German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

News of Experimental Interaction Ecology

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According to the study, soil ecosystems are more resilient when extensively farmed. The photo shows a meadow in Thuringia (Picture: B. Schnabel)

Effects of land use on soil biodiversity in cropland and grassland  › more

19.11.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Drought and overgrazing are factors that can lead to degraded land (left) and impact the ability of ecosystems to provide services such as carbon sequestration or soil fertility. (Picture: USDA)

The higher the environmental stress, the lower the resistance to global change.  › more

27.08.2024 | TOP NEWS, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Communicating science to a broad audience has various benefits for all stakeholders  › more

01.08.2024 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Springtail (Collembola) (Picture: Frank Ashwood)

Life strategies of a multitude of soil faunal taxa can affect the formation of organic matter in soil.  › more

17.06.2024 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
Agriculture shapes our landscape and provides multiple services. A new study blends the impacts on food production, soil health, biodiversity and other ecosystem services, comparing extensive and intensive management (Picture: JUAN CARLOS MUNOZ -

New study in Nature Communications  › more

13.06.2024 | TOP NEWS, Physiological Diversity, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, Biodiversity Economics
Prof. Dr Nico Eisenhauer (centre) with Prof. (ETHZ) Dr Haug, President of the Leopoldina (left) and Franziska Hornig, Secretary General of the Leopoldina (right) during the ceremony. (Picture: Markus Scholz for Leopoldina)

Nico Eisenhauer was admitted to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.  › more

18.04.2024 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, TOP NEWS
Biodiverse forests release fewer biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) into the atmosphere than monocultures. (Picture: Colourbox)

New study on the link between biodiversity and climate  › more

13.12.2023 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Front view of the cable data logger box for the soil temperature measurement system (Controller Area Network bus module system) at the Jena experimental site.  (Picture: Karl Kübler / MPI BGC Jena)

Study reveals natural solution to mitigate effects of climate change  › more

06.12.2023 | iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS
Modern societies rely heavily on artificial light at night, but this convenience comes at a cost not only to people's health but also to ecosystems.  (Picture: Jürgen Vieweg/Pixelio)

Surprisingly far-reaching impacts of light pollution  › more

30.10.2023 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Theory in Biodiversity Science
The Jena Experiment has been investigating the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning for over 20 years. A DFG Research Unit will now be funded for another four years (Picture: Matthias Ditscherlein)

DFG to fund Research Unit  › more

10.10.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
A look into the canopy of the experimental forest plantation MyDiv. (Picture: Tama Ray)

New study published in Science Advances  › more

09.10.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The iDiv Ecotron consists of several controlled mini-ecosystems, so-called EcoUnits. (Picture: Anja Schmidt)

Immediate protection measures are required to safeguard invertebrate communities and critical ecosystem services.  › more

26.09.2023 | Research, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
Only with the help of more holistic management, carbon sequestration in soils can be increased. (Picture: Carsten W. Mueller)

Novel framework allows for a more effective management of soils as carbon sinks  › more

15.06.2023 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The Jena Experiment (Picture: Alexandra Weigelt)

Biodiversity–stability relationships strengthen over time in a long-term grassland experiment  › more

13.01.2023 | Media Release, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS
The soils of this pine forest in Seville were included in the study. (Picture: Manuel Delgado Baquerizo)

New study published in Nature  › more

12.10.2022 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
The scientific literature only covers a small part of the species diversity. Insect species, especially those in the species-rich tropical regions, have been very little researched and are hardly considered in biodiversity assessments. (Picture: Alexa Schmitz / pixabay)

New experts survey considerably extends the global biodiversity knowledge by underrepresented species groups and regions  › more

18.07.2022 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The Jena Experiment, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), started in 2002 and is one of the longest-running biodiversity experiments in Europe. (Picture: Jena Experiment)

Drought-exposure history improves the recovery of grassland communities from subsequent drought  › more

09.06.2022 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Earthworms stimulate microorganisms to produce more stabilised carbon in the soil. (Picture: A. Murray)

Novel concept helps managing soils as a carbon sink  › more

11.05.2022 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS
Earthworms are considered essential ecosystem engineers underground. Researchers from iDiv and Leipzig University have now shown that they also play a major role in shaping aboveground communities.  (Picture: V. Gutekunst)

Researchers recommend taking underappreciated factors for biodiversity loss into account  › more

30.03.2022 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Global warming is leading to increasing water shortages for animals and plants, including our food and energy crops. (Picture: Bluedesign)

New workshop report on climate and biodiversity offers guidelines for pioneering policies  › more

10.06.2021 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Plant roots with associated mycorrhizal fungi. (Picture: Super Organism, visual artist Suzette Bousema)

Award will give research collaboration with iDiv an extra boost.  › more

12.04.2021 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Changes in microbial diversity in soils may affect important ecosystem functions like nutrient cycles. (Picture: S. Piyaset - AdobeStock)

Global change alters microbial life in soils - and thereby its ecological functions  › more

24.02.2021 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Earthworms are the architects of the soil. They mix the soil layers, form a network of burrows essential for soil water, air and nutrient dynamics, and decompose dead material. (Picture: Valentin Gutekunst)

Researchers call for greater consideration of soil biodiversity and functions in international conservation strategies  › more

14.01.2021 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, GEO BON, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Prof Nico Eisenhauer (Picture: Christian Hüller)

Most important German research award  › more

10.12.2020 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Diverse plant communities provide multiple benefits and can help control herbivore pests. (Picture: Anne Ebeling)

Species-rich plant communities help to naturally reduce herbivore impacts.  › more

06.11.2020 | Theory in Biodiversity Science, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, TOP NEWS
The research team used the iDiv Ecotron, where identical climatic situations can be simulated in artificial ecosystems and observed with cameras. (Picture: iDiv)

