Project Type | Acronym | Title | Date | PI | Postdoc |
SF | sMacrobehaviour | Disentangling Drivers of Geographic Variation in Vertebrate Behaviour | 03.-07.03.2025 | Sally Keith Katharine Marske | |
SF | sMacroS | Towards a synthesis in soil fauna macroecology | 19.-22.05.2025 | Anton Potapov Nico Eisenhauer | |
SF | sRED | The Range Edge Dynamics (RED) Working Group | 05.-09.05.2025 | Jean-Philippe Lessard Katie Marshall | |
SF | sDETERMINE | Direct and Indirect Effects of Mining on Global Ecosystems and Biodiversity | tba | Victor Maus Arildo Dias | |
SF | sTREND | synthesis on tree Traits REsponse to Neighboring Diversity | 01.-04.07.2025 | Hervé Jactel Simone Mereu | |
SF | sEXCRETE | Examining Consumer Resource Exchange in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems | tba | Amanda Subalusky Elizabeth le Roux | |
SF | sCREATE | Participatory decision-making for conservation in human-wildlife conflict contexts: synthesising expertise from research and practice | 03.-06.03.2025 | Emily Massingham Hugh Possingham | |
SF | sRealBioFun | Using long-term resurvey data and biodiversity experiments to predict ecosystem consequences of real-world biodiversity change | 07.-10.04.2025 | Yuxin Chen Donald Waller | |
ECR | sNext | The future of ecological networks under extreme climate change | 23.-27.06.2025 | Nuria Galiana Juan David González-Trujillo | |
SF | sIBTEDS | sIBTEDS - Illuminating Blindspots Through Equitable Data reuse practices in the global South | workshops & data training in Latin America, scientific staff support | Stephanie Jurburg Silvia Garaycochea Eva Figuerola | Clara María Arboleda Baena |
SF | sBombus | Leveraging artificial intelligence for global bumble bee monitoring and conservation | 03.-07.06.2024 | Brian Spiesman Christina Grozinger Tiffany Knight | |
SF | sSCAT | Fit-for-purpose models and frameworks for understanding and managing diverse social-ecological area-based conservation systems | 22.-25.04.2024 | Alta De Vos Graeme Cumming | |
SF | sARDINE | spAtial tRenDs IN fish Ethodiversity | 22.-26.04.2024 16.-20.09.2024 | Christopher Monk | |
SF | sTime | The dynamics of community turnover across space and time | 08.-12.04.2024 | Pincelli Hull Erin Saupe Marina Rillo | |
ECR | sFragment | Disentangling effects of fragmentation and habitat loss on functional diversity | 10.- 14.06.2024 | Andres Felipe Suarez Castro | |
ECR | sConsume | How does biodiversity drive disease and herbivory in a changing world? | 22.-26.01.2024 | Fletcher Halliday Suz Everingham Mayank Kohli | |
ECR | sPectra | The major dimensions of plant spectral variation | 27.-31.05.2024 | Shan Kothari Teja Kattenborn | |
ECR | sFutures | Integrating functional and phylogenetic underpinnings into restoration science | 26.02.-01.03.2024 10.-14.06.2024 | Magda Garbowski Emma Ladouceur | |
ECR | sMoste | Motifs supporting STability of Ecosystem services | 02.-05.05.2023 03.-07.06.2024 | Kate Wootton Anshuman Swain | |
SF | sELOdiv | sELOdiv: Synthesising Ecosystem and Land cover Observations and biodiversity change after abandonment and depopulation | tba | Gergana Daskalova Sylvia Dyulgerova | |
SF | sCaleGrassDiv | Do the mechanisms of land-use effects on grassland plant diversity depend on spatial scales and environmental contexts? | 30.01.-03.02.2023 06.-10.11.2023 27.-31.05.2024 | Anna Kuzemko Oksana Buzhdygan | |
SF | sUnderfoot | Functional diversity of belowground plant strategies in a rapidly changing world | 09.-13.01.2023 13.-17.11.2023 10.-14.06.2024 | Joana Bergmann Alessandra Fidelis | Karl Andraczek |
SF | sGUBIK | Synthesizing Global Urban Biological Invasion Knowledge (sGUBIK): Patterns, Mechanisms, and Applications | 25.-29.09.2023 14.-18.10.2024 | Luke Potgieter Daijiang Li | |
