German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
10.10.2024 | Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS

Julia von Gönner wins Research Award for Citizen Science

Julia von Gönner received the Research Award Citizen Science (Picture: Claudia Höhne | Wissenschaft im Dialog)

Julia von Gönner received the Research Award Citizen Science (Picture: Claudia Höhne | Wissenschaft im Dialog)

Citizen scientists throughout Germany analysed the ecological status of small waterways for the FLOW project (Picture: J. Farys)

Citizen scientists throughout Germany analysed the ecological status of small waterways for the FLOW project (Picture: J. Farys)

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The Citizen Science project FLOW mobilised over 900 citizens to contribute to the ecological monitoring of small streams.


The full text is only available in German.

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