from global patterns to stomata"
Seminar talk by Michael Kessler, University of Zurich
24.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive (Ground floor)
Host: Marcus Lehnert (MLU & iDiv member)
Michael Kessler, Research group leader at the Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Titel: "Fern diversity across space and time: from global patterns to stomata"
25 |
sConsume 1
22.01.2024 – 26.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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sConsume 1
22.01.2024 – 26.01.2024
sDiv working group meeting
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Seminar talk by Stefanie Heinicke, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
31.01.2024 – 31.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Anja Widdig (UL, MPI EVA & iDiv member)
Stefanie Heinicke, Postdoctoral Researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam (Germany)
Title: "Climate change impact modelling and the need to include biodiversity – introduction to the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP)"
Seminar talk by Stefanie Heinicke, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
31.01.2024 – 31.01.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Anja Widdig (UL, MPI EVA & iDiv member)
Stefanie Heinicke, Postdoctoral Researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam (Germany)
Title: "Climate change impact modelling and the need to include biodiversity – introduction to the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP)"
no seminar
14.02.2024 – 14.02.2024
no seminar
14.02.2024 – 14.02.2024
Seminar talk by John Clarke & iDiv Postdoc Rafaella Canessa
21.02.2024 – 21.02.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Sreetama Bhadra
John Clarke, currently Postdoctoral researcher at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich (Germany)
"Studying morphological evolution in deep-time and globally using phylogenies, and the importance of scale in evolution"
Rafaella Canessa, iDiv Postdoc at Biodiversity Conservation
"Integrating science and policy: the role of ETC BE in the implementation of EU biodiversity legislations"
Seminar talk by John Clarke & iDiv Postdoc Rafaella Canessa
21.02.2024 – 21.02.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Sreetama Bhadra
John Clarke, currently Postdoctoral researcher at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich (Germany)
"Studying morphological evolution in deep-time and globally using phylogenies, and the importance of scale in evolution"
Rafaella Canessa, iDiv Postdoc at Biodiversity Conservation
"Integrating science and policy: the role of ETC BE in the implementation of EU biodiversity legislations"
Seminar talk by Natural Science Collections from Halle & Phyletic Museum in Jena
28.02.2024 – 28.02.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Hendrik Müller, Central Natural Science Collections, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Gunnar Brehm, Phyletic Museum, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
"The Zoological Collections at the Universities of Halle and Jena - Repositories of Biodiversity Data"
Seminar talk by Natural Science Collections from Halle & Phyletic Museum in Jena
28.02.2024 – 28.02.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Hendrik Müller, Central Natural Science Collections, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Gunnar Brehm, Phyletic Museum, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
"The Zoological Collections at the Universities of Halle and Jena - Repositories of Biodiversity Data"
evoDiv symposium
29.02.2024 – 01.03.2024
evoDiv symposium
29.02.2024 – 01.03.2024
sIntESE 2 (4-8 March 2024)
04.03.2024 – 08.03.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sIntESE 2 (4-8 March 2024)
04.03.2024 – 08.03.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sIntESE 2 (4-8 March 2024)
04.03.2024 – 08.03.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Julia Chacón-Labella, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
06.03.2024 – 06.03.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: Pablo Castro Sánchez-Bermejo (iDiv/MLU)
Julia Chacón-Labella, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain
Title: "How to improve scaling from traits to ecosystem processes"
Seminar talk by Julia Chacón-Labella, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
06.03.2024 – 06.03.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: Pablo Castro Sánchez-Bermejo (iDiv/MLU)
Julia Chacón-Labella, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain
Title: "How to improve scaling from traits to ecosystem processes"
sIntESE 2 (4-8 March 2024)
04.03.2024 – 08.03.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sIntESE 2 (4-8 March 2024)
04.03.2024 – 08.03.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by iDiv Postdocs - Sreetama Bhadra (sDiv/E&A) & Abubakar Bello (Flexpool)
13.03.2024 – 13.03.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Alexandra Müllner-Riehl
Sreetama Bhadra, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv and Evolution and Adaptation
Titel: "Unveiling the Influence of Genome Size and Trait Flexibility in Evolutionary Radiation: Insights from Palms."