SF | sReStoReS | Restoration Synthesis to Reimagine Success | no meeting, only scientific staff support | Emma Ladouceur Jonathan Chase | |
SF | sIntESE | Integrating ecosystem services into economic models | 05.-09.12.2022 04.-08.03.2024 | Alexandra Marques Aafke Schipper | |
SF | sOilFauna | sOilFauna: How human activities impact soil macrofauna communities and how it relates to primary productivity? A global synthesis. | 02.-06.05.2022 21.-24.05.2024 | Jerome Mathieu Nico Eisenhauer | |
SF | sILK | Synthesizing Indigenous and Local Knowledge worldviews to develop frameworks for effective operationalization of relational values in environmental governance | 25.-29.07.2022 | Austin Himes Barbara Muraca | |
SF | sINTERVAL | INTERaction Variation along ALtitudinal gradients | 05.-09.12.2022 | Tiffany Knight | |
ECR | sPSF | Soil microbial controls over plant coexistence: synthesizing data and theory to unravel context dependence of plant-soil feedbacks under global change | 25.-28.10.2021 (fully virtual) 04.-07.10.2022 26.-30.06.2023 21. 24.05.2024 | Gaurav Kandlikar Meghna Krishnadas | |
ECR | sEnigmas | Seeing the forest instead of the trees: identifying the common mechanisms behind enigmas of biodiversity | 22.-25.11.2021 19.-22.07.2022 06.-10.11.2023 | Isaac Overcast Ana C. Afonso Silva | |
ECR | sMars | Synthesis of movement across scales: towards a process-based prediction of biodiversity patterns | 16.-20.05.2022 13.-17.05.2023 13.-17.05.2024 | Remo Ryser Myriam Hirt | |
WG | sMiLE | Synthesising plant Metabolomics into biodiversity, Life history & Ecology | 09.-13.11.2020 (fully virtual) 25.-29.10.2021 (hybrid) 04-08-07.2022 23.-27.10.2023 | Tom Walker Franziska Schrodt | |
WG | sPRINT | Working out the mechanics of predator-prey interactions to predict the present and future of biodiversity in food webs | 12.-16.10.2020 (fully virtual) 02.-05.11.2021 (hybrid) | Mehdi Cherif | |
WG | sTRAITS | Integrating in-situ, upscaled and air- and spaceborne observations of plant traits | 24.-29.10.2021 (hybrid) 07.-10.06.2022 19.-23.06.2023 | Philip A. Townsend Ryan Pavlick | Benjamin Dechant |
WG | sTeTra | Quantifying temporal change in traits across taxa and the globe | 06.-10.12.2021 30.05.-03.06.2022 08.-12.05.2023 15.-19.04.2024 | Franziska Schrodt Maria Dornelas | |
WG | sTradES | Ecosystem services, biodiversity and anthropogenic capital embedded in internationally traded goods | 12.-16.09.2022 04.-08.09.2023 | C.J.E. (Nynke) Schulp Thomas Kastner | |
WG | sRedList | Accelerating IUCN Red List assessments for rapid and effective biodiversity monitoring | 22.-25.03.2021 (fully virtual) 14.-16.03.2022 14.-17.03.2023 | Luca Santini Moreno Di Marco | Victor Cazalis |
WG | sPriority | Mechanisms and Quantification of Priority Effects | 27.09.-01.10.2021 26.-30.09.2022 09.-13.10.2023 | Benjamin Delory Tadashi Fukami | |
WG | sDevTrait | Streamlining development efforts in tools for ecological trait analyses | 26.-30.10.2020 (fully virtual) 31.08.-03.09.2021 (hybrid) 08.-11.08.2022 | Alexander Keller Markus Ankenbrand | |
WG | sUCCESS | Pantropical forest succession | 16.-20.12.2019 29.11.-03.12.2021 21.-25.11.2022 | Lourens Poorter Nadja Rueger Michiel van Breugel | |
WG | sCom | Advancing inference for eDNA and other novel, high-throughput community data | 11.-15.10.2021 09.-13.05.2022 | Florian Hartig Douglas Yu | |
WG | sCoRRE | Assessing functional consequences of community changes with global change using trait-based and phylogenetic approaches | 09.-13.12.2019 13.-17.12.2021 12.-16.12.2022 | Meghan Avolio Kimberly Komatsu | |
WG | sBIOMAPS | Exploring BIOgeographic and MAcroevolutionary Patterns in organismal Stoichiometric diversity | 25.-29.11.2019 08.-12.02.2021 (fully virtual) 08.-12.11.2021 (hybrid) 28.11.-2.12.2022 | Angelica Gonzalez Olivier Dézerald | |
