Upcoming Courses and Events

1 April 2025

Breaking Bias - Reducing unconscious bias; shape cultural change in science

Dr. Isabell Fraas and Andrea BähriDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
2 April 2025Infographics WorkshopPablo Castro Sánchez-BermejoiDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
13 May 2025Good Scientific PracticeDr. Nicole Sachmerda-SchulziDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
14 May 2024Intercultural TrainingDr. Tina PauliDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
7 -18 August 2025TreeDì Summer School (3rd cohort) including PI lectures, 3-4 courses on various topics and excursionTreeDì PIs, Mercator fellows,invited speakersUCAS, Beijing,Chinatba
1-5 September 2025GfÖ Conference
 Würzburg, Germany 
29 September - 2 October 2025Annual iDiv Conference (2 days) MLU Halle, Germany 
13-17 October 2025TreeDì-Multitroph Conference (2-3 days) iDiv, Leipzig, Germany1

Previous Courses and Events

9-10 December 2024TreeDì Meeting for doctoral researchers Lüneburg, Germany0.5
25 November 2024Introduction BEF-China data portalDr. Tobias Proßonline0.25
29 August 2024Get-together of the Research School Network Halle;
Topic: Generative AI for Science
Dr. Alexander BritzMLU Halle, Germany0.25
6-16 August 2024Kick-off meeting 3rd cohort of doctoral researchersTreeDì PIsBeijing and Xingangshan, China1.5
11-12 July 2024Chinese Language CourseKonfuzius Institute LeipzigLeipzig, Germany0.5
8 -10 July 2024Outdoor First Aid CourseJohanniter Unfallhilfe e.V.Gohrisch (Saxon Switzerland), Germany0.5
22 April 2024PhD Defense of Perttu Anttonen MLU Halle, Germany/
17 April 2024PhD Defense of Tobias Proß MLU Halle, Germany/
6 March 2024TreeDì PhD Conference iDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
4-5 March 2024