Abubakar Bello, Flexpool Postdoctoral Researcher, iDiv & Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina (Nigeria)
Titel: "Towards a comprehensive National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for Nigeria"
Seminar talk by iDiv Postdocs - Sreetama Bhadra (sDiv/E&A) & Abubakar Bello (Flexpool)
13.03.2024 – 13.03.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Alexandra Müllner-Riehl
Sreetama Bhadra, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv and Evolution and Adaptation
Titel: "Unveiling the Influence of Genome Size and Trait Flexibility in Evolutionary Radiation: Insights from Palms."
Abubakar Bello, Flexpool Postdoctoral Researcher, iDiv & Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina (Nigeria)
Titel: "Towards a comprehensive National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for Nigeria"
Seminar talk by Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Professor at the University of Minnesota
20.03.2024 – 20.03.2024
Please not that this talk will start at 2 PM!
Host: Benjamin Dechant
Jeannine Cavender-Bares, distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior at University of Minnesota, St. Paul (USA)
Title: "Integrating plant spectral, functional and phylogenetic data across scales to understand ecological and evolutionary processes"
Seminar talk by Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Professor at the University of Minnesota
20.03.2024 – 20.03.2024
Please not that this talk will start at 2 PM!
Host: Benjamin Dechant
Jeannine Cavender-Bares, distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior at University of Minnesota, St. Paul (USA)
Title: "Integrating plant spectral, functional and phylogenetic data across scales to understand ecological and evolutionary processes"
Seminar talk by iDiv Postdoc Sandeep Sharma (BioCon)
27.03.2024 – 27.03.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: Sreetama Bhadra
Sandeep Sharma, Postdoctoral Researcher at Biodiversity Conservation & iDiv member
Title: "War, peace, and potato: A retrospective analysis of 250 years of change in forest, defaunation, and recolonization in a rewilding landscape in Europe"
The talk by the Speaker 2 was unfortunately cancelled.
Seminar talk by iDiv Postdoc Sandeep Sharma (BioCon)
27.03.2024 – 27.03.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: Sreetama Bhadra
Sandeep Sharma, Postdoctoral Researcher at Biodiversity Conservation & iDiv member
Title: "War, peace, and potato: A retrospective analysis of 250 years of change in forest, defaunation, and recolonization in a rewilding landscape in Europe"
The talk by the Speaker 2 was unfortunately cancelled.
no seminar
03.04.2024 – 03.04.2024
no seminar
03.04.2024 – 03.04.2024
sTime 1 (8-12 April 2024)
08.04.2024 – 12.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sTime 1 (8-12 April 2024)
08.04.2024 – 12.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Glonaf TEST
09.04.2024 – 11.04.2024
sTime 1 (8-12 April 2024)
08.04.2024 – 12.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Glonaf TEST
09.04.2024 – 11.04.2024
Seminar talks by Ana Novoa & Nicole Kinlock (GloNAF workshop)
10.04.2024 – 10.04.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: GloNAF workshop
Ana Novoa, Scientist at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice (Czech Republic)
Title: "Impacts of invasive annual plants on plant, herbivore and soil microbial communities in Kruger National Park, South Africa"
Nicole Kinlock, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Biology at University of Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany)
Title: "Remnants of cultivation and landscape history in patterns of plant invasion."
Seminar talks by Ana Novoa & Nicole Kinlock (GloNAF workshop)
10.04.2024 – 10.04.2024
Leipzig core centre – Beehive
Host: GloNAF workshop
Ana Novoa, Scientist at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice (Czech Republic)
Title: "Impacts of invasive annual plants on plant, herbivore and soil microbial communities in Kruger National Park, South Africa"
Nicole Kinlock, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Biology at University of Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany)
Title: "Remnants of cultivation and landscape history in patterns of plant invasion."
