German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)


Alexander von Humboldt Professor and Head of Research Group
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9739146
Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 3397198
Doctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733188
Research Assistant
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733231
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733188
Scientific Employee
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733231
Scholarship Holder
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733283
Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9739141
Scientific Employee
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733112
Scientific Employee
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733188
Doctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9739144
Doctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733283
Doctoral Researcher
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9733117


Rafael Pinheiro (FAPESP Scholarshipholder)

Former team members

Dr. Demetra Rakosy

Dr. Qiang Yang

Dr. Roxanne Leberger

Dr. Leana Zoller

Dr. Amibeth Thompson

Dr. Sam Levin

Dr. Neeraja Venkataraman

Dr. Eleonore Slabbert

Dr. Michael Wohlwend

Dr. Joanne Bennett

Dr. Jeroen Everaars

Dr. Dylan Craven

Dr. Masha van der Sande

Nina Becker

Anne-Kathrin Thomas

Kati Kietzmann

Postal address

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Species Interaction Ecology
Puschstrasse 4
04103 Leipzig

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