Dr Benoit Gauzens
iDiv publications
Gauzens, Benoit, Rosenbaum, Benjamin, Kalinkat, Gregor, Boy, Thomas, Jochum, Malte, Kortsch, Susanne, O’Gorman, Eoin J., Brose, Ulrich
(2024): Flexible foraging behaviour increases predator vulnerability to climate change. Nature Climate ChangeRyser, Remo, Chase, Jonathan M., Gauzens, Benoit, Häussler, Johanna, Hirt, Myriam R., Rosenbaum, Benjamin, Brose, Ulrich
(2024): Landscape configuration can flip species–area relationships in dynamic meta-food-webs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesAlbert, Georg, Gauzens, Benoit, Ryser, Remo, Thébault, Elisa, Wang, Shaopeng, Brose, Ulrich
(2023): Animal and plant space-use drive plant diversity–productivity relationships. Ecology LettersGauzens, Benoit, Brose, Ulrich, Delmas, Eva, Berti, Emilio
(2023): ATNr: Allometric Trophic Network models in R. Methods in Ecology and EvolutionNovotny, Andreas, Serandour, Baptiste, Kortsch, Susanne, Gauzens, Benoit, Jan, Kinlan M. G., Winder, Monika
(2023): DNA metabarcoding highlights cyanobacteria as the main source of primary production in a pelagic food web model. Science AdvancesSanders, Dirk, Hirt, Myriam R., Brose, Ulrich, Evans, Darren M., Gaston, Kevin J., Gauzens, Benoit, Ryser, Remo
(2023): How artificial light at night may rewire ecological networks: concepts and models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesAmyntas, Angelos, Berti, Emilio, Gauzens, Benoit, Albert, Georg, Yu, Wentao, Werner, Alexandra S., Eisenhauer, Nico, Brose, Ulrich
(2023): Niche complementarity among plants and animals can alter the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship. Functional EcologyLi, J., Luo, M., Wang, S., Gauzens, B., Hirt, M. R., Rosenbaum, B., Brose, U.
(2022): A size-constrained feeding-niche model distinguishes predation patterns between aquatic and terrestrial food webs. Ecology LettersAntunes, A. C., Montanarin, A., Gräbin, D. M., dos Santos Monteiro, E. C., de Pinho, F. F., Alvarenga, G. C., Ahumada, J., Wallace, R. B., Ramalho, E. E., Barnett, A. P. A., Bager, A., Lopes, A. M. C., Keuroghlian, A., Giroux, A., Herrera, A. M., de Almeida Correa, A. P., Meiga, A. Y., de Almeida Jácomo, A. T., de Barros Barban, A., Antunes, A., de Almeida Coelho, A. G., Camilo, A. R., Nunes, A. V., dos Santos Maroclo Gomes, A. C., da Silva Zanzini, A. C., Castro, A. B., Desbiez, A. L. J., Figueiredo, A., de Thoisy, B., Gauzens, B., Oliveira, B. T., de Lima, C. A., Peres, C. A., Durigan, C. C., Brocardo, C. R., da Rosa, C. A., Zárate-Castañeda, C., Monteza-Moreno, C. M., Carnicer, C., Trinca, C. T., Polli, D. J., da Silva Ferraz, D., Lane, D. F., da Rocha, D. G., Barcelos, D. C., Auz, D., Rosa, D. C. P., Silva, D. A., Silvério, D. V., Eaton, D. P., Nakano-Oliveira, E., Venticinque, E., Junior, E. C., Mendonça, E. N., Vieira, E. M., Isasi-Catalá, E., Fischer, E., Castro, E. P., Oliveira, E. G., de Melo, F. R., de Lima Muniz, F., Rohe, F., Baccaro, F. B., Michalski, F., Paim, F. P., Santos, F., Anaguano, F., Palmeira, F. B. L., da Silva Reis, F., Aguiar-Silva, F. H., de Avila Batista, G., Zapata-Ríos, G., Forero-Medina, G., Neto, G. D. S. F., Alves, G. B., Ayala, G., Pedersoli, G. H. P., El Bizri, H. R., do Prado, H. A., Mozerle, H. B., Costa, H. C. M., Lima, I. J., Palacios, J., de Resende Assis, J., Boubli, J. P., Metzger, J. P., Teixeira, J. V., Miranda, J. M. D., Polisar, J., Salvador, J., Borges-Almeida, K., Didier, K., de Lima Pereira, K. D., Torralvo, K., Gajapersad, K., Silveira, L., Maioli, L. U., Maracahipes-Santos, L., Valenzuela, L., Benavalli, L., Fletcher, L., Paolucci, L. N., Zanzini, L. P., da Silva, L. Z., Rodrigues, L. C. R., Benchimol, M., Oliveira, M. A., Lima, M., da Silva, M. B., dos Santos Junior, M. A., Viscarra, M., Cohn-Haft, M., Abrahams, M. I., Benedetti, M. A., Marmontel, M., Hirt, M. R., Tôrres, N. M., Junior, O. F. C., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Jansen, P., Prist, P. R., Brando, P. M., Perônico, P. B., do Nascimento Leite, R., Rabelo, R. M., Sollmann, R., Beltrão-Mendes, R., Ferreira, R. A. F., Coutinho, R., da Costa Oliveira, R., Ilha, R., Hilário, R. R., Pires, R. A. P., Sampaio, R., da Silva Moreira, R., Botero-Arias, R., Martinez, R. V., de Albuquerque Nóbrega, R. A., Fadini, R. F., Morato, R. G., Carneiro, R. L., Almeida, R. P. S., Ramos, R. M., Schaub, R., Dornas, R., Cueva, R., Rolim, S., Laurindo, S., Espinosa, S., Fernandes, T. N., Sanaiotti, T. M., Alvim, T. H. G., Dornas, T. T., Piña, T. E. N., Caetano Andrade, V. L., Santiago, W. T. V., Magnusson, W. E., Campos, Z., Ribeiro, M. C.
