Publication Highlights

We share our insights through policy (-relevant) publications such as perspectives in peer-reviewed journals, policy briefs, position papers or white papers.

Science-Policy relevant publications

A nature conservation ranger of the Saxon Switzerland National Park, Germany, shows his colleague a forest area where he had discovered an illegal fireplace. (Picture: Hanspeter Mayr, Saxon Switzerland National Park)

Effectiveness of biodiversity conservation in national parks is associated with socioeconomic conditions  › more

15.08.2022 | Media Release, Evolutionary and Anthropocene Ecology, TOP NEWS
The following photos show examples of the region investigated in the study as well as animals living there. Here: Central Andean (Yungas) Montane & Upper Montane Humid Forest. (Picture: Pat Comer, NatureServe)

New research offers a pathway to achieving the 30 by 30 target using ecosystem diversity across four South American countries  › more

19.07.2022 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The scientific literature only covers a small part of the species diversity. Insect species, especially those in the species-rich tropical regions, have been very little researched and are hardly considered in biodiversity assessments. (Picture: Alexa Schmitz / pixabay)

New experts survey considerably extends the global biodiversity knowledge by underrepresented species groups and regions  › more

18.07.2022 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Identification panels help to distinguish the species. (Picture: UFZ)

Leipzig citizen science project “VielFalterGarten” promotes insect diversity in the city and invites people to actively participate in the protection of butterflies  › more

08.07.2022 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The following photos show different types of agricultural land use. Here: Grassland near Melleryd, Sweden. (Picture: Sebastian Lakner)

Over 300 scientists make recommendations on how to improve the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy  › more

30.06.2022 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People
Gardening can make an important contribution to the population development of plant species. The grape hyacinth (<em>Muscari botryoides</em>) is listed as "vulnerable" on the German Red List, but is often used as an ornamental and has increased its population by 65 percent in recent decades. (Picture: Wikimedia Commons)

Researchers recommend urban conservation gardening measures to reverse horticultural trends  › more

18.05.2022 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release
Geographic distribution of threatened reptiles. Reptile species are considered threatened if ranked as Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species&trade;. Species richness refers to the number of different species that occur in an area. Warmer (redder) colors denote a larger number of threatened reptile species.&nbsp; (Picture: Cox, N. and Young, B. E., et al. Global reptile assessment shows commonality of tetrapod conservation needs. Nature (2022))

Reptiles likely benefit from efforts to save other animals  › more

27.04.2022 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release
Nature observations by citizen scientists. (Picture: Detlef Metzer)

Presentation of the Strategy and Citizen Science Festival on 29 April in Berlin  › more

26.04.2022 | UFZ News, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, Media Release
<em>Caddisfly larva</em> (Picture: Julia von Gönner)

Nationwide measurement campaign of the citizen science project FLOW starts  › more

12.04.2022 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS
Common Brimstone (<em>Gonepteryx rhamni</em>) (Picture: BIOCON/iDiv)

Based on a press release by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) National biodiversity monitoring programmes in Europe face many challenges: too little coordination, inadequate…  › more

31.03.2022 | Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Different groups of insects, e.g., beetles and butterflies, may show similar abundance trends in one place, but dissimilar trends in other places. The photo shows a longhorn beetle (<em>Leptura quadrifasciata</em>) and a map (<em>Araschnia levana</em>). (Picture: Oliver Thier)

Only weak trend correlations between different insect groups  › more

23.02.2022 | Biodiversity Synthesis, TOP NEWS, Media Release
Collage of plant species that are range-restricted to Europe but threatened in at least one country, with some of them being globally threatened. (Picture: Vlaev, Dimiter in Peev, D. et al. (eds) (2015): Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. Plants and Fungi. MoEW & BAS, Sofia [Single inset drawings; compiled by Staude, I.].

Study closes gaps in the risk of extinction of plant species  › more

07.02.2022 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, TOP NEWS
Overhanging branch of pedunculate oak due to the 2018 hotter drought. (Picture: Rolf A. Engelmann)

Decrease in growth due to drought stress in 2018 and 2019  › more

20.12.2021 | iDiv Members, TOP NEWS, Media Release
Insects are the focus of several Citizen Science projects. The photo shows a European peacock. (Picture: Gabriele Rada / iDiv)

Cross-country study on the motivation of citizen scientists  › more

10.12.2021 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The autumn spawning herring collapsed towards the end of the 16th century as a result of a combination of overfishing and climate change. (Picture: Aquarium GEOMAR, Jan Steffen)

Historical sources indicate that overfishing of the Baltic herring began over 500 years ago and continues to have an impact today  › more

01.12.2021 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Economics
Scientists are calling for a new start in efforts to safeguard biodiversity. The photo shows a northern flicker lifting off (<em>Colaptes auratus</em> L.). (Picture: Marten Winter, iDiv)

Scientists propose framework for national-level implementation of global biodiversity goals  › more

