The award honours doctoral researchers who promote iDiv’s work and image outside the scientific community.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Target group
yDiv doctoral researchers – special award to an individual
The prize is an endowment of 1,000 euros; it is a grant for conference participation, publication costs or training courses and will not be paid out. The grant must be used within one year of receipt (subject to further funding of iDiv).
Assessment criteria
The candidate shows great willingness to acquire media expertise and to communicate with the public (giving interviews, writing website news, creating photos and videos, etc.). He / she promotes the direct dialogue between science and society, for example, involvement in the Long Night of Sciences, lectures and discussions with school groups and tours to platforms and through laboratories. In general, the prize honours the promotion of iDiv’s work and image outside the scientific community.
Application deadline / terms
The prize is awarded annually. The venue is the annual iDiv Conference (25/26 April 2022). Self-nomination and proposals from third parties are possible by 11 March 2022. A brief informal justification is sufficient (max 1 page, PDF). Communication activities of the candidates since the beginning of their yDiv membership will be taken into account. Please send applications as pdf files to
Applications will be reviewed by the yDiv office and the M&C unit, and the winner selected.