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Beugnon R, Albert G, Hahn G, Haider S, Hattenschwiler S, Davrinche A, Rosenbaum B, Gauzens B & Eisenhauer N (2023). Improving forest ecosystem functions by optimizing tree species spatial arrangement. bioRxiv.

Schnabel F, Beugnon R, Yang B, Richter R, Eisenhauer N, Huang Y, Liu X, Wirth C, Cesarz S, Fichtner A, Perles-Garcia MD, Hähn GJA, Härdtle W, Kunz M, Castro Izaguirre NC, Niklaus PA, von Oheimb G, Schmid B, Trogisch S, Wendisch M, Ma K & Bruelheide H (2023). Tree diversity increases forest temperature buffering. bioRxiv.

Davrinche A, Bittner A, Bruelheide H, Albert G, Harpole WS & Haider S (2023). High within-tree leaf trait variation and its response to species diversity and soil nutrients. bioRxiv.


Koller A, Kunz M, Perles-Garcia MD & von Oheimb G (2025). 3D structural complexity of forest stands is determined by the magnitude of inner and outer crown structural attributes of individual trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 363, 110424.


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Haq H, Hauer A, Singavarapu B, Christel H, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Bruelheide H & Wubet T (2024). The interactive effect of tree mycorrhizal type, mycorrhizal type mixture and tree diversity shapes rooting zone soil fungal communities in temperate forest ecosystems. Functional Ecology.

Li Y, Schuldt A, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Huang Y, Albert G, Albracht C, Amyntas A, Bonkowski M, Bruelheide H, Bröcher M, Chesters D, Chen J, Chen Y, Chen J-T, Ciobanu M, Deng X, Fornoff F, Gleixner G, Guo L, Guo P-F, Heintz-Buschart A, Klein A-M, Lange M, Li S, Li Q, Li Y, Luo A, Meyer ST, von Oheimb G, Rutten G, Scholten T, Solbach MD, Staab M, Wang M-Q, Zhang N, Zhu C-D, Schmid B, Ma K & Liu X (2024). Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Ray T, Fichtner A, Kunz M, Proß T, Bradler PM, Bruelheide H, Georgi L, Haider S, Hildebrand M, Potvin C, Schnabel F, Trogisch S & von Oheimb G (2024). Diversity-enhanced canopy space occupation and leaf functional diversity jointly promote overyielding in tropical tree communities. Science of The Total Environment, 951, 175438.

Davrinche A & Haider S (2024). Soil conditions modify species diversity effects on tree functional trait expression. Scientific Reports, 14.

Sachsenmaier L, Schnabel F, Dietrich P, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Quosh J, Richter R & Wirth C (2024). Forest growth resistance and resilience to the 2018–2020 drought depend on tree diversity and mycorrhizal type. Journal of Ecology.

Christel H, Bruelheide H, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Hähn GJA & Beugnon R (2024). The spatial distribution of tree-tree interaction effects on soil microbial biomass and respiration. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11530.

Guo L, Chang P, Deng M, Yang S, Yang L, Peng Z, Beugnon R, Saadani M, Wang Z, Jia Z, Wang B, Liu C, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Bruelheide H & Liu L (2024). Tree species diversity modulates the effects of fungal pathogens on litter decomposition: evidences from an incubation experiment. Plant and Soil.

Singavarapu B, Haq Ul H, Darnstaedt F, Nawaz A, Beugnon R, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Du J, Xue K, Wang Y, Bruelheide H & Wubet T (2024). Influence of tree mycorrhizal type, tree species identity, and diversity on forest root-associated mycobiomes. New Phytologist, 242, 1691–1703.

Castro Sánchez‐Bermejo P, Monjau T, Goldmann K, Ferlian O, Eisenhauer N, Bruelheide H, Ma Z & Haider S (2024). Tree and mycorrhizal fungal diversity drive intraspecific and intraindividual trait variation in temperate forests: Evidence from a tree diversity experiment. Functional Ecology.

Schnabel F, Barry KE, Eckhardt S, Guillemot J, Geilmann H, Kahl A, Moossen H, Bauhus J & Wirth C (2024). Neighbourhood species richness and drought‐tolerance traits modulate tree growth and δ13C responses to drought. Plant Biology.

Yi H, Eisenhauer N, Austen JC, Rebollo R, Ray T, Bönisch E, von Oheimb G, Fichtner A, Schuldt A, Patoine G & Ferlian O (2024). Tree diversity and mycorrhizal type co‐determine multitrophic ecosystem functions. Journal of Ecology.


