The Macroecology and Society Lab

We are an interdisciplinary research lab, combining backgrounds in geography, statistics, macro- and community ecology, environmental resource management, environmental social science, crop science, and agricultural biology. At the intersection of our expertise, our research aims to detect and understand global dynamics in human-environment systems, with a focus on human land use, its underlying societal drivers, and its ecological consequences. To achieve this, we develop state-of-the-art statistical and computational tools, as well as global and multi-temporal environmental and socio-economic datasets. These application-ready tools and data are directed at policy makers, resource managers, and other scientists.


Senior Scientist
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733238

Postal address

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Puschstrasse 4
04103 Leipzig

Administrative Assistant
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733114



Lab Members

Macroecology and Society
Dr Carsten MeyerSenior Scientist+49 341 9733238mail to personmail to person
Franziska RoderburgAdministrative Assistant+49 341 9733114mail to personmail to person
Dr Steffen EhrmannPostdoctoral Researcher+49 341 9733244mail to personmail to person
Dr Polina TregubovaPost-Doktorandin+49 341 9733241mail to person
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