sTime 1 (8-12 April 2024)
08.04.2024 – 12.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Glonaf TEST
09.04.2024 – 11.04.2024
sTime 1 (8-12 April 2024)
08.04.2024 – 12.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sTeTra 3 (15-19 April 2024)
15.04.2024 – 19.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sTeTra 3 (15-19 April 2024)
15.04.2024 – 19.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sTeTra 3 (15-19 April 2024)
15.04.2024 – 19.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Viktoriia Radchuk
17.04.2024 – 17.04.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Alexandra Weyrich
Victoriia Radchuk, Senior Scientist at the Department of Ecological Dynamics at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin (Germany)
Title: " Role of functional traits in mediating effects of climate on animal populations"
Seminar talk by Viktoriia Radchuk
17.04.2024 – 17.04.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Alexandra Weyrich
Victoriia Radchuk, Senior Scientist at the Department of Ecological Dynamics at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin (Germany)
Title: " Role of functional traits in mediating effects of climate on animal populations"
sTeTra 3 (15-19 April 2024)
15.04.2024 – 19.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sTeTra 3 (15-19 April 2024)
15.04.2024 – 19.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 1 (22-26 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sSCAT 1 (22-25 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 25.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 1 (22-26 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sSCAT 1 (22-25 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 25.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 1 (22-26 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sSCAT 1 (22-25 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 25.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Flavio Nunes Ramos (iDiv Sabbatical)
24.04.2024 – 24.04.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Jon Chase
Flavio Nunes Ramos, Professor at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Federal University of Alfenas, Alfenas (Brazil)
Title: "Unraveling the Biogeography and Ecology of Vascular Epiphytes: Factors Influencing Richness and Conservation"
Seminar talk by Flavio Nunes Ramos (iDiv Sabbatical)
24.04.2024 – 24.04.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Jon Chase
Flavio Nunes Ramos, Professor at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Federal University of Alfenas, Alfenas (Brazil)
Title: "Unraveling the Biogeography and Ecology of Vascular Epiphytes: Factors Influencing Richness and Conservation"
sARDINE 1 (22-26 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sSCAT 1 (22-25 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 25.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 1 (22-26 April 2024)
22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Lucile Marescot, CIRAD - Centre for Biology and Population Management
08.05.2024 – 08.05.2024
Host: Alexandra Weyrich
Lucile Marescot, Data scientist at CIRAD, Centre for Biology and Population Management, Montpellier (France)
Title: "Forecasting the risk of locust outbreak"
Seminar talk by Lucile Marescot, CIRAD - Centre for Biology and Population Management
08.05.2024 – 08.05.2024
Host: Alexandra Weyrich
Lucile Marescot, Data scientist at CIRAD, Centre for Biology and Population Management, Montpellier (France)
Title: "Forecasting the risk of locust outbreak"
sMars 3 (13-17 May 2024)
13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMars 3 (13-17 May 2024)
13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMars 3 (13-17 May 2024)
13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by the Network Organizers "iDiv Female Scientists"
15.05.2024 – 15.05.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Jon Chase
Alexandra Weyrich, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv; Daniela Hoss, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv; Gabriella Damasceno, sPlot Coordinator; Sreetama Bhadra, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv and in the research group "Evolution and Adaptation"
Title: "The rusty pipeline: gender (in)equality in science"
Seminar talk by the Network Organizers "iDiv Female Scientists"
15.05.2024 – 15.05.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Jon Chase
Alexandra Weyrich, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv; Daniela Hoss, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv; Gabriella Damasceno, sPlot Coordinator; Sreetama Bhadra, Postdoctoral Researcher at sDiv and in the research group "Evolution and Adaptation"
Title: "The rusty pipeline: gender (in)equality in science"
sMars 3 (13-17 May 2024)
13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMars 3 (13-17 May 2024)
13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPSF 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sOilFauna 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPSF 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sOilFauna 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Marie Walde, Station Biologique de Roscoff
22.05.2024 – 22.05.2024
Host: Michael Gerth
Marie Walde, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department "Adaptation and Diversity in the Marine Environment" at Station Biologique de Roscoff (France)
Title: "Hunting for microbial marine eukaryotes with a microscope and a computer"
Seminar talk by Marie Walde, Station Biologique de Roscoff
22.05.2024 – 22.05.2024
Host: Michael Gerth
Marie Walde, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department "Adaptation and Diversity in the Marine Environment" at Station Biologique de Roscoff (France)
Title: "Hunting for microbial marine eukaryotes with a microscope and a computer"
sPSF 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sOilFauna 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPSF 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sOilFauna 3 (21-24 May 2024)
21.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sCaleGrassDiv 3 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPectra 1 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sCaleGrassDiv 3 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPectra 1 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sCaleGrassDiv 3 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPectra 1 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talks by Elisa van Cleemput & Shan Kothari sPectra working group
