Minghua Shen

Scholarship Holder
Biodiversity Synthesis

Research Interests


My research interests include freshwater ecology, macroecology and community ecology. In the Biodiversity Synthesis Lab, my focus is on examining land-use effects freshwater biodiversity. To research this, I compiled a database from literatures with species abundance data across sites with different land use intensities. Iā€™m working on several questions with the database: How does land-use effect on freshwater biodiversity? Are the effects different across different scales? Which species are winners or losers?

Short CV


November 2021 ā€“ ongoing: PhD, Biodiversity Synthesis Lab, iDiv

September 2018 ā€“ June 2021: Master of Science, Institute of hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

September 2014 ā€“ June 2018: Bachelor of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

Publications before iDiv


Minghua Shen, Xueqin Liu. 2021. Assessing the effects of lateral hydrological connectivity alteration on freshwater ecosystems: A meta-analysis. Ecological Indicators, 125.

iDiv publications


van Klink, Roel, Bowler, Diana E., Gongalsky, Konstantin B., Shen, Minghua, Swengel, Scott R., Chase, Jonathan M.

(2024): Disproportionate declines of formerly abundant species underlie insect loss. Nature
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Puschstrasse 4
04103 Leipzig

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+49 341 9739161
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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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