News Archive 2018

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Original illustration of the article in Frontiers for Young Minds (picture: Frontiers for Young Minds).

iDiv scientists explain research on tropical arthropods in journal for young readers  › more

23.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Stefan Kupers during soil moisture sampling (Picture: Darina Iskreva).

Growth rates shape distributions of tropical tree species on a soil moisture gradient  › more

14.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, Computational Forest Ecology
Students of the Louise-Otto-Peters-school working in the lab

On Monday the 26th of November MIE welcomed class 12 of the Louise-Otto-Peters-school from Leipzig to the molecular lab. During their time in the lab, the students got an insight in molecular genetic…  › more

13.12.2018 | MIE Group News
The scarce copper (Lycaena virgaureae) and the sooty copper (Lycaena tityrus). (Picture: Petra Druschky, Wandlitz)

Media release by UFZ  › more

10.12.2018 | UFZ News, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
The new paper was the result of a Jena Experiment synthesis workshop. (Photo: Alexandra Weigelt).

Zooming in on the causes of complementarity in grasslands  › more

05.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research
iDiv member Prof Martin Schlegel is one of four new senior professors at Leipzig University who were handed over their certificate by rector Prof Beate Schücking on 3 December (f.l. Prof Dr Friedrich Kremer, Prof Dr Martin Schlegel, Prof Dr Beate Schücking, Prof Dr Andreas Diekmann, Prof Dr Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer; picture: Leipzig University/Swen Reichhold).

Certificate handed over on 3 December  › more

05.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
(photo: Stefan Bernhardt, iDiv)

New ranking published  › more

29.11.2018 | iDiv Members, Physiological Diversity, sDiv, TOP NEWS
MIE and EcoMetEoR host Jiao Qu

MIE and EcoMetEoR host Jiao Qu  › more

29.11.2018 | EcoMetEoR, MIE Group News
Members of the GEO BON delegation including iDiv scientists (from left to right) Néstor Fernández, Henrique Pereira, Laetitia Navarro and HyeJin Kim (photo: Henrique Pereira)

Wide range of activities of iDiv scientists  › more

28.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv Members
In a new study published in the scientific journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, researchers present sPlot - the world's first global vegetation database which contains over 1.1 million complete lists of plant species sampled across all Earth’s ecosystems. (picture: Francesco Maria Sabatini, MLU/iDiv)

sPlot paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution  › more

20.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members

Area of habitat larger than New Zealand could be lost to urbanisation over next 20 years   › more

15.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv
Growing of accessions of the barley collection of the Federal Ex situ Gene Bank at the IPK in Gatersleben. (Picture: IPK Gatersleben)

Molecular characterisation of an entire genebank collection   › more

09.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Domestication Genomics
Scientists call for the employment of scientifically sound methods for monitoring orangutan populations. (Picture: HUTAN-KOCP)

Scientists call for better monitoring  › more

05.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat
Abigail Moreno-Pedraza & Diandro Ricardo Barilli

For the next months, Abigail Moreno-Pedraza (CINVESTAV, Mexico) and Diandro Ricardo Barilli (UNESP, Brazil) stay with us as guest researchers of the EcoMetEoR platform. Abigail will use her time in…  › more

02.11.2018 | MIE Group News, EcoMetEoR

three iDiv members involved  › more

25.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
An intact East African coastal forest patch near the Selous Game Reserve. Photo: Chris Barratt

New paper in Molecular Ecology   › more

25.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, Evolution and Adaptation, Computational Forest Ecology
Prof Christian Wirth explained research at the Leipzig Canopy Crane platform during the excursion. Photo: Doris Wolst/UFZ

This text is only available in German.  › more

23.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv
The Millingerwaard area is well on its way to a wilder future (Photo: Ark Nature/Rewilding Europe).