Research group of iDiv and Jena University uses novel research method to study effect of insect decline on plant biodiversity  › more

26.10.2020 | Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members, iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The research team’s experiments took place at locations such as the Saaleaue, where the Jena Experiment on functional biodiversity research is running. (Picture: Nico Eisenhauer)

Biodiversity experiment provides new insights into the relationship between plant traits and ecosystem functions  › more

07.10.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Aerial view of the Jena Experiment. (Picture: Jena Experiment)

Findings from experimental sites are reliable.  › more

24.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, iDiv Members, Research, TOP NEWS
Biodiversity loss has detrimental effects on ecosystem processes. Soil chemicals decimate plant decomposers, which inhibits their ecosystem function. This interrupts the nutrient cycle, for instance. (Picture: Léa Beaumelle)

Diversity of soil organisms has key role in the carbon cycle.  › more

04.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Nematodes are very small, microscopic worms that can be found in soils almost all over the world.  (Picture: Andy Murray)

Only few studies investigate soil biodiversity in tropical and subtropical regions.  › more

03.08.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, MLU News, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, iDiv
Climate change and land use reduce the biomass of soil animals. While changing climate reduces the body size of organisms, cultivation reduces their frequency. (Picture: Lisa Vogel / UFZ (illustration))

As a result of climate change, soil animals are getting smaller, and their numbers are falling due to intensive land use  › more

28.07.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, UFZ News, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Mid- and high-latitude ecosystems from the Northern Hemisphere are some of the ecosystems expected to be more affected by the increases in pathogen proportions. The picture shows forests in the west of the USA.  (Picture: Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo)

Scientists develop global map of future risk areas for plant diseasesBased on a media release by Pablo de Olavide University Sevilla Sevilla / Leipzig / Halle. Global warming will increase the…  › more

11.05.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, sDiv
Earthworms foster many ecosystem services important to people.  (Picture: Valentin Gutekunst)

Global climate change could alter earthworm communities worldwide.  › more

24.10.2019 | sDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release
At the Jena Experiment, researchers study the role of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning. (Picture: Christoph Scherber)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants 5 million euros for novel approach to investigate mechanisms underlying biodiversity and ecosystem functions at Jena Experiment  › more

30.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, Media Release

Open-access journal follows exceptionally fair approach  › more

20.08.2019 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
In the experiment, extensively managed grasslands were either moderately mown or grazed by sheep (photo: Julia Siebert).

Soil activity decreases nevertheless  › more

11.04.2019 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members
The global distribution of the match of biodiversity above the ground (mammals, birds, amphibians and plants) and below (soil invertebrates, fungi and bacteria). Dark areas have high biodiversity above and in the soil; light yellow areas have high above-ground biodiversity but low diversity in the soil; blue areas have low above-ground biodiversity, but species-rich soil communities; and light areas are species-poor above and below the soil surface. (Picture: Conservation Biology)

Research team evaluates global biodiversity data – with surprising resultsLeipzig. After conducting comprehensive studies, an international team of researchers led by Leipzig University and the iDiv…  › more

13.03.2019 | iDiv Members, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS
Cleaning surfaces with disinfectants disturbs the natural species composition of the microorganisms present. Individual species can profit from this and reproduce strongly. This could even favour the spread and establishment of pathogens. (Picture: nakedking –

More living organisms on our bodies and in our homes could help in combatting diseases - if we let them live  › more

21.01.2019 | sDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Original illustration of the article in Frontiers for Young Minds (picture: Frontiers for Young Minds).

iDiv scientists explain research on tropical arthropods in journal for young readers  › more

23.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The Jena experiment, a grassland biodiversity experiment in Germany. Photo: Anne Ebeling, FSU

Study from 39 grassland experiments published in Nature Ecology and Evolution  › more

27.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, sDiv
Oribatid mite of the Euphthiracaridae family. These mites travel alive in the gut of slugs. (Picture: Andy Murray)

Newly discovered dispersal strategy for mites  › more

04.07.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Mites and pauropods are common animals in the soil, but data on their diversity is lacking. (Photo: Andy Murray)

Data on soil biodiversity is lacking from large regions of the world, new sDiv study finds.  › more

05.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Woodlice are important detrivores in the soil. (Picture: Sarah Zieger)

Study questions assumptions on mechanisms underlying warming feedback.  › more

21.12.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The „Jena Experiment“ (Photo: Christoph Scherber)

Media release about the ‘Jena Experiment’  › more

28.11.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Heating elements used to warm one of the forest plots in Minnesota, U.S.A. Plots are also warmed belowground using heating cables (photo: Benjamin Schwarz).

... and even more so when tree logging and drought occur at the same time  › more

10.11.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Theory in Biodiversity Science
Grassland and forest biodiversity experiments: grassland experiment from the Jena Biodiversity experiment (Germany, left) and  forest experiment from the Sardinilla Experiment (Panama, right). Photos: Anja Vogel (FSU Jena) & Nathaly R. Guerrero-Ramírez (iDiv/ Leipzig University)

new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution  › more

10.10.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Participants of the summer school during an excursion to the Bad Lauchstädt field site (photo: Volker Hahn).

From 3-15 September, the 3rd iDiv Summer School 2017 on “Synthesising and modelling biodiversity data” took place.  › more

15.09.2017 | TOP NEWS, yDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology

paper of iDiv summer school published  › more

04.09.2017 | yDiv, iDiv, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Experimental meadow plots with heating lamps (photo: Jacob Miller).

In meadows with high plant species richness, nematode communities cope better with warming.  › more

14.07.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Exploring different aspects of biodiversity  › more

16.06.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv
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