08.03.2021 | News der MIE-Gruppe
iDiv platform video highlights Ecometabolomics
Hinweis für die Medien: Die von iDiv bereitgestellten Bilder dürfen ausschließlich für die Berichterstattung im Zusammenhang mit dieser Medienmitteilung und unter Angabe des/der Urhebers/in verwendet werden.
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Our Media and Communications unit made a very nice series of videos of the iDiv platforms. In addition, they made an integrated video, where the iDiv platforms are presented as a network.
As you will see, our Ecometeor platform is shining brightly. Let’s hope this will be motivating more biodiversity researchers to implement metabolomic analyses into their research. Please contact the coordinator of Ecometeor, Henriette Uthe, for more information on courses and research collaborations.