Two new iDiv publications take a closer look at rewilding.  › more

16.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv
Bacteria isolated from human belly buttons and cultivated on plates in the laboratory. (Photos: Rob Dunn lab)

How macroecology and microbial ecology could benefit from a unified research agenda  › more

12.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis

Major success for the research profile of the University Jena  › more

09.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research, iDiv Members

New study in Nature Geoscience  › more

08.10.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research, sDiv, iDiv Members
Postdoctoral position in Chemical Ecology

Dr Mick Hanley (Plymouth University, UK) and Dr Nicole M. van Dam (iDiv, Leipzig, Germany) are looking for an enthusiastic candidate for a postdoctoral position shared between their labs.  › more

01.10.2018 | MIE Group News
The experimental site of BEF-China in located in a mountain area 400 kilometres to the west of Shanghai. (Picture: UZH)

Reforestation with a variety of tree species would help biodiversity and climate  › more

01.10.2018 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research
Martin Quaas will build a new research group on the interactions between biodiversity and economics at the iDiv research centre and Leipzig University. (Picture: Irina Höft)

Quaas' professorship starts on 1 Oktober 2018  › more

27.09.2018 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS
The height of tundra plant communities has increased over the last 30 years. (Picture: Anne Bjorkman)

Analysis of comprehensive data set led to publication in Nature.  › more

26.09.2018 | Computational Forest Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release, sDiv
The Jena experiment produces large amounts of data which are collected and evaluated using information technology. This is why the conference participants visit the Jena experiment, a globally recognized study site of biodiversity research. Photo: Anne Günther/FSU

International Conference at the Interface of Ecology and Computer Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena  › more

24.09.2018 | Biodiversity Informatics Unit (BDU), iDiv, TOP NEWS
Renske Onstein spoke about how environmental conditions and traits interact to influence speciation and extinction (Photo: Volker Hahn, iDiv)

Renske Onstein presented her research in Jena  › more

19.09.2018 | TOP NEWS, Evolution and Adaptation
These two individuals of cod are both mature, yet they substantially differ in size (photo: Jan Dierking).

How trait variability within species can be incorporated in Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs).  › more

17.09.2018 | TOP NEWS, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, Computational Forest Ecology, iDiv Members
Wild bees provide the important ecosystem service of pollination. (Photo: luise/

On 09 October the topic will be “Crisis of biological diversity: what can we learn for Germany from the insights of IPBES?”  › more

04.09.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People
The first part of the tour will be on butterflies, the topic of the second part will be earthworms (photos: le: Susanne Jutzeler/pixabay, ri: Andy Murray).

Side event of the exhibition „Garten findet Stadt“ on Saturday, 08 September  › more

03.09.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv
Prof Henrique Pereira led this year's summer school (photo: Stefan Bernhardt/iDiv).

The 4th iDiv Summer School on “Ecological Theory and Modelling for the Biodiversity Crisis” took place from 20 to 31 August.  › more

31.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Biodiversity Conservation

Number of alien species on islands increases with distance to mainland  › more

30.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv

Improved research cooperation as a goal of funding  › more

29.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv
The Jena experiment, a grassland biodiversity experiment in Germany. Photo: Anne Ebeling, FSU

Study from 39 grassland experiments published in Nature Ecology and Evolution  › more

27.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, sDiv
Arable field with wheat (picture: Isabelle Caugant, IWGSC Picture Library).

The sequence published in Science is the first reference genome of wheat.   › more

23.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Domestication Genomics

Talks and exhibition inauguration (in German)  › more

21.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv
(Picture: Irene Bender)

Joint position paper of renowned researchers  › more

06.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release
Subtropical forests like this one in East China (Gutianshan Reserve) have a high species richness. (Picture: Sabine Both)

Study based on ten years of research in subtropical forests  › more

01.08.2018 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members
Female bear with her two cubs roaming in search for bilberries in September, Tatra mountains, Polish Carpathians. (Picture: Adam Wajrak)

Brown bears could live in an additional 380,000 square kilometres  › more

24.07.2018 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

The collaborative Research Centre ChemBioSys was positively re-evaluated for the second funding period by the German Research Foundation (DFG).  › more

09.07.2018 | MIE Group News
Oribatid mite of the Euphthiracaridae family. These mites travel alive in the gut of slugs. (Picture: Andy Murray)

Newly discovered dispersal strategy for mites  › more

04.07.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Prof Walter Rosenthal, new chair of iDiv’s Board of Trustees (Photo: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU)

Rosenthal was elected for two years by the board members.   › more

26.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv
150 years old oak trees in the Forêt domaniale de Bercé (Photo: INRA / Didier Bert).

