News Archive 2017
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Study questions assumptions on mechanisms underlying warming feedback. › more
Major success for biodiversity research in Central Germany: A new international research training group (IRTG) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) focuses on how trees interact with… › more
Stan Harpole new in this important list › more
Results reveal large local variability currently unaccounted for in climate models › more
Ecosystems can only function well if there is a diverse mixture of plants across the landscape. › more
This text is only available in German. › more
Media release about the ‘Jena Experiment’ › more
Dimitra Papantoniou is a first year PhD student in the laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology in the department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larisa, Greece. › more
Mathew A Leibold and Jonathan M Chase are authors of the book ‘Metacommunity Ecology’ published this week by Princeton University Press. › more
iDiv scientists present in Brussels a Fitness Check assessment of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). › more
Specifically in hot and dry summers, forests with more tree species have higher functionality › more
Recently Nicole van Dam was interviewed by Anne Krebiehl, a journalist who writes for the online journal “Whine Enthusiast”. › more
Martin Volf and his colleagues collaborate on interdisciplinary projects focusing on eco-evolutionary dynamics driving formation of plant defenses and insect diversity. Their recent work has been… › more
This is due to site-to-site variations of species compositions (aggregation) in the “coral triangle”. › more
Martin is a postdoctoral researcher who specializes on insect-plant interactions, evolution of plant defensive traits, and chemical ecology. › more
On 7 November the German Embassy in New Delhi hosted an Indo-German symposium on Science communication › more
... and even more so when tree logging and drought occur at the same time › more
Paper of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) and iDiv › more
From the 16th to 18th October, 34 experts from Ecology, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics joined together at the iDiv core centre to discuss the current challenges and pitfalls of applying Metabolomics… › more
new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution › more
Global biodiversity and ecosystem services modelling community promotes integration of Shared Socio-Economic Pathways › more
Important milestone in highly competitive application process › more
iDiv hosted a workshop that aimed at providing scientific evidence for promoting the EU restoration agenda. › more
This year’s iDiv Annual Conference brought together iDiv scientists from 19 to 20 September in “Leipziger Kubus”. › more
iDiv members met for the annual General Assembly at the UFZ-Kubus in Leipzig on Tuesday. › more
Dr Saori Fujii (VU Amsterdam) will visit iDiv on 10 October 2017. › more
From 3-15 September, the 3rd iDiv Summer School 2017 on “Synthesising and modelling biodiversity data” took place. › more
Adam McCarthy is an undergraduate student from Manchester University studying Cell Biology. He is doing a 9 month industrial placement at iDiv in the Molecular Interaction Ecology department. He is… › more
Interview with iDiv scientist Aurora Torres › more
Plant-eating animals switch negative biodiversity effect to positive › more
Nicola Gorringe is currently studying for her Bachelor’s degree at Cardiff University and is undertaking a traineeship in her third year at iDiv in the Molecular Interaction Ecology research group,… › more
paper of iDiv summer school published › more
Scientists from Göttingen University investigate effects of land conversion in South-East Asia › more
press release of IPK Gatersleben › more
press release from the University of Amsterdam › more
Only a small proportion of plant species relevant to ecological restoration are available as seeds, a new study found. › more
Researchers illuminate the epidemiology of a cryptic pathogen › more
Scientists propose a new method for improving the assessment of changes in biodiversity › more
press release by the Senckenberg Society › more
A new mathematical model shows why the largest animals are not always the fastest. › more
In meadows with high plant species richness, nematode communities cope better with warming. › more
A team of researchers has published the first-ever wild emmer wheat genome sequence. › more
Collaborative Research Centre of the University of Jena: AquaDiva funded for further four years with over 9.5 million euros from German Research Foundation › more
Exploring different aspects of biodiversity › more
The working group of the International Synthesis Consortium (ISC) just published their second paper on Synthesis Centers as Critical Research Infrastructure in BioScience! You can find the paper… › more
This text is available only in German. › more
Global hotspots for non-native animal and plant species have been identified for the first time › more
The research centre was one of two priorities during his visit to the Leipzig University › more
FlorSoz2017 is organised by Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz › more
Our PhD student Galini Papadopoulou received a grand by Friedrich Schiller University of Jena for participation at the “VII International Symposium on Brassicas” in Pontevedra, Spain. › more
The sDiv working group sFIND who met in Leipzig in 2015, just got their paper accepted to be published in OIKOS! Keith Farnsworth one of the group PIs gives a short insight here. Congratulations! › more
