Getting started with EcoMetabolomics
Orine, D., Defossez, E., Vergara, F., Uthe, H., van Dam, N. M., & Rasmann, S. (2022). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi prevent the negative effect of drought and modulate the growth‐defence trade‐off in tomato plants. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, sae2.12018.
Hazrati, H., Kudsk, P., Ding, L., Uthe, H., & Fomsgaard, I. S. (2022). Integrated LC–MS and GC–MS-Based Metabolomics Reveal the Effects of Plant Competition on the Rye Metabolome. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, acs.jafc.1c06306.
Walker, T. W. N., Alexander, J. M., Allard, P., Baines, O., Baldy, V., Bardgett, R. D., Capdevila, P., Coley, P. D., David, B., Defossez, E., Endara, M., Ernst, M., Fernandez, C., Forrister, D., Gargallo‐Garriga, A., Jassey, V. E. J., Marr, S., Neumann, S., Pellissier, L., … Salguero‐Gómez, R. (2022). Functional Traits 2.0: The power of the metabolome for ecology. Journal of Ecology, 110(1), 4–20.
Volf, M., Weinhold, A., Seifert, C. L., Holicová, T., Uthe, H., Alander, E., Richter, R., Salminen, J.-P., Wirth, C., & van Dam, N. M. (2020). Branch-Localized Induction Promotes Efficacy of Volatile Defences and Herbivore Predation in Trees. Journal of Chemical Ecology.
Mouden, S., Leiss, K. A., Uthe, H., & Klinkhamer, P. G. L. (2020). Water Dipping of Auxin Coated Chrysanthemum Cuttings Confers Protection against Insect Herbivores. Insects, 11(11), 790.
Sam, K., Kovarova, E., Freiberga, I., Uthe, H., Weinhold, A., & Sreekar, R. (2020). Experienced, but not naïve, birds use herbivore-induced plant volatiles to locate prey, learning one tree species at a time. [Preprint]. Preprints.
Uthe, H., van Dam, N. M., Hervé, M. R., Sorokina, M., Peters, K., & Weinhold, A. (2020). A practical guide to implementing metabolomics in plant ecology and biodiversity research. In Advances in Botanical Research (in press). Elsevier.
Moreno-Pedraza, A., Gabriel, J., Treutler, H., Winkler, R., and Vergara, F. (2019). Effects of Water Availability in the Soil on Tropane Alkaloid Production in Cultivated Datura stramonium. Metabolites 9, 131.
Calf, O.W., Huber, H., Peters, J.L., Weinhold, A., Poeschl, Y., and van Dam, N.M. (2019). Gastropods and Insects Prefer Different Solanum dulcamara Chemotypes. J. Chem. Ecol. 45, 146–161.
Backmann, P., Grimm, V., Jetschke, G., Lin, Y., Vos, M., Baldwin, I.T., and van Dam, N.M. (2019). Delayed Chemical Defense: Timely Expulsion of Herbivores Can Reduce Competition with Neighboring Plants. Am. Nat. 193, 125–139.
Broekgaarden, C., Pelgrom, K.T.B., Bucher, J., van Dam, N.M., Grosser, K., Pieterse, C.M.J., van Kaauwen, M., Steenhuis, G., Voorrips, R.E., de Vos, M., et al. (2018). Combining QTL mapping with transcriptome and metabolome profiling reveals a possible role for ABA signaling in resistance against the cabbage whitefly in cabbage. PLoS ONE 13, e0206103.
Calf, O.W., Huber, H., Peters, J.L., Weinhold, A., and van Dam, N.M. (2018). Glycoalkaloid composition explains variation in slug resistance in Solanum dulcamara. Oecologia 187, 495–506.
Baaij, B.M., Kim, H.K., Grosser, K., Worrich, A., and de Jong, T.J. (2018). Slug herbivory on hybrids of the crop Brassica napus and its wild relative B. rapa. Basic and Applied Ecology 31, 52–60.
de Jong, T.J., Escobedo Quevedo, K., van der Veen-van Wijk, C. a. M., and Moshgani, M. (2018). Performance of aneuploid backcross hybrids between the crop Brassica napus and its wild relative B. rapa. Plant Biol (Stuttg) 20, 67–74.
Liese, R., Alings, K., and Meier, I.C. (2017). Root Branching Is a Leading Root Trait of the Plant Economics Spectrum in Temperate Trees. Front Plant Sci 8, 315.
Pappas, M.L., Liapoura, M., Papantoniou, D., Avramidou, M., Kavroulakis, N., Weinhold, A., Broufas, G.D., and Papadopoulou, K.K. (2018). The Beneficial Endophytic Fungus Fusariumsolani Strain K Alters Tomato Responses Against Spider Mites to the Benefit of the Plant. Front Plant Sci 9, 1603.
Peters, K., Worrich, A., Weinhold, A., Alka, O., Balcke, G., Birkemeyer, C., Bruelheide, H., Calf, O.W., Dietz, S., Dührkop, K., et al. (2018). Current Challenges in Plant Eco-Metabolomics. Int J Mol Sci 19