01.07.2014 | yDiv

yDiv Doctoral Researcher creates winning poster

[Translate to deutsch:] Rohit Kolora with his winning poster (Photo: Manjusha Chintalapati)

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Diesen Text gibt es nur auf Englisch.The Next Generation Sequencing Conference (NGS) took place in Barcelona in June. yDiv Doctoral Researcher Sree Rohit Kolora participated in a poster competition and won with it's hand-drawn poster the "Prize for Creativity and Originality". In a short interview he explains what's it all about:
You created (with the help of your fiancée) a poster that won the “Prize for Creativity and Originality” at the NGS 2014. What it shows? The poster is about the comparison of the reference genome of Anolis carolinensis with our NGS data of Lacerta viridis. My main project deals with the comparison of genomes of Lacerta viridis and Lacerta bilineata which have not been sequenced yet. In the poster we analysed the NGS data of Lacerta viridis and compared the denovo assembly contigs of it at the level of coding sequences with that of another lizard Anolis carolinensis (divergence time of 70 Million years) which has been sequenced and annotated. Through this we tried to see the patterns of purifying and positive selection between these two groups. What did you discuss with the other scientists at the NGS? The discussions with the other scientists were mainly regarding the sequencing procedures they had used before and the best ones which are available in the market and the more awaited ones. We also talked regarding ways to make the genome assemblies better with the existing methods. Apart from this, I learnt about the ongoing population studies of other non-model organisms. Did you find new links to your work as doctoral researcher at yDiv? Yes, the conference was very helpful to find new links to our work, both at an experimental and theoretical level. Infact, our group has been discussing about the alternative strategies we got to know at the conference, that can be used further down in the project. For more information about Rohit and his research projects please see here. More about the conference here.
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