Proß T, Haider S, Auge H & Bruelheide H (2023). Leaf trait variation within individuals mediates the relationship between tree species richness and productivity. Oikos.

Yu W, Albert G, Rosenbaum B, Schnabel F, Bruelheide H, Connolly J, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G, Trogisch S, Rüger N & Brose U (2023). Systematic distributions of interaction strengths across tree interaction networks yield positive diversity-productivity relationships. Ecology Letters.

Ray T, Delory BM, Beugnon R, Bruelheide H, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Quosh J, von Oheimb G & Fichtner A (2023). Tree diversity increases productivity through enhancing structural complexity across mycorrhizal types. Science Advances, 9, eadi2362.

Anttonen P, Perles-Garcia M, Kunz M, von Oheimb G, Li Y, Bruelheide H, Ma K-P, Zhu C-D & Schuldt A (2023). Predation pressure by arthropods, birds, and rodents is interactively shaped by tree species richness, vegetation structure, and season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11.

Castro Sánchez-Bermejo P, Davrinche A, Matesanz S, Harpole WS & Haider S (2023). Within-individual leaf trait variation increases with phenotypic integration in a subtropical tree diversity experiment. New Phytologist.

Amyntas A, Berti E, Gauzens B, Albert G, Yu W, Werner AS, Eisenhauer N & Brose U (2023). Niche complementarity among plants and animals can alter the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship. Functional Ecology.

Albert G, Gauzens B, Ryser R, Thébault E, Wang S & Brose U (2023). Animal and plant space-use drive plant diversity-productivity relationships. Ecology Letters.

Beugnon R, Eisenhauer N, Bruelheide H, Davrinche A, Du J, Haider S, Hähn G, Saadani M, Singavarapu B, Sünnemann M, Thouvenot L, Wang Y, Wubet T, Xue K & Cesarz S (2023). Tree diversity effects on litter decomposition are mediated by litterfall and microbial processes. Oikos.

Li Y, Schmid B, Schuldt A, Li S, Wang M-Q, Fornoff F, Staab M, Guo P-F, Anttonen P, Chesters D, Bruelheide H, Zhu C-D, Ma K & Liu X (2023). Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Eisenhauer N, Angst G, Asato AEB, Beugnon R, Bönisch E, Cesarz S, Dietrich P, Jurburg SD, Madaj A-M, Reuben RC, Ristok C, Sünnemann M, Yi H, Guerra CA & Hines J (2023). The heterogeneity–diversity–system performance nexus. National Science Review.

Singavarapu B, Du J, Beugnon R, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Xue K, Wang Y, Bruelheide H & Wubet T (2023). Functional Potential of Soil Microbial Communities and Their Subcommunities Varies with Tree Mycorrhizal Type and Tree Diversity. Microbiology spectrum, e0457822.

Huang C, Zhang Y, Chen L, Zhuang L, Zhang Y & Sang W (2023). Pipe Model Can Accurately Estimate Crown Biomass of Larch (Larix olgensis) Plantation Forest in Northeast China. Forests, 14, 400.

Chen J-T, Wang M-Q, Li Y, Chesters D, Luo A, Zhang W, Guo P-F, Guo S-K, Zhou Q-S, Ma K-P, von Oheimb G, Kunz M, Zhang N-L, Liu X-J, Bruelheide H, Schuldt A & Zhu C-D (2023). Functional and phylogenetic relationships link predators to plant diversity via trophic and non-trophic pathways. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 290, 20221658.


Beugnon R, Bu W, Bruelheide H, Davrinche A, Du J, Haider S, Kunz M, von Oheimb G, Perles‐Garcia MD, Saadani M, Scholten T, Seitz S, Singavarapu B, Trogisch S, Wang Y, Wubet T, Xue K, Yang B, Cesarz S & Eisenhauer N (2022). Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration. Ecological Monographs.

Anttonen P, Li Y, Chesters D, Davrinche A, Haider S, Bruelheide H, Chen J-T, Wang M-Q, Ma K-P, Zhu C-D & Schuldt A (2022). Leaf Nutritional Content, Tree Richness, and Season Shape the Caterpillar Functional Trait Composition Hosted by Trees. Insects, 13(12):1100.

Liu X, Huang Y, Chen L, Li S, Bongers FJ, Castro‐Izaguirre N, Liang Y, Yang B, Chen Y, Schnabel F, Tang T, Xue Y, Trogisch S, Staab M, Bruelheide H, Schmid B & Ma K (2022). Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Ecology.

