Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv)

Metabolomic network in and around around iDiv goes live!

Metabolomics is an excellent tool to unravel the drivers of ecological dynamics as adaptation and resitance. Not only is this technology being used by more and more researchers, but many of the researchers at and around the IDiv are leading experts in the field. In order to improve the exchange of information, tools, expertise and equipment between iDiv researchers in this field and to increase the visibility of every single expert, the idiv@metabolomics network was established at the last iDIv confeence in October 2020. The network focuses on the exchange of continuing education opportunities on the topic of metabolomics such as workshop, seminars and internships. Furthermore the network aims to ease the accessibilty of equipment and exchange of students and PostDocs. The next meeting will take place in autumn 2021!

You want to join the network? Perfect, just write an email to


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