23.11.2021 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People, iDiv, iDiv Members
The experimental site in Torgnon (Italy), a grassland located at about 2100 m in the Western Italian Alps, and belonging to the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and FLUXNET network.&nbsp; (Picture: Marta Galvagno)

Study helps to better assess the capacity of global ecosystems to adapt to climate and environmental change  › more

22.09.2021 | Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Over the last decade, rewilding has emerged as a pragmatic way of restoring natural processes and enabling wildlife to comeback across European landscapes. (Picture: Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe)

Scientists have developed a new way of evaluating rewilding progress  › more

13.09.2021 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS
Picture: Staffan Widstrand (Picture: Staffan Widstrand)

Around the world, wildfires are posing major risks to people and nature. Domestic and wild animals can help prevent them  › more

06.09.2021 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity and People
Countries like Australia and Indonesia with their large coastlines contribute a great deal to global CO2 storage and thus also to mitigating the costs of climate damage. Economically, however, they hardly benefit from this. The main beneficiaries here are India, China and the USA. (Picture: Bwe)

Climate and ecosystem change lead to a global redistribution of wealth  › more

09.07.2021 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Economics
The monitoring missions in the FLOW project are supported by the environmental mobiles of S&auml;chsischen Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt (LaNU). (Picture: Julia von Gönner)

BUND, UFZ and iDiv are starting a citizen science project on stream monitoring  › more

07.07.2021 | Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People
Global warming is leading to increasing water shortages for animals and plants, including our food and energy crops. (Picture: Bluedesign)

New workshop report on climate and biodiversity offers guidelines for pioneering policies  › more

10.06.2021 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Chimpanzees and other African apes could lose up to 94% of their range in the next 30 years. (Picture: Pascal Gagneux/GMERC)

Researchers predict massive decline in the range of African great apes over the next 30 years  › more

07.06.2021 | Media Release, iDiv Members, Evolutionary and Anthropocene Ecology, TOP NEWS
Landscapes such as this multiply used and highly structured agricultural landscape in the Weser Valley, Lower Saxony, fulfil many of the features that are necessary from a scientific perspective. Arable farming, livestock management and biodiversity support each other. (Picture: Sebastian Lakner)

Scientists have made proposals for how EU agriculture could turn the tide in favour of sustainability within the next six years  › more

18.05.2021 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
The contribution of tree plantations to biodiversity conservation is limited. (Picture: J. C. Lobo / Adobe Stock)

Plantations are home to significantly less beetles than old-growth forests.  › more

27.04.2021 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS
Rice field in Sumatra. (Picture: Nico Boersen, Pixabay)

Ensuring sustainability of crop and timber production would mitigate the greatest drivers of terrestrial wildlife decline  › more

08.04.2021 | Research, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release
Observing animals obviously belongs to those ecosystem services that directly depend on the presence of species. However, these species provide a number of other services, such as pest control, seed dispersal, etc. (Picture: Pixabay)

Biodiversity doesn’t feature enough in large-scale assessments of ecosystem services  › more

05.03.2021 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
The global biodiversity strategy is currently being renegotiated (here at the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Feb. 2020 in Rome) (Picture: IISD/Mike Muzurakis (

Researchers propose necessary corrections in global biodiversity policy  › more

26.01.2021 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Leipzig riparian forest (Picture: Volker Hahn, iDiv)

Scientists from iDiv, UFZ and Leipzig University discuss conservation management  › more

17.12.2019 | iDiv, TOP NEWS
Widespread contempt among fishermen for stricter EU fishing regulation is well documented. (Picture: Moritz Drupp)

Game of chance experiment: In a relationship with an unpopular regulator, the truth is somewhat elastic.  › more

30.09.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity Economics, TOP NEWS
Climate change is affecting nature, also in the forests of the Harz mountains. (Picture: Christian Müller)

iDiv scientists call for action to tackle climate and biodiversity change.  › more

18.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release, sDiv
Birds that specialise on insect food have declined across Europe by 13%. This includes the meadow pipit (<em>Anthus pratensis</em>). (Picture: Mathias Schaef,

First Europe-wide study relating population trends of birds to their diet  › more

27.03.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS
Population and economic growth are driving the transformation of diverse natural areas into agricultural land - despite an improved environmental balance of land use. (Picture: guentermanaus –

Population and economic growth offset improvement of environmental balance of land use  › more

04.03.2019 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release
Scientists call for the employment of scientifically sound methods for monitoring orangutan populations. (Picture: HUTAN-KOCP)

Scientists call for better monitoring  › more

05.11.2018 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat

Policy briefs

Freshwater insects are recovering, while terrestrial insects show widespread declines

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FLOW — Exploring streams together

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Pollinator protection in Ecological Focus Areas: Improved results through combined measures

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Conservation gardening can help improve status of endangered local plant species

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Position papers

Reports, policy briefs and position papers on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU

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Position paper Rewilding: The opportunities of rewilding European landscapes for nature and climate

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Discussion paper Floodplain Forest Leipzig

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White papers

iDiv recommendations: CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

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