TreeDì Recruitment Symposium

 iDiv, Leipzig, Germany 
29 November - 01. December 2023Scientific Writing RetreatHelge Bruelheide, Tesfaye Wubet, Stefan TrogischZinzendorfhaus Neudietendorf, Germany1
16-20 October 2023Introduction to Ecometabolomics for EcologistsHenriette Uthe & EcoMetEoR teamiDiv, Leipzig, Germanytba
08-18 August 2023TreeDì Workshop / Introduction to BEF-ChinaHelge Bruelheide, Xiaojuan Liu, Sylvia Haider, Tesfaye Wubet, Merry Schuman, Stefan TrogischGutianshan / Xingangshan, China1
11 July 2023PhD Defense of Sue Marr MLU Halle, Germany/
10-11 July 2023Chinese refresher language courseXi Xing, Dr. Benjamin CreutzfeldtConfucius Institute Leipzig0.5
06 July 2023PhD Defense of Bala Singavarapu MLU Halle, Germany/
15 June 2023Get-together of Research School Network Halle IAMO Halle, Germany 
12-14 June 2023Outdoor First Aid CourseJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.Gohrisch (Saxon Switzerland), Germany0.5
2-3 March 2023Good Scientifc PracticeNicole Sachmerda-Schulzonline0.5
28 February
PhD Defense of Georg Albert iDiv, Leipzig, Germany/
21 February 2023PhD Defense of Andréa Davrinche MLU Halle, Germany/
2023TreeDì Seminar SeriesTreeDì Doctoral Researchersonline1.0
16 December 2022PhD Defense of Florian Schnabel Leipzig, Germany 
14 November 2022PhD Defense of Maria D. Perles-Garcia Halle/Online 
17-19 October 2022Meeting of the Sino-German IRTGs TransTiP, AMAIZE-P and TreeDì Wernigerode, Germany0.5
20 September - 5 October 2022BrazilDry - TreeDì Workshop Natal, Braziltba
23 June 2022Get-together of the Research School Network Halle IPB Halle, Germany 
18 May 2022Excursion to Tharandt (Forest Botanical Garden and Weißeritztal)Goddert von Oheimb, Ulrich PietzarkaTharandt, Germany0.5
13 May 2022Video Training - How to shoot science videosVolker Hahn, Stefan BernhardtiDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
April - June 2022TreeDì Seminar SeriesDoctoral researchers (first cohort) and guest speakersonline 
12-14 April 2022MyDiv WorkhopSimone Cesarz, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlian, Steph Jurburg, Benjamin RosenbaumLeucorea, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germanytba
11 April 2022Crash Course Statistics: Understanding model output and testing in RBenjamin RosenbaumiDiv Leipzig, room Beehive or Online0.5
22-25 March 2022Meta-analysis for research synthesisStephan Kambach, Christian Ristokonline1.5
14-18 March 2022BEF research in forestsTreeDì PIsonline1.5
7-9 March 2022Statistics in BEF research / Generalised Diversity-InteractionsUli Brose, Shaopeng Wang, John Connolly, Caroline Brophy, Rafael De Andrade Moralonline1
14. + 16. + 18. February 2022Biodiversity Data ManagementAnahita Kazem, Jitendra Gaikwadonline1
6-9 December 2021Scientific Writing Retreat        (1st cohort)Helge Bruelheide, Sylvia Haider, Tesfaye WubetLeucorea, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany2
3 December 2021PhD Defense Rémy Beugnon (P8G)online 
11 November 2021Kick-off Meeting for 2nd cohortHelge Bruelheide, Xiaojuan Liu, Keping Maonline0.5
30 August - 1 September 2021Chinese Language CourseYou TingiDiv, Leipzig, Germany1
28 June - 2 July 2021Joint yDiv & TreeDì Welcome WeekSeveraliDiv/online1.5
22 June 2021TreeDì + MyDiv PhD Course (Intro)Simone Cesarz, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlianonlinetba
12+14+16 April 2021Storytelling for scientists from diverse backgroundsDr. Karin Bodewitsonline0.5
22-23 March 2021TreeDì Recruitment SymposiumTreeDì PIsonline 
10 March 2021Getting started with R MarkdownDr. Francesco Sabatinionline0.25
Oct 2020 - Apr 2021TreeDì Seminar SeriesTreeDì Doctoral Researchersonline0.5
1-2 December 2020Women in LeadershipSusanne Dranazonline0.5
Aug 2020 - Nov 2020German Language CourseLinguaramaonline1
13 August 2020TreeDì Pub QuizSue Marr, Stefan Trogischonline 
27+30 July 2020Science GraphicsThomas Festeronline0.5
12 June 2020R graphics with ggplot2Stephanie Jurburgonline via BBB0.25
8 June 2020Good Scientific PracticeDorit Schmidtonline via zoom0.25
21 August 2019TreeDì Lecture/iDiv Seminar SeriesXiaojuan Liu, Douglas ChestersiDiv, Leipzig, Germany 
1 August 2019Video Training - How to shoot science videosVolker Hahn, Stefan BernhardtiDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.5
27-28 March 20191st Annual TreeDì PhD Conference UCAS Yanqihu Campus,Beijing, China0.5
23-26 March 2019How to read a scientific paper?Nicole van Dam, Alexander WeinholdUCAS Yanqihu Campus,   Beijing, China0.75
23-24 March 2019Ecometabolomics in a Nutshell (2 x half day)Nicole van Dam, Alexander WeinholdUCAS Yanqihu Campus,   Beijing, China0.25
18-21 March 2019Modelling Diversity InteractionsJohn Connolly, Helge BruelheideUCAS Yanqihu Campus,   Beijing, China1
14-17 March 2019Bioinformatics for Molecular IdentificationDouglas Chesters, Tesfaye WubetUCAS Yanqihu Campus,   Beijing, China1
11-13 March 2019Statistics on Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctioningUli Brose, Shaopeng Wang, Myriam HirtUCAS Yanqihu Campus,   Beijing, China1
10 December 2018 Cultural Awareness TrainingDiego GilardoniiDiv, Leipzig, Germany0.25
18-24 August 2018

TreeDì Kick-off Meeting/Introductory Course "BEF Research in Forests"

Chinese and German PIs

UCAS Yanqihu Campus,Beijing/ Xingangshan, China

24-26 July 2018Chinese language courseYou TingiDiv, Leipzig, Germany1
12-13 March 2018TreeDì Recruitment Symposium iDiv, Leipzig, Germany 

Course Offers by Affiliated Programmes

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