sRareBioS - Importance of rare microbes for soil ecosystem services
First meeting: 25.-28.11.2014
Gera Hol;
Alexandre Jousset
iDiv members:
Kirsten Küsel
Nico Eisenhauer
Project summary:
Recent developments in molecular techniques revealed a highly skewed distribution of microbial species, with a significant part of the biomass attributed to rare species. This rare biosphere can contribute to soil functioning and offers a promising platform to unravel the role of rare species in diverse ecosystems. In this workshop we aim to bundle the competences of ecologists and microbiologists to catalyze the development of a new experimental and theoretical collaborative network on the rare biosphere. We will use rare microbes as easy-to manipulate system for investigating rare species, which have been shown to support critical functions in terrestrial ecosystems.
Christina Bienhold (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology), Antonis Chatzinotas (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ), Joana Falcao Salles (University of Groningen), Laure Gallien (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL), Angelique Gobet (Station biologique de Roscoff - CNRS), Gera Hol (Netherlands Institute of Ecology), Alexandre Jousset (Utrecht University), Viola Kurm (NIOO-KNAW), Kirsten Küsel (Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Matthias Rillig (Free University Berlin), Damian Rivett (Imperial College London), Marcel van der Heijden (Agroscope), Zhong Wei (Nanjing Agricultural University), Noha Youssef (Oklahoma State University), Xiaowei Zhang (Nanjing University)
Jousset, A., Bienhold, C., et al. (2017) Where less may be more: how the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings. The ISME Journal 11, p. 853–862. See here