The iDiv Ecotron will provide insights into interactions among species. › more
Congratulations! The paper by sIMPACT working group entitled “Defining the Impact of Non-Native Species,” by Jonathan M. Jeschke, Sven Bacher, Tim M. Blackburn, Jaimie T. A. Dick, Franz Essl, Thomas… › more
Study by Senckenberg, iDiv, MLU, UFZ and others › more
Estimating how many animals of a certain species live in a remote region has become easier thanks to a new analytical method › more
After writing her Master thesis in molecular resistance genetics at the JKI Quedlinburg, Stefanie worked as a scientific assistant at the IPK Gatersleben in the group for plant reproductive biology… › more
Researchers found that chimpanzees associate more with partners of the same sex while bonobos of either sex associate preferentially with females › more
Scientists met on 27 April in Leipzig to discuss a broad range of topics from the field of “biodiversity economics”. › more
A new study in Nature reports the first high-quality reference genome sequence of barley. › more
At regional level, urbanisation is increasing the number of plant species, but it is also associated with a loss of evolutionary diversity › more
A research article by Tomonori Tsunoda, Sebastian Krosse, and Nicole M. van Dam entitled “Root and shoot glucosinolate allocation patterns follow optimal defence allocation theory” is now published… › more
Bob Raijmakers is a MSc student in Biology at the Radboud University Nijmegen. The focus of his master is on plant-herbivore interactions. › more
The plant volatile compound bergamotene is alluring, but also lethal for Manduca sexta months, a new study finds. › more
An experiment shows how rising temperatures change interactions between species. › more
A new coalition of five organisations including iDiv aims at promoting biodiversity restoration at a European level through the application of rewilding principles. › more
Household income and knowledge about health risks drive the consumption of wild animal meat in West Africa. Study by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology › more
A Straightforward Method for Glucosinolate Extraction and Analysis with High-pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) › more
sDiv Postdoc Katharina Gerstner along with collaborators from the sDiv working groups LU-BD-ES and Restoration Synthesis published a commentary in Methods in Ecology and Evolution about how to make… › more
In a commentary in Nature Ecology and Evolution, scientists from iDiv and Leipzig University call for initiatives to fill knowledge gaps › more
yDiv together with the iDiv Research Group Molecular Interaction Ecology were visited by Dr. Tjeerd Snoeren on the 21st of March. Tjeerd is the Entomology Lead at Limagrain, which is a cooperative… › more
to further develop the content of chapter 2 › more
The article by Katharina Grosser and Nicole M. van Dam entitled “A Straightforward Method for Glucosinolate Extraction and Analysis with High-pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)” is now published… › more
Im Rahmen seiner Facharbeit im Fach Chemie führte der Schüler Måns Kling (16) aus Dresden einige Experimente am iDiv durch. › more
findings appear in BMC Genomics › more
A new framework, presented in "Ecology" › more
New research shows that rate of alien species introduction is higher than ever before / press release of Senckenberg › more
results of sDiv workshop „Restoration synthesis“ published / press release of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) › more
Nicole van Dam and six of her group members participate in this year's Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Plant-Herbivore Interactions. › more
The protection status of several species should therefore be reconsidered, researchers from iDiv and MLU say. › more
The working group Acacia invasions from the joint project of SESYNC-UFZ-sDiv found a weak signal of interdisciplinarity in invasion science. They call for more integration of social sciences in this… › more
This text is only available in German. › more
When plants are eaten by herbivores, they emit odours to attract the natural enemies of their enemies. These odours vary according to the characteristics of the herbivore species, a new study shows. › more
A Czech-German team of researchers publishes findings suggesting that the transfer of nuclear genes from one vascular plant species to another without sexual fertilisation is not a rare event. › more
Researchers report that in old forests with high species richness the effect of climate variability on photosynthetic capacity is dampened. › more
Press release of UFZ about the "Ecological Focus Areas" introduced under the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) greening rules › more
Professor Nicole van Dam’s application ‘It takes three to tango. Tripartite interactions between cabbage root flies, their gut microbiome and host plant defence compounds’ was granted by ChemBioSys. › more
How do I become a better supervisor for PhDs? A subject Dr. Katharina Grosser is aware of during her daily work as a Co-supervisor for our PhD students. In various courses on this subject, she noted… › more
press release of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) › more
Low-abundance bacterial and fungal species can have disproportionate effects, a new review concludes. › more
When plant species disappear due to climate change, this may lead to the subsequent loss of various animal species. › more