Gan H, Li X, Wang Y, Lü P, Ji N, Yao H, Li S & Guo L (2022). Plants play stronger effects on soil fungal than bacterial communities and co-occurrence network structures in a subtropical tree diversity experiment. Microbiology spectrum, e0013422.

Perles-Garcia MD, Kunz M, Fichtner A, Meyer N, Härdtle W & von Oheimb G (2022). Neighbourhood species richness reduces crown asymmetry of subtropical trees in sloping terrain. Remote Sensing, 14, 1441.

Liu M, Xu X, Yang B, Zhang N, Ma Z, van Dam NM & Bruelheide H (2022). Niche partitioning in nitrogen uptake among subtropical tree species enhances biomass production. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 823.


Schnabel F, Purrucker S, Schmitt L, Engelmann RA, Kahl A, Richter R, Seele‐Dilbat C, Skiadaresis G & Wirth C (2021). Cumulative growth and stress responses to the 2018–2019 drought in a European floodplain forest. Global Change Biology.

Schnabel F, Liu X, Kunz M, Barry KE, Bongers FJ, Bruelheide H, Fichtner A, Härdtle W, Li S, Pfaff C-T, Schmid B, Schwarz JA, Tang Z, Yang B, Bauhus J, von Oheimb G, Ma K & Wirth C (2021). Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment. Science Advances, 7.

Albert G, Gauzens B, Loreau M, Wang S & Brose U (2021). The hidden role of multi-trophic interactions in driving diversity-productivity relationships. Ecology Letters.

Beugnon R, Ladouceur E, Sünnemann M, Cesarz S & Eisenhauer N (2021). Diverse forests are cool: Promoting diverse forests to mitigate carbon emissions and climate change. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment.

Bongers FJ, Schmid B, Bruelheide H, Bongers F, Li S, von Oheimb G, Li Y, Cheng A, Ma K & Liu X (2021). Functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Weinhold A, Döll S, Liu M, Schedl A, Pöschl Y, Xu X, Neumann S & van Dam NM (2021). Tree species richness differentially affects the chemical composition of leaves, roots and root exudates in four subtropical tree species. Journal of Ecology.

Beugnon R, Du J, Cesarz S, Jurburg SD, Pang Z, Singavarapu B, Wubet T, Xue K, Wang Y & Eisenhauer N (2021). Tree diversity and soil chemical properties drive the linkages between soil microbial community and ecosystem functioning. ISME Communications, 1.

Singavarapu B, Beugnon R, Bruelheide H, Cesarz S, Du J, Eisenhauer N, Guo L‐D, Nawaz A, Wang Y, Xue K & Wubet T (2021). Tree mycorrhizal type and tree diversity shape the forest soil microbiota. Environmental Microbiology.

Yan Y, Connolly J, Liang M, Jiang L & Wang S (2021). Mechanistic links between biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning and stability in a multi‐site grassland experiment. Journal of Ecology.

Wang S, Loreau M, Mazancourt C de, Isbell F, Beierkuhnlein C, Connolly J, Deutschman DH, Doležal J, Eisenhauer N, Hector A, Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Lanta V, Lepš J, Polley HW, Reich PB, van Ruijven J, Schmid B, Tilman D, Wilsey B & Craven D (2021). Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony. Ecology, 102, e03332.

Messier C, Bauhus J, Sousa‐Silva R, Auge H, Baeten L, Barsoum N, Bruelheide H, Caldwell B, Cavender‐Bares J, Dhiedt E, Eisenhauer N, Ganade G, Gravel D, Guillemot J, Hall JS, Hector A, Hérault B, Jactel H, Koricheva J, Kreft H, Mereu S, Muys B, Nock CA, Paquette A, Parker JD, Perring MP, Ponette Q, Potvin C, Reich PB, Scherer‐Lorenzen M, Schnabel F, Verheyen K, Weih M, Wollni M & Zemp DC (2021). For the sake of resilience and multifunctionality, let's diversify planted forests! Conservation Letters.

Perles‐Garcia MD, Kunz M, Fichtner A, Härdtle W & von Oheimb G (2021). Tree species richness promotes an early increase of stand structural complexity in young subtropical plantations. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Trogisch S, Liu X, Rutten G & Bruelheide H (2021). Tree diversity effects on ecosystem functioning – Introduction. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Schwarz J, Schnabel F & Bauhus J (2021). A conceptual framework and experimental design for analysing the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) in agroforestry systems. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Davrinche A & Haider S (2021). Intra-specific leaf trait responses to species richness at two different local scales. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Li Y, Chesters D, Wang M‐Q, Wubet T, Schuldt A, Anttonen P, Guo P‐F, Chen J‐T, Zhou Q‐S, Zhang N‐L, Ma K‐P, Bruelheide H, Wu C‐S & Zhu C‐D (2021). Tree diversity and functional leaf traits drive herbivore‐associated microbiomes in subtropical China. Ecology and Evolution.

