Sharing initiative
One of the iDiv missions is to foster joint scientific projects via e.g., creating new opportunities of sharing an equipment with each other. The Flexpool is a perfect mechanism to support these missions. Via the Flexpool, a variety of equipment for lab- and field-work has been acquired that could be used by the iDiv consortium.
The following equipment is available:
- Ranging rods
- Measuring devices (calipers, tapelines)
- Knifes
- Reflective vests
- Staplers
- Calipers
- LED-torches
- Backpacks
- Suspended scales
- GPS tools (Garmin eTrex, Monterra Wi-Fi enabled)
- Hand-held precision compases (Suunto KB-14)
- Motion-activated cameras with navigation bottons (Backyard WildlifeCam)
- Clinometers (Haglöf VERTEX IV and transponder T3)
- Photosynthesis yield analyzer (MINI-PAM)
- High-resolution spectroradiometer (FieldSpec 4)
- Plant canopy analyzers (LAI‑2200C)
- Portable leaf area meters (LI-3000C)
- Leaf area meters (LI-3100C)
- Portable photosynthesis system (LI-6400XT)
- Portable soil respiration measurement systems (8- and 16-channels, LI-8100A)
To lend an equipment, please contact the flexpool team by e-mail:
Join our ‘sharing-initiative’, its fun!