WG | sToration | Applying Coexistence Theory to Restoration Ecology and Adaptive Management | 21.-24.10.2019 13.-17.06.2022 20.-23.06.2023 | Lauren Shoemaker Lauren Hallett Akasha Faist | |
WG | sANDES | Tree Diversity, Composition and Carbon Storage in Andean Tropical Montane Forests | 22.-25.01.2019 21.-24.01.2020 | Luis Cayuela Manuel J. Macía | |
WG | sYNGEO | The geography of synchrony in dendritic networks: understanding the causes, dynamics, and consequences across multiple scales | 14.-18.01.2019 29.07.-02.08.2019 | Julian D Olden Lise Comte | |
WG | sCaleWebs | Unifying environmental and spatial determinants of food web structure across spatial scales | 10.-14.12.2018 02.-06.12.2019 18.-21.01.2021 (fully virtual) 11.-14.04.2022 | Gustavo Q Romero Diane S Srivastava | |
WG | sREplot | Upscaling of individual species dynamics to community trends in biodiversity and composition using vegetation change data sets | 13.-16.11.2018 14.-17.05.2019 | Lander Baeten Markus Bernhardt-Römermann Ute Jandt | |
WG | sTreelines | Spatial pattern emergence from ecological processes at alpine treelines: model-supported hypothesis tests against globally-distributed field data | 03.-06.12.2018 11.-14.11.2019 | Maaike Bader Bradley Case | |
WG | sROOT | Root Trait functionality in a Whole-Plant Context | 22.-26.10.2018 06.-10.05.2019 27.- 31.01.2020 | Liesje Mommer Alexandra Weigelt | |
WG | sTraitChange | How do trait responses to climate change translate into demographic rates and population dynamics? | 08.-11.10.2018 08.-11.04.2019 | Viktoriia Radchuk Marcel E. Visser | |
WG | sUrBio2050 | Assessing globally important areas for biodiversity preservation and human well-being | 04.-07.09.2018 30.09.-02.10.2019 | Rob McDonald Henrique Pereira Thomas Elmqvist | Andressa Vianna Mansur |
WG | sTWIST | Theory and Workflows for Alien and Invasive Species Tracking | 20.-24.08.2018 03.-07.06.2019 02.-05.06.2020 19.-23.09.2022 | Melodie McGeoch Marten Winter | |
WG | sEcoEvo | Biodiversity Dynamics: The Nexus Between Space & Time | 19.-23.03.2018 13.-17.08.2018 | Rosemary Gillespie Michael Hickerson | |
WG | sELDiG | Explaining the latitudinal diversity gradient: synthesizing knowledge via data-driven mechanistic modelling | 16.-20.10.2017 11.-15.06.2018 | Allen Hurlbert Catherine Graham | |
WG | sLandServ | Linking Landscape Structure to Ecosystem Services | 11.-14.12.2017 02.-06.07.2018 | Jonathan Rhodes Jean Paul Metzger | |
WG | sOcioLock-in | Understanding the undesirable resilience in socio-ecological systems driving biodiversity loss | 05.-09.02.2018 04.-07.06.2018 | Tom Oliver Emily Boyd | |
WG | sTURN | Does time drive space? Building a mechanistic linkage between spatial and temporal turnover in metacommunities | 06.-10.11.2017 05.-09.11.2018 | Zsófia Horváth Robert Ptacnik | |
WG | sUrBioCity | Deciphering Drivers of Urban Biodiversity across Multiple Scales | 09.-13.10.2017 09.-13.04.2018 | Christopher Swan | |
WG | sMon | Synthesis and evaluation of monitoring data in Germany | 27.-28.11.2017 22.-24.01.2018 23.-27.01.2023 | Florian Jansen Aletta Bonn Helge Bruelheide | David Eichenberg |
WG | sECURE | Separating Environmental Changes and their effects on commUnity tRaits in European butterflies | 15.-19.05.2017 16.-20.04.2018 | Oliver Schweiger Josef Settele | |
WG | sWORM | A global soil biodiversity database and its application to data synthesis and theory development | 14-17.03.2017 13.-16.11.2017 | Erin Cameron Nico Eisenhauer | Helen Phillips |
WG | sMonodominance | Towards a unifying theory of the emergence and maintenance of monodominance in species-rich tropical forests | 31.01.-03.02.2017 23.-26.01.2018 | Andreas Huth Kelvin Peh | |
WG | sCAP | Testing the conservation value of phylogenetic diversity | 05.-08.12.2016 02.-05.05.2017 | Arne Mooers Caroline M. Tucker | |