29.05.2024 – 29.05.2024
Leipzig core centre - Grand Canyon
Host: sPectra
Elisa van Cleemput, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University College, The Hague (The Netherlands)
Title: "Making remote sense of biodiversity"
Shan Kothari, Postdoctoral researcher at Université du Québec, Montréal (Canada)
Title: "A spectrum of spectra? Challenges and opportunities of using hyperspectral data in plant functional ecology"
Seminar talks by Elisa van Cleemput & Shan Kothari sPectra working group
29.05.2024 – 29.05.2024
Leipzig core centre - Grand Canyon
Host: sPectra
Elisa van Cleemput, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University College, The Hague (The Netherlands)
Title: "Making remote sense of biodiversity"
Shan Kothari, Postdoctoral researcher at Université du Québec, Montréal (Canada)
Title: "A spectrum of spectra? Challenges and opportunities of using hyperspectral data in plant functional ecology"
sCaleGrassDiv 3 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPectra 1 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sCaleGrassDiv 3 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sPectra 1 (27-31 May 2024)
27.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sBombus 1 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMoste 2 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sBombus 1 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMoste 2 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sBombus 1 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMoste 2 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talks by Lucy Van Kleunen & Anshuman Swain (sMoste WG)
05.06.2024 – 05.06.2024
Leipzig core centre – Pollen (Ground floor)
Host: sMoste
Lucy Van Kleunen, PhD Candidate at the Department for Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder (USA)
Title: "Decision-Making Using Ecological Networks Under Link Uncertainty"
Anshuman Swain, Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows & James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) Fellow at Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
Title: "Linked Ecologies: Connecting Invisible Pasts, and Actionable Futures"
Seminar talks by Lucy Van Kleunen & Anshuman Swain (sMoste WG)
05.06.2024 – 05.06.2024
Leipzig core centre – Pollen (Ground floor)
Host: sMoste
Lucy Van Kleunen, PhD Candidate at the Department for Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder (USA)
Title: "Decision-Making Using Ecological Networks Under Link Uncertainty"
Anshuman Swain, Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows & James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) Fellow at Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
Title: "Linked Ecologies: Connecting Invisible Pasts, and Actionable Futures"
sBombus 1 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMoste 2 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sBombus 1 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sMoste 2 (3-7 June 2024)
03.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFutures 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sUnderfoot 3 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFragment 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFutures 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sUnderfoot 3 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFragment 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFutures 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sUnderfoot 3 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFragment 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFutures 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sUnderfoot 3 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFragment 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFutures 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sUnderfoot 3 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sFragment 1 (10-14 June 2024)
10.06.2024 – 14.06.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Ninad Mungi, Aarhus University
19.06.2024 – 19.06.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive Pollen (Ground floor)
Host: Tiffany Knight
Ninad Mungi, Postdoctoral researcher at the Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity section at Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark)
Title: "The role of climatic changes, biological invasions, and biodiversity, in emergence of novel ecosystem trajectories"
Seminar talk by Ninad Mungi, Aarhus University
19.06.2024 – 19.06.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive Pollen (Ground floor)
Host: Tiffany Knight
Ninad Mungi, Postdoctoral researcher at the Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity section at Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark)
Title: "The role of climatic changes, biological invasions, and biodiversity, in emergence of novel ecosystem trajectories"
Seminar talk by Ilkhom Soliev, MLU & iDiv member
26.06.2024 – 26.06.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: tba
Ilkhom Soliev, Professor and Chair for Environmental Sociology at the Institute of Sociology & iDiv member, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Germany)
Title: "Transformative interventions for strengthening biodiversity prioritisation: Insights from institutional and behavioural research"
Seminar talk by Ilkhom Soliev, MLU & iDiv member
26.06.2024 – 26.06.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: tba
Ilkhom Soliev, Professor and Chair for Environmental Sociology at the Institute of Sociology & iDiv member, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Germany)
Title: "Transformative interventions for strengthening biodiversity prioritisation: Insights from institutional and behavioural research"
Seminar talk by Alexandre Courtiol, Leibniz-IZW
07.08.2024 – 07.08.2024
Leipzig Core Centre - Beehive
Host: Alexandra Weyrich (former sDiv)
Alexandre Courtiol, Senior researcher and head of WG Modelling life history evolution at Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Berlin (Germany)
Title: "Populations as Complex Ecological Systems: Emergent Patterns in Groups of Humans and Hyenas"
Seminar talk about Science communication for Kids
14.08.2024 – 14.08.2024
Leipzig core centre - Red Queen (1. Floor)
Host: Elisabeth Bönisch (EIE)
Dominik Becher, Coordinator of studium universale, children's university and “Jugend forscht” at Leipzig University, Leipzig (Germany)
