Information about the Joint SESYNC - UFZ - sDiv Call on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services
Human decision making

Title: Synthesis of micro-scale human decision making to mitigate risks to ecosystem services
PI: Maja Schlüter (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden) and Marco Janssen (Arizona State University, USA)
date at sDiv: 29.06.-03.07.2015
Urban ESS

PI: Myla Aronson (Hofstra University, USA) and Charles Nilon (University of Missouri, USA)
date at sDiv: 01.-04.07.2014

Title: Effects of land use on the trade-off between biodiversity and provisioning ecosystem services
PI: Ralf Seppelt (UFZ, Germany)
date at sDiv: 20.-24.04.2015
From water to land

PI: Seeta Sistla (University of California, USA) and Daniel Kramer (Michigan State University, USA)
date at sDiv: 16.-19.06.2014
Acacia invasions

PI: Dave Richardson (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) and Christoph Kueffer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
date at sDiv: 16.-19.02.2015
Restoration synthesis

PI: David Moreno (CNRS, Montpellier France) and Holly P. Jones (Northern Illinois University, USA)
date at sDiv: 26.-28.05.2014