WG | sTeleBES | Telecoupled use of biodiversity and ecosystem services: synthesis of concepts, methods and evidence | 28.11.-02.12.2016 25.-29.09.2017 | Matthias Schröter Thomas Koellner Aletta Bonn | |
WG | sAPROPOS | Analysis of PROjections of POpulationS | 23.-25.11.2016 06.-10.02.2017 12.-16.06.2017 | Roberto Salguero-Gomez | |
WG | sPRED | Synthesizing Predictability Research of Ecological Dynamics | 07.-11.11.2016 23.-27.10.2017 | Frank Pennekamp Alison Iles | |
WG | sFDvent | A functional trait perspective on the global biodiversity of hydrothermal vent communities | 10.-13.10.2016 24.-28.04.2017 | Amanda Bates Abbie Chapman | |
WG | sCAFE | Community Assembly and the Functioning of Ecosystems in Open Systems | 29.02.-04.03.2016 13.-17.06.2016 | Morgan Ernest Mathew Leibold | Katherine Bannar-Martin |
WG | sChange | Quantifying biodiversity change through time | 22.-26.02.2016 | Sarah Supp Maria Dornelas | |
WG | sPLAT | Synthesis on Pollen Limitation And Terrestrial biodiversity | 25.-29.01.2016 | Tiffany Knight Tia-Lynn Ashman Janette Steets | |
WG | sNiche | Expanding Neo-Chessonian coexistence theory towards a stochastic theory for species rich communities | 18.-20.01.2016 06.-08.06.2016 | Thorsten Wiegand Stan Harpole | |
WG | sToichNutNet | Linking ecological stoichiometry with environment‐diversity-productivity relationships in grasslands | 11.-14.01.2016 09.-12.01.2017 19.-22.06.2017 | Elizabeth Borer Anne Ebeling | |
WG | sMarD | Global Changes in Marine Plankton Diversity and Productivity | 30.11.-04.12.2015 | Aleksandra Lewandowska Boris Worm | |
WG | sFIND | Functional Information: its potential for quantifying biodiversity and its relation to ecosystem functioning | 07.-11.09.2015 | Keith Farnsworth Ivo Große | |
WG | Human decision making | Synthesis of micro-scale human decision making to mitigate risks to ecosystem services | 29.06.-03.07.2015 | Maja Schlüter Marco Janssen | |
WG | sTEP | Synthesising Trait Evolution in Plants | 18.-21.05.2015 | William Pearse Jeannine Cavender-Bares | |
WG | LU-BD-ES | Effects of land use on the trade-off between biodiversity and provisioning ecosystem services | 20.-24.04.2015 | Ralf Seppelt | |
WG | sESMOD | Next Generation Models for Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity | 14.-17.04.2015 | Elena Bennett Gretchen Daily | |
WG | sErvices | Can ecological network information improve the efficacy of biodiversity conservation for ecosystem services in the face of unavoidable uncertainty? | 16.-20.03.2015 04.-08.04.2016 | Laura Dee Steven Gaines | |
WG | sEpiDiv | Towards understanding the causes and consequences of epigenetic diversity | 02.-06.03.2015 23.-25.09.2015 | Katrin Heer Lars Opgenoorth | |
WG | Acacia invasions | Anticipatory governance and societal feedbacks in socio-environmental transitions: multi-continental acacia invasions as a model system | 16.-19.02.2015 | Dave Richardson Christoph Kueffer | |
WG | JSCM | International Joint Synthesis Centre Meeting | 27.-30.01.2015 | Marten Winter | |
WG | sEcoToxDiv | Ecotoxicology for B-EF research: experimental design of aquatic multi-trophic experiments | 15.-18.12.2014 | Frederik De Laender Paul Van den Brink | |
WG | sFunDivEUROPE | Synthesis workshop | 24.-26.11.2014 | Eric Allan Lars Gamfeld | |
WG | sRareBioS | Importance of rare microbes for soil ecosystem services | 25.-28.11.2014 | Gera Hol Alexandre Jousset | |
WG | sUMMITDiv | Europe’s alpine flora: past, present and future | 10.-20.11.2014 | Sonja Wipf | |
WG | sWEEP | Synthetizing Worldwide Ecology, Evolution and Physiology | 21.-24.10.2014 | Miguel Ángel Olalla Tárraga Ignacio Morales Castilla | Joanne Bennett |
WG | Biodiversity Change | Debating the existence of local biodiversity loss and developing new projects to build consensus | 10.-12.10.2014 | Forest Isbell Nico Eisenhauer | |