Romy Zeiss, co-coordinator of the project “Translating Soil Biodiversity”, which translates the articles of Frontiers for Young Minds into different languages, and doctoral researcher at the research group Experimental Interaction Ecology, Leipzig (Germany)
Title: "Science communication for Kids"
Seminar talk by Ana Bastos, UL & iDiv member
21.08.2024 – 21.08.2024
Leipzig Core Centre – Beehive
Host: Nico Eisenhauer
Ana Bastos, Professor for land-atmosphere interactions at Leipzig University and iDiv member, Leipzig (Germany)
Title: "Ecosystem vulnerability to compound extremes and disturbances in a changing climate"
Seminar talk by iDiv Communicator in Residence, Dan Charles
04.09.2024 – 04.09.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Volker Hahn (M&C)
Dan Charles, communicator in residence at iDiv, contributing correspondent for Science, former agriculture correspondent for National Public Radio (USA)
Title: " Anatomy of a story about pesticides and pollinators - and what it tells us about science journalism today"
Seminar talks by iDiv PhD students - Diego Brizuela-Torres & Saneesh Cherapurath Soman
18.09.2024 – 18.09.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive / remote
Host: tba
Diego Brizuela-Torres, Flexpool Doctoral Researcher at iDiv and the Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at the UFZ, Leipzig (Germany)
Title: "DeForESG - Deforestation explained by social-ecological dynamics and governance shifts"
Saneesh Cherapurath Soman, Doctoral Researcher at the iDiv research group Species Interaction Ecology and the Department of Community Ecology at UFZ, Leipzig (Germany)
Title: "Restoring ecological complexity: Collaborative grass removal and fire exclusion in mesic savannas."
Seminar talk by Diogo Provete, Sabbatical reseacher at iDiv & Assistant Professor at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
25.09.2024 – 25.09.2024
Host: Chloé Schmidt
Diogo B. Provete, Assistant Professor, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande (Brazil) and currently Sabbatical researcher, with a Humboldt fellowship for experienced researchers, working with the iDiv research group Biodiversity Synthesis
Title: "The other story told by Urban Ecology in the Global South"
Seminar talk by Rachel Schwarz Postdoc at the Department of Life Sciences of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)& Gavin Stark, Postdoc Research
02.10.2024 – 02.10.2024
Host: Magali Weissberger, BioCon
Rachel Schwarz, Postdoc at the Department of Life Sciences of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Title: "Shedding light on biodiversity: reviewing existing knowledge and exploring hypothesised impacts of agrophotovoltaics"
Gavin Stark, Postdoc Research in the iDiv Research Group Biodiversity Conservation.
Title: " Towards Climate-Smart Rewilding: An integrated framework for biodiversity, climate change, and society"
07.10.2024 – 10.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
07.10.2024 – 10.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
07.10.2024 – 10.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Jim Elser, Professor of Ecology at the University of Montana (UM) and Director of the UM’s Flathead Lake Biological Station, Polson, MT (USA)
09.10.2024 – 09.10.2024
Host: Jes Hines, EIE
Jim Elser, Bierman Professor of Ecology at the University of Montana (UM) and Director of the UM’s Flathead Lake Biological Station, Polson, MT (USA)
Title: “Biological stoichiometry of nutrient limitation in ecology, evolution, and sustainability”
07.10.2024 – 10.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
14.10.2024 – 18.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
14.10.2024 – 18.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
14.10.2024 – 18.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
Seminar talk by Myla F.H. Aronson, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey & Benjamin Baiser, University of Florida, sGUBIK working group
16.10.2024 – 16.10.2024
Host: sGUBIK working group
Myla F.H. Aronson, Assistant Professor at Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA)
Title: " Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide"
Benjamin Baiser, Assistant Professor at the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida (USA)
Title: “Uncovering the roles of time, biogeography, resources, and food web composition on microbial primary succession”
14.10.2024 – 18.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
14.10.2024 – 18.10.2024
sDiv working group meeting
CANCELLED: Seminar talk by Leonardo Oña Bubach, Osnabrück University
23.10.2024 – 23.10.2024
Red Queen
Host: Stephanie Jurburg, UFZ
Leonardo Oña Bubach, Postdoc Researcher at the Department of Ecology, Osnabrück University (Germany)
Seminar talk by Emilio Berti, Postdoc at Research Group Theory in Biodiversity (TiBS), iDiv, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
30.10.2024 – 30.10.2024
Host: TiBS research group
Emilio Berti, Postdoc Researcher at the Research Group Theory in Biodiversity (TiBS), iDiv, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Title:" Moving forward with energy landscape research "
Seminar talk by Georgia Drew, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich (Switzerland)
06.11.2024 – 06.11.2024
Leipzig core centre - Red Queen
Host: Michael Gerth, Head of iDiv Junior Research Group Symbiont Evolution
Georgia Drew, Research Fellow at Collegium Helveticum, The joint Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the ETH Zurich, The University of Zurich, & The Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich (Switzerland)
Title: "The effect of eco-evolutionary context on a protective symbiosis"
Biodiversity Indicators for Economy
27.11.2024 – 29.11.2024
Seminar talk by Swanni T. Alvarado, National University of Colombia, Bogota (Colombia)
27.11.2024 – 27.11.2024
Host: Lina Estupinan Suarez (BioCon)
Swanni T. Alvarado, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, National University of Colombia, Bogotá (Colombia)
Title: "Fire dynamics in savannas: implications for conservation and restoration"
Biodiversity Indicators for Economy
27.11.2024 – 29.11.2024
Biodiversity Indicators for Economy
27.11.2024 – 29.11.2024
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 2 working group meeting
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
Dies academicus - "Vom Sojaschnitzel bis zur Torferde auf dem Balkon: Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise. Aber was haben wir damit zu tun?"
