Stay abroad
yDiv members have the opportunity to do a research stay at a laboratory or organisation abroad. You can do it e.g. to build a professional network or gain additional practical experience, but it is also suitable as a career advancement tool, e.g. to get to know non-scientific organisations.
In a nutshell
You can do your stay abroad in a scientific or non-scientific institution, e.g. research group at a university, but also non-governmental organisations or companies
Your stay abroad should have objectives that fit to your PhD project (collecting material, conducting analyses or co-authoring a paper) or your career goals (internship)
Up to three months in total, can be done in one or more parts
yDiv funding available: up to 2,000 Euro for travel and accommodation.
Summer school visits, conference participations or field work alone cannot be accepted, but can be a part of your stay abroad
To start the process, send an email with a short description of your plans and the application form (PDF) to the yDiv coordination.
Dr Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz
Graduate School Coordinator
Room: A.00.19
Phone: +49 341 9733125
Beate Horn
Administrative Assistant
Room: A.00.19
Phone: +49 341 9733126