Media releases from 2020

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The study shows that even species that are considered widespread, such as the corn poppy (<em>Papaver rhoeas</em>), are steadily declining in Germany. (Picture: Sebastian Lakner)
14.12.2020 | sDiv, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Most comprehensive evaluation of the occurrence of vascular plants in Germany to date  › more

Prof Nico Eisenhauer (Picture: Christian Hüller)
10.12.2020 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Most important German research award  › more

Also the robin <em>(Erithacus rubecula)</em> contributes to this: According to the study, ten percent more bird species in the surrounding area increase the feeling of happiness as much as a comparable increase in income. (Picture: Senckenberg)
03.12.2020 | Media Release, yDiv, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People, iDiv Members

Study shows: Happier people often congregate in environments with many bird species  › more

Leipzig is host to the oldest botanical garden in Germany. On an area of only three hectares, around 6500 of the 350,000 plant species worldwide grow here. (Picture: Swen Reichhold)
26.11.2020 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members

City could become a global reference for plant biodiversity researchers  › more

EuropaBON is supposed to bring together a wide range of different actors in a network across Europe. This involves monitoring data from volunteer ornithologists to remote sensing data. (Picture: S. Kadrijevic - AdobeStock)
26.11.2020 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

Information system on Europe’s biodiversity and ecosystems for policy makers  › more

The drought of the last three years has favoured fungal diseases. In Leipzig's floodplain forests, ash and sycamore maple in particular are currently dying off. Even the English oak is already affected. (Picture: André Künzelmann/UFZ)
23.11.2020 | Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Experts from research, authorities and NGOs develop a common vision and evaluate possible measures  › more

Lemurs exclusively appear in Madagascar. This red-fronted lemur mainly feeds on fruits. (Picture: Omer Nevo)
29.10.2020 | Evolutionary Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New iDiv research group investigates communication between plants and animals  › more

Bog complex of living and stagnant (foreground) raised bog with interspersed open water areas (called bog hollows, centre of picture) (Picture: Thomas Sperle)
28.10.2020 | sDiv, Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Due to rising temperatures and longer dry periods, two plant species have already gone extinct.  › more

The participation of expert volunteers in Citizen Science projects (here at the Butterfly Monitoring Germany, a project of the UFZ) is a fundamental pillar of biodiversity monitorings in Germany, especially for species groups such as butterflies, beetles, hoverflies or cicadas. (Picture: André Künzelmann/UFZ)
27.10.2020 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Integration of contributors promotes the quantity and quality of data  › more

Extensive grassland site in Hainich, Germany. Low intensity management grasslands maintain strong synergies between specialized species and functions and supply a more distinct set of ecosystem services than high intensity grasslands. (Picture: Michael Bonkowski)
26.10.2020 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS

A first assessment of the effects of land management on the linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services  › more

The research team used the iDiv Ecotron, where identical climatic situations can be simulated in artificial ecosystems and observed with cameras. (Picture: iDiv)
26.10.2020 | Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members, iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Research group of iDiv and Jena University uses novel research method to study effect of insect decline on plant biodiversity  › more

New study outlines the scientific basis for redesigning a new set of biodiversity goals. (Picture: Pixabay)
23.10.2020 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

New publication in Science with iDiv contribution  › more

In Germany, biodiversity in the agricultural landscape has declined. (Picture: Stefan Bernhardt, iDiv)
19.10.2020 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Position paper with participation of iDiv scientists  › more

The research team&rsquo;s experiments took place at locations such as the Saaleaue, where the Jena Experiment on functional biodiversity research is running. (Picture: Nico Eisenhauer)
07.10.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Biodiversity experiment provides new insights into the relationship between plant traits and ecosystem functions  › more

Microscopic images from pollen, which are important for pollinators, obtained by image-based particle analysis. Each row shows a single pollen grain of a specific plant with a normal microscopic image (first image on the left) and fluorescence images for different spectral ranges (colored images on the right). (Picture: Susanne Dunker)
06.10.2020 | Media Release, TOP NEWS

New method developed at UFZ and iDiv combines image-based particle analysis with artificial intelligence  › more

Flower-rich meadow at a park in Leipzig, Germany. (Picture: Gabriele Rada / iDiv)
29.09.2020 | iDiv, Research, Media Release, Biodiversity Synthesis, TOP NEWS

Data collected at species-rich sites may lead to the wrong conclusions on overall trends  › more

<em>Gymnadenia conopsea</em> is common in Northern Europe, but can also be found in Central Europa. The orchid-rich semi-natural grasslands of the Czech Republic are among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe. (Picture: Tiffany Knight)
28.09.2020 | Evolution and Adaptation, Media Release, sDiv, Species Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, iDiv

