Media and Communications

The media and communications department communicates iDiv's research to the general public through a variety of channels including classic media (TV, radio, print), twitter, the iDiv website and promotion events. It also supports iDiv scientists in communicating with the outside world. This all contributes to the CBD Aichi Target 1: to achieve awareness of the values of biodiversity.

Media distribution list

Are you interested in our research? We are happy to add you to our media distribution list. For this purpose please send us an email to:

In addition to our media releases you will receive invitations to public events.


Head of Media and Communications
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733154
Team Lead (Scientific Events) & Science Communication Officer (Media and Communications)
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9739222
Media Designer
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733109
Science Communication Officer
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733197
Media Designer
Phone: mail to person +49 341 97 33237
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