Git courses



Course Dates

Maximum number of participants / Credit Points

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to be agreed on4 participants minimum / 0.5/1.0 CP


Day 1 (basics seminar): In a 6+ hours hands-on seminar, we’ll first talk about the motivation for using a version control system, and then the participants will get an introduction to using git on the command line. The goals are first to get you set up to track changes / use git with your projects, and then to be able to participate in the collaboration on platforms like GitLab and GitHub. Requirements: BYOD (laptop), eduroam for WiFi access, and an account for since we’re using this as the platform to teach collaboration.
More detailed content and cheat sheet here.

Day 2 (getting started with your own projects): (open to all independent of the basics seminar) Workshop-style get-together to individually set up a) your git integration with your favorite text editors or IDEs like RStudio, b) start using git in your real projects, c) and whatever else comes up. There is no fixed content, it all depends on what you bring to the table with your projects, questions and needs.
Requirements: BYOD (laptop), eduroam for WiFi access, git experience at least at the level of the git basics seminar.



Christian is a technical employee (HPC Cluster) at the General IT support (GSU) and offers scientific computing services at iDiv.


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