New automated method quickly and accurately reveals which species are most threatened  › more

Old beech: Primary forests are crucial for biodiversity conservation and store high quantities of carbon in biomass, therefore helping to mitigate climate change. (Picture: Tzvetan Zlatanov)
15.09.2020 | TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release

First international assessment of the protection state of mostly ‘untouched’ forests in Europe  › more

A young chimpanzee feeds on seed pods in the Issa valley, Tanzania. (Picture: R. Drummond-Clarke/GMERC)
14.09.2020 | Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Both historical and recent variation in ecological and environmental conditions are associated with larger behavioural repertoires in wild chimpanzees  › more

Natural habitats that support high biodiversity are increasingly under pressure from agricultural land use. (Picture: Juan Carlos Munoz / Adobe Stocks)
09.09.2020 | Macroecology and Society, Media Release, TOP NEWS

How biodiversity could be preserved globally without sacrificing necessary production output  › more

Dr Martin Mascher, former head of the iDiv Junior Research Group "Domestication Genomics" (Picture: IPK/ Andreas Bähring)
03.09.2020 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Domestication Genomics, iDiv Members

Based on a media release by the Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben: Great success for iDiv Junior Research Group head Dr Martin Mascher. The 34 years old…  › more

Schwebfliege. Zusammen mit den Wildbienen sind sie die wichtigsten Best&auml;uber unserer Bl&uuml;tenpflanzen.&nbsp; (Picture: Willibald Lang / Flickr)
01.09.2020 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People, UFZ News, Media Release

Nature conservation policy too rarely succeeds in changing people's behaviour  › more

Leipzig's floodplain forest is one of the largest auf its kind in Central Europe. But drought, climate change and human intervention are putting it under huge pressure. (Picture: Tabea Turrini / iDiv)
28.08.2020 | iDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Environmental Ministry of Saxony and City of Leipzig agree on measures to improve state of Leipzig’s floodplain forest  › more

Rope bridges can effectively help primates to cross transportation or service corridors. Colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis palliatus) in Diani, Kenya. (Picture: Andrea Donaldson / Colobus Conservation)
26.08.2020 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat, TOP NEWS

Evidence-based conservation is key to curb primate population declines  › more

Aerial view of the Jena Experiment. (Picture: Jena Experiment)
24.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, iDiv Members, Research, TOP NEWS

Findings from experimental sites are reliable.  › more

Buff-tailed bumblebee (<em>Bombus terrestris</em>) (Picture: Wilhelm Osterman)
17.08.2020 | Research, TOP NEWS, MLU News, iDiv, Media Release, iDiv Members

New study suggests it does, making them better pollinators, too.  › more

A pollen supplementation experiment where a naturally pollinated flower is compared to a hand-supplemented flower. (Picture: Amibeth Thompson)
10.08.2020 | UFZ News, MLU News, sDiv, Species Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, iDiv, Research, Media Release

Highly specialised plants particularly at risk.  › more

Biodiversity loss has detrimental effects on ecosystem processes. Soil chemicals decimate plant decomposers, which inhibits their ecosystem function. This interrupts the nutrient cycle, for instance. (Picture: Léa Beaumelle)
04.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

Diversity of soil organisms has key role in the carbon cycle.  › more

Nematodes are very small, microscopic worms that can be found in soils almost all over the world.&nbsp; (Picture: Andy Murray)
03.08.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, MLU News, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, iDiv

Only few studies investigate soil biodiversity in tropical and subtropical regions.  › more

The project "VielFalterGarten" will start with workshops on the different butterfly species that can be found in Leipzig. (Picture: Guy Peer)
03.08.2020 | iDiv, Media Release, UFZ News, TOP NEWS

Citizen Science Project "VielFalterGarten" offers workshops in Leipzig  › more

Aerial photo of a forest patch in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest surrounded by sugar cane. (Picture: Mateus Dantas de Paula)
29.07.2020 | iDiv, Research, Species Interaction Ecology, Biodiversity Synthesis, UFZ News, MLU News, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New international research breaks ground for the next generation of biodiversity forcasts.  › more

To make wildlife trade more sustainable, it is essential to know and understand the reasons why people hunt and consume bushmeat. (Picture: Wild Chimpanzee Foundation)
17.07.2020 | Media Release, Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat

Disease prevention and protection of species require differentiated strategies.  › more

The collaborative project of young researchers and artists from Leipzig shows that there is much more to pollination than the story of flowers and bees. (Picture: iDiv / G. Rada)
17.07.2020 | iDiv, Media Release, Species Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

New exhibition at the Botanical Garden of Leipzig University now open to the public.  › more