Marr S, Hageman JA, Wehrens R, van Dam NM, Bruelheide H & Neumann S (2021). LC-MS based plant metabolic profiles of thirteen grassland species grown in diverse neighbourhoods. Scientific data, 8, 52.

Saadani M, Hönig L, Bien S, Koehler M, Rutten G, Wubet T, Braun U & Bruelheide H (2021). Local tree diversity suppresses foliar fungal infestation and decreases morphological but not molecular richness in a young subtropical forest. Journal of Fungi, 7, 173.

Trogisch S, Liu X, Rutten G, Xue K, Bauhus J, Brose U, Bu W, Cesarz S, Chesters D, Connolly J, Cui X, Eisenhauer N, Guo L, Haider S, Härdtle W, Kunz M, Liu L, Ma Z, Neumann S, Sang W, Schuldt A, Tang Z, van Dam NM, von Oheimb G, Wang M-Q, Wang S, Weinhold A, Wirth C, Wubet T, Xu X, Yang B, Zhang N, Zhu CD, Ma K, Wang Y & Bruelheide H (2021). The significance of tree-tree interactions for forest ecosystem functioning. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Hildebrand M, Perles-Garcia MD, Kunz M, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G, Fichtner A (2021) Tree-tree interactions and crown complementarity: the role of functional diversity and branch traits for canopy packing. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Proß T, Bruelheide H, Potvin C, Sporbert M, Trogisch S, Haider S (2021) Drivers of within-tree leaf trait variation in a tropical planted forest varying in tree species richness. Basic and Applied Ecology.


Trogisch S, Albert G, Du J, Wang Y, Xue K, Bruelheide H (2020) Promoting resilience of large international collaborative research programs in times of global crisis. Ecology and Evolution.

Wang M‐Q, Li Y, Chesters D, Bruelheide H, Ma KP, Guo PF, Zhou QS, Staab M, Zhu CD & Schuldt A (2020). Host functional and phylogenetic composition rather than host diversity structure plant‐herbivore networks. Molecular Ecology.

Guillemot J, Kunz M, Schnabel F, Fichtner A, Madsen CP, Gebauer T, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G, Potvin C (2020). Neighbourhood-mediated shifts in tree biomass allocation drive overyielding in tropical species mixtures. New Phytologist.

Schwarz J, Skiadaresis G, Kohler M, Kunz J, Schnabel F, Vitali V, Bauhus J (2020) Quantifying Growth Responses of Trees to Drought—a Critique of Commonly Used Resilience Indices and Recommendations for Future Studies. Current Forestry Reports.

Donoso PJ, Ojeda PF, Schnabel F, Nyland RD (2020)  Initial Responses in Growth, Production, and Regeneration following Selection Cuttings in Hardwood-Dominated Temperate Rainforests in Chile. Forests, 11, 412. doi:10.3390/f11040412

Fichtner A, Schnabel F, Bruelheide H, Kunz M, Mausolf K, Schuldt A, Härdtle W, von Oheimb G (2020) Neighbourhood diversity mitigates drought impacts on tree growth. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13353

Madsen C, Potvin C, Hall J, Sinacore K, Turner BL, Schnabel F (2020) Coarse root architecture: Neighbourhood and abiotic environmental effects on five tropical tree species growing in mixtures and monocultures. Forest Ecology and Management 460:117851. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117851


Schnabel F, Schwarz JA, Dănescu A, Fichtner A, Nock CA, Bauhus J, Potvin C (2019) Drivers of productivity and its temporal stability in a tropical tree diversity experiment. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.14792

Wang M, Li Y, Chesters D, Anttonen P, Bruelheide H, Chen J, Durka W, Guo P, Härdtle W, Ma K, Michalski SG, Schmid B, von Oheimb G, Wu C, Zhang NL, Zhou Q, Schuldt A, Zhu CD (2019) Multiple components of plant diversity loss determine herbivore phylogenetic diversity in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13273

Cesarz S, Schulz, AE, Beugnon R, Eisenhauer N (2019) Testing soil nematode extraction efficiency using different variations of the Baermann-funnel method. Soil Organisms 91:61–72, doi: 10.25674/so91201

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