31.05.2021 | News der MIE-Gruppe

Ilaria Chiocchio joins MIE

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Ilaria Chiocchio has joined MIE as a scientific guest from the University of Bologna. At the University of Bologna Ilaria is part of the "Health, Safety and Green systems" PhD prgram, where she is supervised by Prof. Ferruccio Poli and Dr. Manuela Mandrone. This program consists of different projects all addressing the theme of sustainability. First, the investigation of plant-environment relationships in view of smart agriculture applications. Second, the valorization of plant neglected matrices to implement the circular economy. Finally, the study of endogenous resources and biodiversity/chemodiversity. She will address this last topic during her internship at iDiv, where she will study the chemical diversity in Solanum dulcamara through LC-qToF-MS based metabolomics, as part of the PhD project of Adam Anaia

Welcome Ilaria!

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