Water hyacinth <em>(Eichhornia crassipes)</em> invasion in the Hartbeespoort reservoir in South Africa. Introduced as an ornamental plant it has become invasive across all continents except Antarctica. The plant alters local water flow, community composition and provides habitats for mosquitos that act as a major vector of diseases (Picture: Olga Ernst, CC BY-SA 4.0)
14.07.2020 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Alien species dramatically contribute to future biodiversity loss  › more

Ongoing forest loss is transforming ecosystems around the world, leading to diverse biodiversity change from gains to losses in different animals and plants. (Picture: Malkolm Boothroyd)
18.06.2020 | Biodiversity Synthesis, MLU News, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, iDiv

New international research reveals the far-reaching impacts of forest cover loss on global biodiversity.  › more

Register now for the Citizen Science Dialogue Forum! (Picture: Florian Pappert -
04.06.2020 | iDiv, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Online forum to further develop citizen science strategy in Germany  › more

The black-veined white <em>(Aporia crataegi)</em> is a widespread butterfly found in very variable habitats. It is one of the few butterfly species to benefit from Natura 2000 conservation areas. (Picture: Martin Musche)
25.05.2020 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, UFZ News, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Only a few butterfly species appear to benefit from Natura 2000 conservation areas  › more

In these times of human retreat, we get a glimpse of how much nature the upcoming UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration can bring us. (Picture: AB Photography/
20.05.2020 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

A comment by Prof Dr Henrique Pereira  › more

Species-rich rainforest of Mount Halimun Salak National Park, Java, Indonesia. (Picture: Leipzig University / Alexandra Muellner-Riehl)
11.05.2020 | iDiv, Research, iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New approach to phylogenetically guided drug discovery  › more

Mid- and high-latitude ecosystems from the Northern Hemisphere are some of the ecosystems expected to be more affected by the increases in pathogen proportions. The picture shows forests in the west of the USA.&nbsp; (Picture: Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo)
11.05.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, sDiv

Scientists develop global map of future risk areas for plant diseasesBased on a media release by Pablo de Olavide University Sevilla Sevilla / Leipzig / Halle. Global warming will increase the…  › more

In warmer marine areas, like in Huinay Research Station (Chile), increases in the number of species were more pronounced. (Picture: Laura Antão)
04.05.2020 | Biodiversity Synthesis, MLU News, iDiv, Media Release, Research, TOP NEWS

New international research reveals warming in temperate regions leads to species gains at sea, but not on land.  › more

The global number of land-dwelling insects is in decline. (Picture: Gabriele Rada)
24.04.2020 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis, sDiv

Global insect populations show highly variable local trends.  › more

While some small-ranged species have disappeared, widespread, nitrogen-loving, and occasionally exotic species are on the rise. (Picture: Martin Adámek / Czech Academy of Sciences)
13.04.2020 | Biodiversity Conservation, MLU News, sDiv, Media Release, Research, iDiv, TOP NEWS

More nitrogen in the soil: common plant species on the rise  › more

Around 300 tree species grow in 50 hectares of old-growth forest at Barro Colorado Island, Panama.&nbsp; (Picture: Christian Ziegler)
09.04.2020 | iDiv, Research, Computational Forest Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New method enables predictions for the development of species-rich forests  › more

Cocoa plantation in West Africa (Picture: Janina Kleemann)
30.03.2020 | TOP NEWS, sDiv, Biodiversity and People, Media Release, UFZ News

Study evaluates and quantifies ecosystem service flows  › more

Restoring ecosystems through rewilding allows wildlife to return. (Picture: Stefano Unterthiner / Rewilding Europe)
18.03.2020 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

Scientists and NGOs present policy papers.  › more

Arctic plant life is found at the cold climate extremes of the planet. (Picture: Sandra Angers-Blondin)
13.03.2020 | Research, sDiv, TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

Plants growing at extremes follow the global rules  › more

A structurally rich landscape is pleasing to the eye, promotes biodiversity and also benefits farmers. (Picture: Sebastian Lakner)
03.03.2020 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Biodiversity and People, Media Release

Common Agricultural Policy reform: More than 3,600 researchers call for science to be taken into consideration  › more

Chimpanzee (<em>Pan troglodytes</em>) feeding on a wild date palm (<em>Phoenix reclinata</em>). (Picture: M. McLennan / Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project)
26.02.2020 | Media Release, Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv, Evolution and Adaptation

Colourful fruits may be the reason why primates can distinguish between shades of red, green and blue.  › more

Dryland ecosystem in Argentinian Patagonia (Picture: Juan José Gaitán, INTA (Argentina))
14.02.2020 | iDiv, sDiv, Media Release, Research, TOP NEWS

As aridity increases, dryland ecosystems undergo abrupt changes that will reduce their capacity to provide important ecosystem services.  › more

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