Media releases from 2015

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In Nature ist jetzt bisher umfangreichste Studie zum Wettbewerb um die Ressourcen im Wald erschienen. (Foto: Mitteleuropäischer Laubwald, Böhmisches Mittelgebirge, Tschechien)
23.12.2015 | Media Release

This text is only available in German.  › more

Die Größe von Pflanzen und der Bauplan ihrer Blätter haben bei der Evolution der Gefäßpflanzen eine besondere Rolle gespielt, so die neue Studie in "Nature". Foto-Kollage: Angela Günther, MPI-BGC
23.12.2015 | Media Release, Research

This text is only available in German.  › more

Gutianshan National Nature Reserve in Zheijiang, located west of Shanghai in China. Photo: Helge Bruelheide, MLU/iDiv
11.12.2015 | Media Release, Research

Many of the previous studies on global species diversity are inaccurate. These are the conclusions of an international research group, led by Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in…  › more

According a new study, inter-annual variation in climate has stronger effects on predators such as spiders than populations of their detritivorous prey, such as isopods.
10.12.2015 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Leipzig. Elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide enhance photosynthesis and plant growth. Although these growth effects can be sustained in the long term, the magnitude of effects…  › more

Bruelheide, Buscot, Neumann, Wirth, Küsel, Straeter, Becker, Rosenthal, Hoppe, Gaul, Schücking, Teutsch (f.l.t.r.)
03.12.2015 | Media Release, iDiv

This text is only available in German.  › more

Image showing tightly packed tree crowns in a natural tropical forest, for investigating the forest's structure. Tree crowns of different sizes are shown as spheres.
27.11.2015 | Media Release, Research

New modelling approach to assess the distribution of different tree sizes in natural forests  › more

Prof. Aletta Bonn, Prof. Nicole M. van Dam, Prof. Ulrich Brose (v.l.n.r.)
22.11.2015 | Media Release, Theory in Biodiversity Science, Molecular Interaction Ecology, Biodiversity and People

This text is only available in German.  › more

Photo: Cornelia Menichelli /
18.11.2015 | Media Release, iDiv

The value of biodiversity is particularly high in poor environmental conditions  › more

Kleingarten in Leipzig. Foto: Ines Carbal, UFZ/iDiv
18.11.2015 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release

This text is only available in German.  › more

Coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) can be up to 115 meters high, and reach up to seven meters in diameter. These evergreen conifers are the highest trees on earth. Photo: Save The Redwoods League
16.10.2015 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Berkeley/Leipzig. Climate change might shift the climatic suitable habitat of coast redwoods in California about 70 to 200 kilometers to the north in the near future. The environmental conditions…  › more

(Photo: M. Grossmann /
15.10.2015 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, sDiv

Can biodiversity help protect ecosystems in unusual climatic events? Given the continued extinction of species and climate-change associated with increasingly extreme and sudden changes in the…  › more

20.08.2015 | Media Release, sDiv

The spread of species to non-native regions poses one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. An international research team including Dr Marten Winter from the German Centre for…  › more

(Photo: Tobias Wagner, iDiv)
08.07.2015 | Media Release, iDiv

What happens when a hippo stumbles across a sleepy plant? Leipzig University's Botanical Garden has opened a new information trail on the diverse and unusual relationships between plants and animals.…  › more

The white garden snail (Theba pisana), an European species that is now wide spread in temperate regions worldwide. Photo: César Capinha
10.06.2015 | Media Release, iDiv, Research, Biodiversity Conservation

It has been hypothesized that globalization of human-mediated dispersal of species may break down biogeographic boundaries. However, empirical tests had been lacking until recently. An international…  › more

Prof. Ulrich Brose (Photo: Stefan Bernhardt, iDiv)
28.05.2015 | Media Release, Theory in Biodiversity Science

Global climate change is back on the political agenda: representatives from 35 states recently met in Berlin for the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference in…  › more

Prof. Tiffany Knight (Photo: André Künzelmann/UFZ)
28.05.2015 | Media Release, Species Interaction Ecology

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) were successful in their nomination for Germany’s most highly endowed research award, the…  › more

20.05.2015 | Media Release, GEO BON

Satellite observations play an increasingly important role in monitoring changes of terrestrial ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The new EU funded project BACI translates satellite…  › more

24.04.2015 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

A new study of the complex interplay between organisms and their environment shows that biodiversity — the variety of organisms living on earth — is even more important to the healthy functioning of…  › more

Experimental plots of the trait-based biodiversity experiment, established in 2010 in the framework of the Jena Experiment.
24.04.2015 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

This text is only available in German.  › more

Chimpanzee in tropical forest
21.04.2015 | Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat

Volunteers to watch video footage filmed by camera traps and identify wild African animals. In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd, a special citizen science project called Chimp&See will be…  › more

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