02.12.2024 – 02.12.2024
Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-LeipzignPuschstrasse 4, 04103 Leipzig
Dr. Marten Winter, Leiter von sDiv, dem Synthesezentrum von iDiv
Vortragstitel: "Vom Sojaschnitzel bis zur Torferde auf dem Balkon: Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise. Aber was haben wir damit zu tun?"
Abstract: In diesem Vortrag werden die Zusammenhänge und Ursachen zwischen den eng miteinander verzahnten Biodiversitäts- und Klimakrisen erklärt. Es werden Beispiele aus dem Alltag aufgegriffen, um zu zeigen, wo jeder Einzelne und die Gesellschaft ansetzen kann (und muss) um diesen Krisen, die die Zukunft aller Menschen betrifft, erfolgreich entgegen zu treten. Der Austausch mit dem Publikum und eine rege Diskussion sind erwünscht.
Dies academicus - "Wie können Bürger:innen zum Gewässermonitoring beitragen? Einblicke in das Citizen Science-Projekt FLOW"
02.12.2024 – 02.12.2024
Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-LeipzignPuschstrasse 4, 04103 Leipzig
Julia von Gönner, Koordinatorin des FLOW-Projektes, Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) und Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ)
Vortragstitel: "Wie können Bürger:innen zum Gewässermonitoring beitragen? Einblicke in das Citizen Science-Projekt FLOW"
Abstract: Citizen Science („Bürgerforschung“) hat großes Potenzial, Bürger:innen aktiv an der Biodiversitätsforschung zu beteiligen, um gemeinsam neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, Netzwerke und Handlungskapazitäten zu schaffen.
FLOW ist ein bundesweites Citizen Science-Projekt zum ökologischen Monitoring von Fließgewässern (www.flow-projekt.de). Im Projekt untersuchen Bürgerforschende aus Schulen, Umwelt- und Angelverbänden und weiteren Gruppen den Zustand kleiner Bäche, die vom offiziellen Monitoring nicht oder nur unzureichend erfasst werden. Damit möchten wir die Gewässerforschung unterstützen und gleichzeitig das gesellschaftliche Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung und Gefährdung unserer Fließgewässer stärken. Von 2021 bis 2023 engagierten sich über im Projekt 90 Gruppen mit insgesamt mehr als 900 Teilnehmenden im FLOW-Projekt. Der Vortrag gibt Einblicke in die FLOW-Monitoringmethoden und Ergebnisse.
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 2 working group meeting
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 2 working group meeting
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
Seminar talk by Christopher Monk, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
04.12.2024 – 04.12.2024
Leipzig core centre - Beehive
Host: Marten Winter (sDiv)
Christopher Monk, Scientist and Group Leader of the Marine Behavioural Ecology Group at GEOMAR Helmholtz Institute for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel (Germany)
Title: "Insights into fisheries-induced evolution and selection processes from high-resolution tracking studies in the wild"
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 2 working group meeting
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
sDiv working group meeting
sARDINE 2 working group meeting
02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024
Seminar talk by N G Prasad, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali
18.12.2024 – 18.12.2024
Host: Pratyaksh Singh (Symbiont Evolution)
N G Prasad, Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Mohali (India)
Title: "Parental effects of pathogenic infection in Drosophila melanogaster"