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the pedunculate oak  › more

20.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, UFZ News
Dr. Katja Steinauer

Katja Steinauer, PostDoc at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), stays with us in June 2018 as a guest researcher using the facilities of the EcoMetEoR platform.  › more

08.06.2018 | MIE Group News, EcoMetEoR
Mites and pauropods are common animals in the soil, but data on their diversity is lacking. (Photo: Andy Murray)

Data on soil biodiversity is lacking from large regions of the world, new sDiv study finds.  › more

05.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
As of June, the Dutch biologist Dr Renske Emilie Onstein will head up a new “Evolution and Adaptation” junior research group at iDiv with offices and laboratories based in Leipzig’s Bio City. (Picture: private)

Start of research group “Evolution and Adaptation”.  › more

04.06.2018 | Evolution and Adaptation, TOP NEWS, Media Release
The exhibition boxes at the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Photo: Stefan Bernhardt, iDiv)

Exhibition on gardening opened on 24 May in the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.  › more

17.05.2018 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research
Chimpanzees living in the savanna and grass savanna have adapted their behavior to their difficult living conditions: To protect themselves from overheating, they use water sources for taking a bath. photo: Erin Wessling

Regulating their body temperature is a burden for chimpanzees living in the savanna  › more

16.05.2018 | TOP NEWS, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat
China is establishing an infrastructure and service network to connect the country, by land and sea, to different parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. This “Belt and Road” initiative (BRI) will not only influence the future of global trade but also the environment and the biological resources. (Picture: StockSnap / / CC0 Public Domain)

Environment protection should be a priority for the Chinese initiative to promote global trade.  › more

15.05.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release
Tree giants produce few seeds, but do so for centuries. Photo: Christian Ziegler

New strategic axis of tropical tree species discovered  › more

14.05.2018 | Computational Forest Ecology, TOP NEWS
Esther-Marie Lintzel

Esther-Marie Lintzel, master student from the University Leipzig, starts her master thesis.  › more

09.05.2018 | MIE Group News
Net of a caddis fly larva, built for catching prey (photo: Steve Ormerod)

New paper with participation of Jon Chase and Stefano Larsen  › more

02.05.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis, sDiv
Henriette Uthe

By supporting and teaching ecologist and biodiversity researchers, Henriette will implement metabolomics analyses in their research.  › more

02.05.2018 | MIE Group News
A western lowland gorilla in the rainforests of the Republic of Congo. A decade-long study on Western Equatorial Africa&rsquo;s western lowland gorillas (<em>Gorilla gorilla gorilla</em>) and central chimpanzees (<em>Pan troglodytes troglodytes</em>) has revealed there are more of these animals in the wild than previously thought. (Picture: Forrest Hogg/WCS)

Massive study finds more gorillas and chimpanzees than previously thought, but 80% are outside the safe havens of protected areas  › more

26.04.2018 | Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat, TOP NEWS, Media Release

“Root chemical traits and their roles in belowground biotic interactions" second most downloaded paper of Pedobiologia in the last 90 days.  › more

25.04.2018 | MIE Group News
Mountains at Yading, Sichuan, China (photo: Adrien Favre)

A study in the new book "Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity" postulates key conditions   › more

18.04.2018 | iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Dimitra Papantoniou

Dimitra Papantoniou joins MIE as a PhD student. She is part of MiRA EU-ITN, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie program funded network to study Microbe-induced Resistance to Agricultural Pests.  › more

18.04.2018 | MIE Group News
Bumblebees in the city are genetically different from those in the countryside (photo: BarbeeAnne/Pixabay)

Genetic adaptation to different habitats  › more

18.04.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release
This is how the new iDiv building will look like (photo, visualisation and architecture: Depenbrock Partnerring GmbH & Co. KG Bielefeld).