WG | Urban ESS | Ecological and Social Linkages among Biodiversity, ESS, and Environmental Policy and Management in the World’s Cities | 01.-04.07.2014 | Myla Aronson Charles Nilon | |
WG | From water to land | Exploring the linkages between anthropogenically-driven shifts in marine and terrestrial biodiversity and ESS in a rapidly globalizing coastal region within a biodiversity hotspot | 16.-19.06.2014 | Seeta Sistla Daniel Kramer | |
WG | Restoration Synthesis | Feedbacks between biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services during the recovery process of restored ecosystems after anthropogenic disturbance | 26.-28.05.2014 | David Moreno Holly P. Jones | |
WG | sFOSSIL | Integrating Phylogenies, Fossils and Earth System Dynamics | 05.-08.05.2014 | Jan Schnitzler Andreas Mulch | |
WG | sOILDIV | A framework to improve our understanding of the distribution of global soil biodiversity: establishing the first quantitative synthesis | 01.-04.04.2014 | Diana Wall Kelly Ramirez | Kelly Ramirez |
WG | sTREEDIV | Using Tree Diversity as an Insurance for the Stable Functioning of Forest Ecosystems | 17.-21.03.2014 | Andy Hector Bart Muys | Simon Bilodeau-Gauthier |
WG | sTUNDRA | Tundra ecosystem change: Scaling shrub expansion from site to biome | 24.02.-07.03.2014 04.–08.05.2015 | Isla Myers-Smith Sarah Elmendorf | Anne Bjorkman |
WG | sCoMuCra | Species communities harboring the outcome of plant diversification: museums and cradles | 06.-11.01.2014 | Andreas Prinzing | Benjamin Yguel |
WG | sREGPOOL | Biodiversity across spatial scales - linking macroecological models to local-scale biodiversity patterns by explicit delineation of the regional species pool | 02.-06.12.2013 | Dirk Nikolaus Karger Jens-Christian Svenning | |
WG | sTOICHFUN | Stoichiometric constraints of biodiversity – functioning relationships | 25.-29.10.2013 | Helmut Hillebrand | Aleksandra Lewandowska |
WG | sPHY | Synthesizing phylogenetic measures for ecology and conservation | 19.-22.11.2013 20.-23.05.2014 | Marc Cadotte Dan Rosauer | |
WG | rangeShifter | Synthesising population, community, genetic and evolutionary dynamics in a simulation platform: a tool for theory and application | 28.10.-01.11.2013 08.-12.09.2014 | Justin Travis Alexander Singer | Alexander Singer |
WG | sTability | Plant diversity effects on ecosystem resistance to and recovery from perturbations | 21.-23.10.2013 06.-10.10.2014 | Nico Eisenhauer Forest Isbell | Dylan Craven |
WG | TRANs-BEE | Synthesising transcriptome data to explore interspecies bee-pathogen molecular interactions that may underpin pollinator decline | 10.-11.10.2013 28.-29.04.2014 | Christina Grozinger Robert Paxton | Vincent Doublet |
WG | Physiodiv | Biodiversity meets Physiology – Physiology meets Biodiversity | 26.-27.09.2013 | Christian Wilhelm | |
WG | TRY | Towards a sustainable archive and sharing-mechanism for plant trait data: Refining the TRY initiative | 03.-05.09.2013 | Jens Kattge | |
WG | sPlot | Plant trait-environment relationships, biodiversity and invasion patterns across the world's biomes | 06.-09.03.2013 02.-05.12.2014 24.-28.10.2016 | Helge Bruelheide Oliver Purschke Jürgen Dengler | |
WG | sMGI | 3rd Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative | 09.-10.07.2013 | François Buscot Sylvie Herrmann | |
WG | sImpact | Impact of invasive alien species: prediction and quantification | 01.-04.07.2013 | Sabrina Kumschick | |
WG | ECOTRON | Next generation biodiversity manipulation: Technical requirements for an ecotron platform | 06.-07.06.2013 | Stefan Meldau Nico Eisenhauer | |
WG | Inaugural Workshop | Integrative Biodiversity Research - a young discipline under time pressure | 19.-21.04.2013 | Christian Wirth Marten Winter | |