(2022): AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. EcologyBauer, B., Berti, E., Ryser, R., Gauzens, B., Hirt, M. R., Rosenbaum, B., Digel, C., Ott, D., Scheu, S. and Brose, U.
(2022): Biotic filtering by species’ interactions constrains food-web variability across spatial and abiotic gradients. Ecology LettersPerkins, D. M., Hatton, I. A., Gauzens, B., Barnes, A. D., Ott, D., Rosenbaum, B., Vinagre, C., Brose, U.
(2022): Consistent predator-prey biomass scaling in complex food webs. Nature CommunicationsAntunes, A. C., Gauzens, B., Brose, U., Potapov, A. M., Jochum, M., Santini, L., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Cesarz, S., Scheu, S., Hirt, M. R.
(2022): Environmental drivers of local abundance–mass scaling in soil animal communities. OikosJochum, M., Barnes, A. D., Brose, U., Gauzens, B., Sünnemann, M., Amyntas, A., Eisenhauer, N.
(2021): For flux's sake: General considerations for energy-flux calculations in ecological communities. Ecology and EvolutionAlbert, G., Gauzens, B., Loreau, M., Wang, S., Brose, U.
(2021): The hidden role of multi-trophic interactions in driving diversity–productivity relationships. Ecology LettersBarnes, A. D., C. Scherber, U. Brose, E. T. Borer, A. Ebeling, B. Gauzens, D. P. Giling, J. Hines, F. Isbell, C. Ristok, D. Tilman, W. W. Weisser, N. Eisenhauer
(2020): Biodiversity enhances the multitrophic control of arthropod herbivory. Science AdvancesCaraDonna, P. J., L. A. Burkle, B. Schwarz, J. Resasco, T. M. Knight, G. Benadi, N. Blüthgen, C. F. Dormann, Q. Fang, J. Fründ, B. Gauzens, C. N. Kaiser-Bunbury, R. Winfree, D. P. Vázquez
(2020): Seeing through the static: the temporal dimension of plant–animal mutualistic interactions. Ecology LettersGauzens, B., Rall, B. C., Mendonça, V., Vinagre, C., Brose, U.
(2020): Biodiversity of intertidal food webs in response to warming across latitudes. Nature Climate ChangeSchwarz, B., Vázquez, D. P., CaraDonna, P. J., Knight, T. M., Benadi, G., Dormann, C. F., Gauzens, B.,Motivans, E., Resasco, J., Blüthgen, N., Burkle, L. A., Fang, Q., Kaiser–Bunbury, C. N., Alarcón, R., Bain, J. A., Chacoff, N. P., Huang, S. Q., LeBuhn, G., MacLeod, M., Petanidou, T., Rasmussen, C., Simanonok, M. P., Thompson, A. H., Fründ, J.
(2020): Temporal scale-dependence of plant–pollinator networks. OikosBrose, U., P. Archambault, A. D. Barnes, L.-F. Bersier, T. Boy, ..., C. Digel, A. Dissanayake, A. A. V. Flores, K. Fussmann, B. Gauzens, C. Gray, J. Häussler, M. R. Hirt, U. Jacob, ..., E. Latz, K. Layer-Dobra, P. Legagneux, Y. Li, ..., B. C. Rall, B. Rosenbaum, R. Ryser, A. Silva, E. H. Sohlström, ..., S. Wang, J. M. Wefer, ..., A. C. Iles
(2019): Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature ecology & evolutionGauzens, B., Barnes, A., Giling, D. P., Hines, J., Jochum, M., Lefcheck, J. S., Rosenbaum, B., Wang, S. P., Brose, U.
(2019): fluxweb: An R package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs. Methods in Ecology and EvolutionThouvenot, L., Gauzens, B., Haury, J., Thiebaut, G.
(2019): Response of Macrophyte Traits to Herbivory and Neighboring Species: Integration of the Functional Trait Framework in the Context of Ecological Invasions. Frontiers in Plant ScienceGeslin, B., Gauzens, B., Baude, M., Dajoz, I., Fontaine, C., Henry, M., Ropars, L., Rollin, O., Thébault, E., Vereecken, N. J.
(2017): Massively Introduced Managed Species and Their Consequences for Plant–Pollinator Interactions. Advances in Ecological ResearchPuschstrasse 4
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