The new buidling will be complete by March 2020.  › more

12.04.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv

The stronger global warming is, the greater the increase in the number of plant species on mountain tops. This was the main finding of a study published in the journal Nature.  › more

05.04.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, sDiv, iDiv Members
A family tree of Slackware (SLS) GNU/Linux species. Figure: A. Lundqvist and D. Rodic - (GNU Free Documentation License)

Striking similarities between biology and computer operating systems   › more

26.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research

MIE hosts Dr. Lori Shapiro. Dr. Shapiro will give a talk on species interactions and co.evolution along the global plant crop movement.  › more

26.03.2018 | MIE Group News
European landscape in the Pyrenees (photo: francesc_g/

Several iDiv scientists are among the authors.   › more

23.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, iDiv Members

New findings from BEF China published in Nature Communications.  › more

20.03.2018 | iDiv Members, Research, MLU News, TOP NEWS

This text in only available in German.  › more

20.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv

The sWeep - Unifying marine and terrestrial biodiversity at the interplay of macroecology, macrophysiology and macroevolution with Miguel Ángel Olalla Tárraga and Ignacio Morales Castilla as PIs and…  › more

15.03.2018 | sDiv News
A camera trap provided the evidence: The lynx is back in the Thuringian Forest. (Picture: Dirk Hirsch)

Fotos from a camera trap provide the evidence  › more

09.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Valérie Lopez, PhD student of University of Rennes, France, will stay with us for the entire month of March 2018.  › more

07.03.2018 | MIE Group News
Agricultural landscape (picture: Christoph Scherber).

Land-use planning could reconcile agricultural growth with conservation of nature  › more

06.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, Macroecology and Society
Butterflies are important pollinators in our ecosystems. The photo shows a skipper on a marguerite. (Picture: Reinart Feldmann)

Common media release by iDiv, UFZ and Senckenberg  › more

05.03.2018 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The workshop participants (from left): Anett Richter, Steffen Klotz, Andrea Sieber, Jörg Zabel, David Ziegler, Susanne Hecker, Didone Frigerio, Victoria Miczajka-Russmann (photo: Stefan Bernhardt).

Under the keywords "People-Places-Stories", scientists from Austria and UFZ/iDiv have analysed the role of narration in Citizen Science   › more

28.02.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People
Dr. Andreas Schedl

Dr. Andreas Schedl: Maternity leave cover of Dr. Katharina Grosser  › more

21.02.2018 | MIE Group News
Annalena Lenk (right) and Till Deilmann (left)

FSU Jena BSc students at iDiv - New BSc course “Integrative Ökologie”.  › more

21.02.2018 | MIE Group News

new study published in PNAS  › more

06.02.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research, sDiv

Global demand for natural resources has reduced the number of orangutans by more than 100,000 animals in the last 16 years  › more

06.02.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat
European beech forest in Biogradska Gora National Park in Bosnia-Herzegovina (photo: Eleonora Giarizzo).

A study in Nature Ecology & Evolution reveals continental drivers of community species richness  › more

29.01.2018 | TOP NEWS, Research

An inclusive approach to assess nature’s contributions to people in SCIENCE  › more

19.01.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity and People

Species-specific fungal communities colonise dead wood - media release by UFZ  › more

15.01.2018 | UFZ News, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS
Esraa Mustafa

Esraa Mustafa is a Master of science student from Cairo University in Egypt. Her research focus while at the Molecular Interaction Ecology group in iDiv is to evaluate the impact of plant root…  › more

15.01.2018 | MIE Group News

Two postdoctoral researcher positions at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) in Leipzig.  › more

15.01.2018 | MIE Group News, EcoMetEoR

The Max Planck Society has extended the renowned Max Planck fellow programme for iDiv director Christian Wirth for five years.  › more

03.01.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv Members, Research, iDiv
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